What do you think of this shit by Apple

How to spot a retard -2017.Jpg

unusable due to shitty battery life?

why are you americunts and you companies so obsessed with niggers
they are done for, niggers have grown like half a % since they were imported there as slaves

they aren't growing as a population at all, half of them are in jail the other half on drugs. Why are you so fucking obsessed with them??

You would think that (((companies))) would start courting spics because they are overflowing in your country and by 2050 they are projected to be like 40% of your population. So why aren't (((companies))) putting beaners in their ads of having interracial relationships on TV with beanmale and a white female?

Really makes you think, doens't it? It's like jews have some obsession with niggers when they can fuck up america a lot better and quicker with spics.

New Google Glass?

Is Apple racist? Why does it's brand color have to be 'white'?

That black man is being oppresed by having to wear those white earphones.

Niggers love Apple like they love Beats and Nike

gotta pay service to your fans


They need to release $200 "racially-sensitive" AirPods.


Niggers all buy Beats, iPhones, and Jordans (made Nike).

This shit is so stupid
>can fall off the ear and get lost
>easily stolen while being
>easily lost
>no practical advantage
Do they really think being edgy will boost sales?

They literally look like fucking electric toothbrush heads.

Literally why apple, WHY?!

Nice white trash look with those lip piercings

Complaining about niggers being shit so you post an image of a mentally sick person who couldn't make it as a man so he decided he was going to be a drag queen to collect money from other mentally sick men.

Nice ear tampons.

>man walking on street listening to music
>grab earphones and run
>sell on ebay for 50$


with your nazi lying propaganda.

Why are you people so retarded

Theyre using nogs to contrast against the white headphones, putting full emphasis on them in the picture.

" We really want dumb niggers to realize that their cheap android phone just doesn't impress white women " -- Apple marketing

This. The Alt-right gets so upset over the littlest shit. They're basically SJWs, except they're anti minority instead if anti white.

Lol have a load of this faggot.

>This. The Alt-left gets so upset over the littlest shit. They're basically SJWs, except they're pro minority instead if pro white.

I was gonna say they look like tampons

user was faster

sooo you're an apple fanboy AND a nigger?

Yup, makes it so easy.

Its fucking hilarious seeing all these tech sites trying to spin this as a positive design so they don't lose access to review units.

I refuse to believe anyone doesn't think this is fucking retarded.

> company founded and ran by white males delivers high-profile keynote
> all presenters are females, asians or black
> models in promotional material are all black, or female, or asian or some combination of these
> only two white males are shown and they're heavily implied to be a gay couple

you don't find this strange in any way? you don't have to look for the elephant in the room anymore, it's plain as day.

Shut the fuck you humongous faggot.

I wouldn't give a shit if it was all native americans or all white people. Why does this shit matter?

I've been using a BT headset for years now - but they have 50 hours of playback, but I'd assume based on my usage if you take em off after your 4 hours of usage in the day, rest em in the case for 2 hours, and then the next 4 hours you'd pretty much have a full day's usage out of them.

which still by all means imo is a shitty battery life.