We need an Sup Forums iceberg.
Here's the template. I edited it specially for you user.
Sup Forums iceberg
Other urls found in this thread:
if you can edit it why don't you add some things
Put Gentoo, LFS, *BSD on the bottom and we're pretty much done.
What is the second last picture meant to be? I never understood.
Put vidya games, GPU threads, OS wars on the top
Shilling somewhere in the middle
>not using TempleOS
GNU/rms should be a couple notches higher up, at the bottom of the iceberg.
Then John McCarthy with a Lisp Machine
And at the bottom our good old Terry
Doesn't TempleOS lack networking?
CIA niggers will track you.
so? networking is from the devil
It gives you a network straight to God. What more do you need?
>I hope to hand some control to a committee or something. God did not ban networking, but I insist on the 100,000 line limit. We could probably have FTP and TELNET. I don't want a full browser and all that. It's hard to explain, but it's kind-of designed to be small. Multimedia would fragment memory with big files. I really don't want it a complete operating system. I really want it to be a secondary OS, for the next thousand years, that lives peacefully dual booting on machines, along side your primary OS. 640x480 16 color is definitely a rule from God. Therefore, you want another OS for normal stuff.
So you want to talk with Allah?
anyone got the one with the levels of posters?
>God did not ban networking, but I insist on the 100,000 line limit
Who is the greatest programmer of all time and why is it Terry?
put seven along with 8 and 10
You forgot Windows 98 third edition
>Mint below Ubuntu
wrong way around
You need some of those obscure Communist OS's on there as well. Like Red Star OS and Nova.
>not including Hurd
Change the font and make it smaller
hurd = experimental oses
Why isn't terry at the bottom?
Post the original template with the mutant dolphin or GTFO.
its a beluga btw
just use pic related from the wiki to fill the chart, adding anything missing such as templeOS. also the wiki could use some updates.
pls mr ant
wow I'm sleepy, sorry about that friend
>prefer a package manager
Where does this meme even come from? Slackware comes with a package manager and has for a long, long time.
why I said the wiki needs to be updated
slackpkg is older than the wiki tho kek
>not including plan9
puppy is just for people with really shitty pc's
replace windows with os x
Haha no.
wtf is this supposed to mean
also nice trips
It means you don't belong on Sup Forums
It means lurk more
What if I use Windows as my main, Debian as my home server, and Tails for privacy?
These images assume people only stick to 1 OS for everything.
then you are the one of those which is the most bottom
Hello there newfriend
Actually Mintard/Debianite and interested in descending into a BSD, but whatever helps you sleep at night
but os x is bsd
So it's getting progressively more useless from top to bottom?
I guess you are computer-illiterate and only knows about social networks and GPUs.
Study CS or at least learn optimization and fuck off
Exactly! That's the point of these. If you don't like shit, you're a noob :^)
OSX was forked from an early version of BSD, it's not "a BSD". Calling modern OSX a BSD is like pretending SuSe is SLS
but all *BSD are forks too
That's not relevant to the users of the stock OSX-using sheeple illustrated at the tip of the iceberg. Darwin would indeed fit in .*BSD or exerimental unices.
No seriously just fuck off and die.
>>Sup Forums
>java programming not surface
that's not a bait
you're just fucking stupid
yes it was bait. I posted it.
I am a CS Master graduate, working fulltime for some of the biggest enterprises in my country.
You people are just so easy to bait