Why does Sup Forums hate iOS?

Why does Sup Forums hate iOS?

>No lag
>Great hardware
>Aesthetically pleasing
>Messaging app is literally the best
>Mail client is top notch and has so many useful features
>Battery life is fantastic, literally lasts me a day and a half with normal use
>Icons and theming are beautiful and consistent
>Updates come in regularly and devices are supported for years

Other urls found in this thread:


>can jailbreak and get everything customized
>even filemanager/external device mount

>Snapchat and Twitter are flat
>The other icons are gradients
>Consistent icons

>Why does Sup Forums hate iOS?
>Great hardware

Someone post the image and let's get it over with

Honestly, I hate iOS because it's stupid. Given a more open environment, it could easily be the best option out there. But Apple is stubborn and controlling and Siri is just dumb compared to its competition.

Android, on the other hand, is garbage software by comparison, but is far more intelligent. And that's what really matters right now.

>no lag

stopped here, Applel push update that make older devices lag as hell

Anyone using iOS 10? How is it?

> Outright false
> True but overpriced
> I'll concede this one
> Outright false
> Its as good as any other client
> Even better for similarly priced androids
> I'll concede this one too
> Same thing for good (read: not $30 bargain bin) Androids

>Paying for tweaks when android rooting is objectively better
>Available by default on android

They're alright. I'd get one if they were cheaper, I guess.

See pic related. You only realize how serious these problems are until you actually get an iPhone. I deeply regret ever buying a 6S.

It's smooth but it's fucking slow, the whole navigation around it is slow, almost like gestures and UI were designed to slow you down. Retarded restrictions like 100mb limit for downloads on cellular networks, apps in general are fucking useless due to Apple's policies. I don't care enough to go on. If you ever tried using a phone with a pure AOSP-based custom ROM you would never say such bullshit.

I wonder who could be behind this post

>Battery life is fantastic, literally lasts me a day and a half with normal use

>paying for tweaks

most aren't paid and you can pirate them too; not all apple features are available on android

If iOS weren't controlled it'd wind up being broken laggy garbage like Android

>see pic related XDDD

All those points are false

Controlled is totally fine with me. Even preferable. But closed is not. Apple is known for offering APIs for extending the functionality of iOS. They simply choose to not offer APIs for specific things.

>No lag
>Great hardware
>Aesthetically pleasing
>Messaging app is literally the best
>Mail client is top notch and has so many useful features
>Battery life is fantastic, literally lasts me a day and a half with normal use
>Icons and theming are beautiful and consistent
>Updates come in regularly and devices are supported for years


>Battery life is fantastic

Okay then go ahead and disprove them. While you're at it disprove the retarded 100MB download over mobile data limit in iOS.

So paying $100 more than you would a flagship Android is overpriced? Come on now kiddo

>Can't torrent on them
Name the last time you torrented something on your phone

>Shit res screen
Means a much better display

>Shit camera
It's literally one of the best cameras you can get on a phone lmao

>Shit battery life
Nice lie :)

>Shit mobile OS
Enjoy Lagdroid coded by Pajeet

>Not native file browser
Why would I want that?

>Can't use phone as a flash drive
Again, when's the last time you did this?

>Have to use lagtunes
You mean the best music player out there?

>Can't share files over wifi

>No back button
Swiping left and right is hard

>Shit multi-tasking

>Less apps
The apps are better optimized, enjoy your shitty apps
>m-muh themeing

Really nice screenshot.

For people who care about design, consistency and reliability at the cost of customization, "openness" and the ability to root your device... there's nothing else. Every Android distro I've seen has utterly butt aesthetics.

If you're the sort of person who browses Sup Forums, no shit is Android the OS and platform for you. For normies? iOS makes so much more sense. Looking at Apple's explosive growth and supreme profitability, it would seem they're doing SOMETHING right. All of this demagoguery and kneejerk snarky edgy shit being said in literally every Apple-related thread is sort of missing the point... if you want to make money, to make products people actually want, maybe you could learn a thing or two from Apple. Despite all the logical reasons that Android is superior or whatever the point may be, Apple is just CRUSHING every other manufacturer in profitability.

I have many times in previous threads but retards keep reposting it so there's no point

Also, there is no nice flagship Android at the 4" size. iPhone SE is IT if you want a small phone that doesn't suck ass. Bias disclaimer: I have an iPhone SE. I went iPhone OG -> iPhone 4 -> iPhone 6 -> SE.

My Droid Turbo 2 literally lasts me five or six days per battery charge. Let me know when iOS can do that and I'll consider switching.

>Droid Turbo 2
LOL are you serious

This is clearly to protect braindead consumers from themselves. When people have tiny data plans or data plans with overage fees, this limit makes perfect sense. If you're Apple, you don't want thousands of complaints coming in that they blew through their data plan when their kid downloaded a bunch of huge games that gobbled up all their data. Can you all not see the rationale behind Apple's decisions?

The only downside to the device is that it's locked to Verizon.


Top goy

I use both android and iOS... and both suck, but since you asked:

>>No lag
Yeah, that depends. Not that android is any better.
>>Great hardware
I'll admit my iPhones have lasted longer than my android phones. They also cost 2-3x as much.
>>Aesthetically pleasing
Exterior? Yes. UI? Not really, IMO, but I guess that's subjective.
>>Messaging app is literally the best
I rarely use that.
>>Mail client is top notch and has so many useful features
No. Currently use inbox on both OSs.
>>Battery life is fantastic, literally lasts me a day and a half with normal use
That's terrible, and one of the worst aspects of iPhones.
>>Icons and theming are beautiful and consistent
Consistent, yes, beatiful, hell no (ugly fucking huge icons).
>>Updates come in regularly and devices are supported for years

Also: no swping keyboard? What year is it, Apple?

and the mail app gradient looks like it doesnt belong there

Name one API that is available on android but isn't on iOS.

File manager.


In 2016 90% of the world has cheap unlimited high speed data plans. You can't justify that BS anymore.


Again, name ONE API that is available on android but isn't on iOS.

So you're a sour grape? Got it.

Android looks better since 5.0


>no lag
Until apple wants you to buy a new phone.

Have you seen most people's desktops? They're fucking littered with icons. Most normal people do not understand the concept of a hierarchical file manager. Apple has gone with doing away with the nerdy file manager in favor of "buckets" in the form of apps and shareable sheets like the Camera Roll. Where are my photos? Not in ~/Pictures/, they're in the Photos app. Duh. You guys need to take off your technical superiority goggles off and realize that to normal people, this stuff is dense, opaque, and often totally inexplicable. Apple is the largest market cap tech company in the world because they can get inside the heads of normal people and give them something that works without frustrating the hell out of them. As the iOS gets more and more feature creep, their job becomes ever harder. It's really interesting to watch this iterative process progress. Who cares if you buy or use an iPhone? Just observing Apple at work should be super interesting to anyone who's into tech. Food for thought.


Come on buddy, give me one API. Please. Just one.

Quick settings API.

>no file manager
>even with root it's limited to browsing folder and viewing some documents
>no ubiquitous sharing/viewing/editing feature to whichever app can handle a particular file format.
I know iPhones are pretty and iOS is nice and shiny but this is literally the absolute minimum to go from dumbphone to smartphone.
Pretty sure even some pre-android flip phones had a more advanced filesystem than iOS.

>Quick settings API
Available on iOS 10 through the notifications menu. This is getting pathetic user.

As someone who does app development through Cordova:

TextEncoder API (WTF Apple? this is essential)
Web Animations API
Web File API (only parts of it)
Selection API

and probably a lot more.


>notifications menu
Wow it's fucking nothing then.
Custom Pointer API

Are you implying ICS didn't?


You pay for quality

>no mSD slot

Who cares?

>shit res screen


>shit camera


>shit battery life


>shit mobile OS


>no native file browser

Who cares?

>can't use phone as a flash drive

Who cares? It's a phone

>have to use lagtunes to access one

I'll give you that

>can't share files other than photos/videos over wifi

Who cares?

>can't share jack shit over bluetooth

You can live without this "used once a year" feature I am sure

>no back button

Good. Swiping is better

>shit multi-tasking

Who cares? It's a phone, silly

>less apps

Better quality and more current/secure etc.

>encryption is full of backdoors


Android is ok when you're poor and immature using it for: ricing for fun, sharing files like a good criminal and generally acting like a cYboR haCK3r with your redundant file browser and cli on a phone. Once you graduate to grown-up, non-neet status you get a comfy iPhone.

>Why does Sup Forums hate iOS?
we don't hate the OS, we hate it's users, you for making this thread specifically
>No lag
le lag meme
>Great hardware
see, iOS users think hardware is an OS feature, that's why we hate them
>Aesthetically pleasing
my aestethic pleasure is not your aesthetic pleasure and i don't like faggy design
>Messaging app is literally the best
>Mail client is top notch and has so many useful features
also no
>Battery life is fantastic, literally lasts me a day and a half with normal use
there are so many reactions to this already that i can only smirk
>Icons and theming are beautiful and consistent
themeing is consistent, icons are shit
>Updates come in regularly and devices are supported for years
if by supported you mean turned into a laggy piece of shit so that you'll be forced to give apple some money in order to buy a newer generation that is not as laggy

You should be ashamed of yourself

Nearly an hour late ipanjeet. Only 1 rupee has been deposited into your apple positivity account.

Kek, vid related why apple is shit

in my opinion iphones are to smartphones what gaming consoles are to pcs

>gets BTFO
>u r pajeet

Lol get rekt


>paying to pirate

Holy fucking shit

I fucking love my SE but god damn I shouldve gotten more storage. I ran out in the first 2 days.

>no native file browser
>can't use phone as a flash drive
>can't share files other than photos/videos over wifi
>shit multi-tasking
>Who cares? It's a phone
Anyone who wants to actually take advantage of the computer they have in their pocket. You probably don't give a fuck because you use your phone to call, and listen to arctic monkeys. kys

>This is clearly to protect braindead consumers from themselves.
I'm not a braindead child. Let me do with my phone what I want. Fuck off, you condescending shitter.

fuck off pissphone

>useless without jailbreak
>shit battery
>lags like FUCKING shit with jailbreak
>overpriced normie toy
>doesn't support jackshit

>amazing battery life
>day and a half
You fucking serious? My phones battery lasts 3 days with normal use easily

>can't watch HD youtube on LTE
>can't stream lossless audio on LTE
>can't download files over 100MB on LTE
>can't even update the OS unless you have a WiFi setup

>>lags like FUCKING shit with jailbreak
A ton of people don't realize this. Not only that but it leaves a giant gaping asshole of a vulnerability on your iPhone that russian and Chinese hackers are eager to stick their dick into and steal all of your bank and personal info.

>hurr durr i dont want that! i dont need that! who cares waaaah waaahh

The first 2 things are what made me return my iPhone. Not sure how my sister and mom deal with all of this bullshit. I guess they think a logo is more important than usability.

>Anyone who wants to actually take advantage of the computer they have in their pocket.

>watchout, i'm a cYboR haCK3r

>shit res screen


How is it not a shit res screen? It's literally 2010 levels of screen resolution


You know homosexuality is a sin right? I know we like to joke around Sup Forums but homosexuals are going to burn in hell forever for their degeneracy.

Also he doesn't give a fuck about your privacy. He handed KAT over to the feds.

>Also he doesn't give a fuck about your privacy. He handed KAT over to the feds.





>>Messaging app is literally the best

>Literally can't message 85% of all smartphone users over data
>literally the best

enough lies

Then go ahead and tell me to message an Android or Windows Phone without sending a SMS.

What's App, Kik, Skype, FB Messenger... like really? Why wouldn't you send SMSs?

>Aesthetically pleasing

This has to be the biggest lie on this post.

>What's App, Kik, Skype, FB Messenger... like really? Why wouldn't you send SMSs?

And those are a point to get an iPhone over any other phone, because...?!

Last time I checked OP was counting messaging as a point for iOS

>Aesthetically pleasing
>This has to be the biggest lie on this post.

Agreed. iOS is one color gradient away from Winders 10 in pleasantness (i.e. it's fucking eye-cancer).

If it was iOS 6 I could have agreed.

Well in terms of group features its one of the best and funnest to use... unfortunately all of those additional features only work between iDevices which Im guessing was your point? yet android has no decent equivalent, even between android devices.

I don't hate iOS, but unlike OS X (which I'm very pleased with), I have several issues with my iPhone and iOS in general. For one, the battery life is horrible compared to my previous phone, Xperia Z3 compact. I also miss several core features, such as adjusting the snooze time on alarms, selecting which WiFi channel I'm creating a hotspot on, seeing a list of connected WiFi clients, dismissing an incoming call without having to send an SMS/iMessage etc.

Android 5.0.0 here
Still better than iOS 10

I hate Android and iOS. Google can go fuck themselves. Apple can go smugly fuck themselves too.

Because all the popular kids have iPhones.

I like you

Please give a reason firstly secondly how about you explain to my why the earlier IPhones root password was leaked before the iPhone 4 came out.

IPhone is making battery banks shut now the only reason I need to charge my phone is while I'm listening to music and that makes it to where I can't charge my phone and listen to music at the same time.

I don't hate iOS, I merely think it's optimized for people who:
a) don't care about tech
b) are stupid as fuck
c) have any other serious disability

Firefox OS ftw

I've got the Droid Turbo and I fucking love it. Upgrading to 2 eventually

Well i agree with you on most points, when do you use this or when was the last time you used this is not a valid defence for absence of a capability. I use that functionality rarely on my GS7 and would imagine many do not, but again, poor defence.


If you can't understand a hierarchical file manager you shouldn't be using a computer. Yes, a smartphone is a computer. It's literally just folders, how dense can the general public be?

my iphone 4 is incredibly laggy

To me, iOS is better than Android because you aren't submitting to the google botnet.

>Literally Malware
>Can only get the next version by buying new hardware