
Hey Sup Forums

Any ideas for an awesome project in golang? Probably something involving networking, so that I fully utillize Go's power.

Other urls found in this thread:


I've seen a SSH chat server made with go. Any other cool ideas like that?

Is Rust better than Go in some aspects?

actual fucking proof that no one in Sup Forums knows actual programming

one more android vs ios thread then...

I was considering Go for an encryption software I'm making, there're some nice features I can use with Go:

>hurr durr nobody spoonfeeds me ideas
>that means nobody knows how to write software

iOS is vastly superior.

what the fuck are you on abou retard? whip out your portfolio then m8

spoon-feed (spo͞on′fēd′)
tr.v. spoon-fed (-fĕd′), spoon-feed·ing, spoon-feeds
1. To feed (another) with a spoon.
2. To treat (another) in a way that discourages independent thought or action, as by overindulgence.
a. To provide (another) with knowledge or information in an oversimplified way.
b. To provide (knowledge or information) in an oversimplified way.

retarded (rJˈtɑːdJd)
adjective dated offensive
1. less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
"the child is badly retarded"

2. informal offensive
very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

bittorrent client,
irc client,
Sup Forums client

He's not wrong. When it comes to anything remotely technical you get nothing or troll replies. And yet there's about a dozen active iPhone threads. This board is truly filled with adolescent retards.

source X rasbperry pi's and X identical, but used LCD monitors (search for "cheap LCD monitor lot") I found a lot of 50 for < 400 bux. You can do this with many fewer monitors than 50 and have it still be cool.

build a cluster out of the raspberry pi's, each one driving a screen on a screen wall and make a massive, distributed version of Conway's game of life where one pixel equals one cell

hey, user
I'll soon start a simple task manager in Go, just to get used to the language.
Maybe I'll add some more features when I'm done with it.
I guess you could try this too

>so that I fully utillize Go's power.
You mean, like games with not too many particle effects?
How about you rewrite a dos game in it, like Hopy One or CDogs SDL?

>so that I fully utillize Go's power.
Just another web ebb.

Write a good text editor that isn't for the command line (there is already Micro) and isn't based on web components or scintilla.

Rust has generics and memory-safety without a garbage collector.

Go also has multithreading baked into the language as primitives, instead of being part of libraries as in Rust.

Of course this makes Rust harder to pick up, so depending on what you want to write, on language may be better than the other.

OP I'm learning Go too, right now I'm building a web app but I'd like to build something more challenging and work with someone else through some git repo (I prefer gitlab over github).

If anyone wants to try to collaborate on something hit me up:

[email protected]

I prefer no PC cucks though.

New iphone announcement explains the threads. It doesn't excuse their ultra-low quality, though.

If you want real tech discussion stay away from Sup Forums

And stay away from Hacker News too, they're literally paid microsoft shills.

>If you want real tech discussion stay away from Sup Forums
This, last time I checked /diy/ was better but not sure if that prevailed.

Hacker news is a lot more technical. This board is full of neets who care solely about muh leet pc build or some shitty smart phone. The odd time you'll come across someone who knows what they're saying but for the most part its pretty sad.

They aren't more technical. They're literally shills and frauds.

There is one guy who goes on there and claims to have written a python implementation with faster concurrency than go that only works on windows. But guess what? He won't release the source. This guy is a mod and bans people for calling him out.

The people on hacker news are pseudo intellectuals and paid shills.

HN can be extremely pretentious but it also does produce some technical discussion and it's not the same shit every day. If you ignore the javascript parts it's not bad.

I don't go on /diy/ at all but it at least seems original

Less SJWs.

Javascript is literally the worst programming language.

Pull requests by women should be allowed by default no matter what

top kek

It goes

HN > Reddit/programming > Sup Forums/g/

but HN is shit and full of pseudo intellectuals who argue with eachother about the same shit over and over without producing any conversation with any substance. It's essentially a high class version of Sup Forums

I wish there was a forum where people genuinely talked about technology and the merits of different implementations in a concrete and empirical way, instead of endlessly arguing

>Technology X sucks
>Use the right tool for the job
>It's bad because of this reason
>I never had that problem, you must not be using it right

Or on HN you'll get someone mentioning basic income in every other thread. Fucking hell

some web tool. that's what Go is greatest at. if I had time I'd make something like transfer.sh with built-in clamav support.

/r/programming is mostly shills too.

/r/Linux is okay but even it has shills.

Whenever i find a new language, i try writing a program that logs into a webiste and downloads a pdf. On java it was a pain to write, and i had to use external libraries. I'm trying qt right now and it's really fun. It's just a few get requests so it's easy even for a noob like me.

Anyway, Sup Forums, what should i use next, haskell, rust or go?
I want to learn something useful.
Do they even have good (mature) qt or gtk bindings? Can i hope to make multiplatform programs that actually work?

the only good subreddit is /r/programmingcirclejerk

webapp where codemonkeys can bid on ideas

>being an iCuck
Kill you'reself