Why are eastern europeans such good programmers?
Worked with bunch of Russians, Croatians and Czechs and they all get payed Pajeet salary but actually know stuff
Why are eastern europeans such good programmers?
They still use PCs, richer Western nations consume, they still create.
Because in 5th grade I had logo, 6th grade pascal, then spend most of my time learning cpp.
What do fags these days do? Go to fucking coding bootcamp to "learn" c#
are u a slav?
They may live in some industrial shithole but they're the descendants of the soviet empire and still have the genes of it's great thinkers.
>Czechs, Croatians
>eastern europeans
Ok, that's a bait thread.
I have slavic blood in me, yes
Slavs seem more naturally better at maths and logic. Just remember how it was celebrated when that Russian guy was finally beaten in chess by Fischer. I mean, most great chess players came from Soviet Russia at the time and a lot of mathematical problems were solved by Slavs.
>Worked with bunch of Russians, Croatians and Czechs and they all get payed Pajeet salary but actually know stuff
I've worked with russians in my old job, I currently have a russian in my group in my current job.
They suck at English
They suck even more at programming
They lie to the boss
They lie to their colleagues
They never meet any deadlines
Fuck russians, fuck slavs.
well I am from slovakia
Think of it as confirmation bias, you only see the really good ones that know that they are good and know they can make out abroad so they go abroad.
Shit ones are less likely to go
Theres also the huge PC gaming community. Gaming on console is extremely rare, though its on a rise for little retard kids now, its still incomparable with the west. A family would invest in to PC cause its universal tool for everyone, while console is a fucking toy
Now imagine, poor nations, lots of shit tier hardware, and lots of kids growing up, playing counterstrike and whatnot... these people also need to be little more savvy because of wide spread pirating, no one is paying for their shit, but everyone needs some basic understanding to get games going... how many more start with coding when PC is the platform and not xbox or playstantion?
Theres shitload of retards with a degree around here too, whos code is barely passable... like me, but somehow eastern guys in international competitions beat western...
Oh, I forgot. They're also rude and racist as fuck. And I don't mean racist as in hating niggers, I mean racist as in being a white nigger and thinking that western europeans are naive and always trying to exploit other people and the system for being based on mutual trust.
>racist as in being a white nigger
What does that even mean?
This is the most American post I've read in a while.
It's the "Slavs aren't white" meme.
He sounds more like butthurt britcuck
I'm Norwegian. In my old job we worked together with a russian dev team that handled most of the front end.
In my current job there's a russian that is barely avoiding to get fired every month because he always pretends to have taken part in other people's work at meetings and stuff.
>What does that even mean?
They look down on other non-russian, they think that we are weak because we have a trust-based society and that we deserve to get exploited.
Much in the same way black people feel that they are entitled to restitution because they claim that their great great great great great great grandmother was a slave even though they are a second generation immigrant.
But those are two completely different mindsets.
What's different about black people lying in order to collect welfare and benefits and russians lying in order to collect welfare and benefits?
The literally only thing different is skin color you fucking racist.
Well you know how if you are drunk you write better code? Yeah.
They seem to know what they're doing then, it's actually a sign of intelligence to get what you want with minimal effort :^)
Found the butthurt slav
>They seem to know what they're doing then
Well, except lying to get paid sick leave (80% of the salary) and avoiding getting sacked for 6 months (in Norway you can't fire anyone if their on sick leave) isn't exactly a sign of intelligence, when you could do your job and get a raise and, you know, not getting fired when you're back from sick leave.
Which doctor wrote him sick leave for six months?
Some Polish doctor, and according to EU regulations about foreign workers that apparently is valid... It's fucking stupid.
Its not that, everybody is exploiting norwegians because you are just a bunch of cucks waiting to be exploited.
White. Male.
I'm not saying I agree, I'm just saying I understand how someone would want to get money with minimal effort. It's in our nature to try to get rewarded the most efficient way (for us). People are just selfish and don't think about the consequences in the long run. It's still a very huge generalisation to say all Russians are worthless niggers because some of them are lazy. That's like me saying all Americans are fat because some of them are obese.
I know a lot of polish
they sure know how to clean a toilet :3
kek more like Norgay
Breivik did nothing wrong
Yes in my town there is some polish doctors you can go and see to sign you off for cash
top kek
my friend was off for 7 weeks full pay (hes in a government job) with a "bad back
Free Anders
I'm pretty sure you have only your own laws and company to blame. Don't hire risky people on full contract, but time-limited instead.
Was the doctor even registered in you country?
kc tier
eastern europe seems so hit or miss in terms of intelligence
like there's middle ground whatsoever
>I'm not saying I agree, I'm just saying I understand how someone would want to get money with minimal effort. It's in our nature to try to get rewarded the most efficient way (for us)
I just don't get it? Why go through the effort of getting a job abroad and then just be a lazy dick, get some cash for 6 months and then sent on the first plane back home? Why not just do your job and get to stay and make more money?
>It's still a very huge generalisation to say all Russians are worthless niggers because some of them are lazy.
In my experience, this is true for all russians I've had any dealings with and considering how Russia is vastly corrupt and >50% living in extreme poverty, I would say that this generalisation is not so wrong.
>That's like me saying all Americans are fat because some of them are obese.
1/3 of all Americans are obese, user. A fucking third.
>own laws
EU laws
>Don't hire risky people on full contract, but time-limited instead.
He is on time-limited contract (1 year), but he'll get fired as soon as his sick leave ends.
>Was the doctor even registered in you country?
Yeah, this guy has a bad back too, despite it being a programming job.
because they're white
Indian's have an average iq of about 70.
Whites about 100.
Do the math.
Sorry, I meant yes for the registration question.
70+100 = 170?
I'm an Indian and I think we should join with whites for the benefit of us all.
Slavs are literally white niggers
They're barely preferable to gypsies
He doesn't want to be free. He was a failure as a free man. He just wants to play PS4 and have a three room cell all to himself.
because slav contries are all like a big ghetto
are you actually implying slavic people arent white
like i can get not liking them or whatever, but theyre without a doubt white
How do you even tell a difference between slavs and gypsies?
If slavs were white, then why did Hitler want to kill them, you faggot?
>poo in streets
>joining whites
We already have SHART IN MART in US, we dont need it in Europe.
If he's on time-limited contract it should expire regardless of his sick leave. Do you really have a law that prevent this?
If the doctor is registered, then it's most likely not EU law but your own country's. His contract was signed inside the country and under Norwegian law. It grants him all the benefits including the sick leaves. It might suck, but that's how it works.
I though he was only allowed ps2?
How many have you killed?
Are you by chance from Transylvania?
Slavs wear 10 year old track suits, have horrible haircuts, smoke heavily and squat. Gypsies wear rags, are brown from dirt and beg for money and poo in designated shitting streets (ironically, many people believe that they are originally indian too).
coz only the good ones actually go abroad, you cant get a visa if you are codemonkey
pajeet can code circles around your pasty ass you mayo eating shitstain
>implying that hitler were racist and not nazi
If brits were white, then why did hitler want to kill them?
If americans were white, then why did hitler want to kill them?
If french were white, then why did hitler want to kill them?
If there were white people outside of Germany, then why did hitler want to kill them?
Stay in Sup Forums retards.
plenty of jews are white, and hitler wanted to kill them too?
i would say your point is shit, but you actually don't even have one?
Not many, just a few.
>If he's on time-limited contract it should expire regardless of his sick leave. Do you really have a law that prevent this?
He's only been here for two months, he figured he would get fired before his contract ended and got a sick leave. The law prevents firing anyone currently on sick leave, so he will not get fired until he gets back.
That's why he is suing the state.
>jews are white
>slavs are white
>Sup Forums
You know how in the west there has been a relentless push to minimize everything white + male? Yeah, that hasn't happened to eastern europe (yet?). Your (tech) culture is being extinguished.
Brits, americans and french people were only killed in war. Remember how french civilians got rounded up and sent to concentration camps after France capitulated? Of course you don't, because it didn't fucking happen. Slavs and jews, however, were sent away to the ovens so that Germans living in Poland and the remains of old Prussia could have some fucking lebensraum.
>i know my hollywood history
oh user.
t. butthurt slavshit
>jews are white
I do live in a slav shithole but knowing this always makes it easier
Except it was jews from slavic countries like poland and ukraine that were sent to camps
>The literally only thing different is skin color you fucking racist.
Except that's scientifically wrong, there's differences in muscle and skeletal structure, hormone levels, brain differences etc
Sorry, but I'm still puzzled how you could hire a guy who decided to fuck you over just 2 months into his contract. What about his reference, previous experience or anything?
I guess he's a young intern who decided he doesn't like to work for you, isn't he? If is was anybody else, your HR deserves a serious scolding.
Wait, are you arguing that current history is a conspiracy, not because jews weren't as poorly treated as it is claimed, but because you believe jews were treated even worse????
I'm not sure who's trolling who anymore.
>Jews aren't white
>Slavs aren't white
>how do genetics work
Nobody is 100% "white"
>but I'm still puzzled how you could hire a guy who decided to fuck you over just 2 months into his contract
They are norwegian company run by norwegians
>brain differences
Blacks may be faster and stronger and have bigger dicks, but the whole brain difference thing is a republicuck myth. Enjoy your outdated world view, bigot.
>Sorry, but I'm still puzzled how you could hire a guy who decided to fuck you over just 2 months into his contract. What about his reference, previous experience or anything?
He's was hired because he claimed to have expertise on artificial intelligence and had plenty of publications and previous experience to show for.
Also, as most Norwegians, we base every decision on trust because Norwegians don't generally tend to fuck each other over.
>I guess he's a young intern who decided he doesn't like to work for you, isn't he?
I think he had all intentions of doing a good job, it's just that the expectations were higher than he initially thought. In the beginning he was very curious about how every detail in the system worked and when another girl went on a (genuine) sick leave, he became very interested. I figure he just found out he could do an easy route instead and just become a lazy bastard.
>Nobody is 100% "white"
In a world where northern europeans doesn't exist, maybe.
>He's was hired because he claimed to have expertise on artificial intelligence and had plenty of publications and previous experience to show for.
Just a question, were these published in Russia?
Because I know it's a real problem that Russian academics have a tendency to publish in Russian-only journals and conferences, much like the Chinese too, in order for their universities to artificially inflate their academic ranking.
>muh skeletal structure
>muh phrenology
>Also, as most Norwegians, we base every decision on trust because Norwegians don't generally tend to fuck each other over.
When you're going to gay bar at least bring a lube.
I feel sorry for you, but shitty people are all around the world, not just Russia. It would be better to be more careful. And as said, many publications in academic sphere are often written just because people have to. They can be pretty worthless, especially when professors use their own pupils's papers and do nothing more than to co-sign them.
Well, he is hired for an academic position, so I don't see how we could NOT look at his academic credentials?
only northern europeans are slavs and uralics
germanics are cucks and come from the south
Underated post
>Norwegians should become cynical, sceptical and exploitative because niggers exist
Or they could just, you know, don't let niggers fuck up things that obviously work for them, considering how Scandinavian countries are continuously ranked as the best places to live in the world.
Not for very long. Remember Sweden world capital of rape. Norway not far behind.
because there are no frivolous distractions and very little money.
work hard to do well. use your intelligence. not like united states. just play possum and sue people
What's your point? I said people have to be careful exactly so they didn't let niggers fuck up things. You don't need to be naive to trust others. You just have to learn to recognize who can be trusted and who cannot.
I'm a slav, and we ain't white
I don't know a single person that identifies as whites, as part of the western world, western europe + USA
There's a clear difference. In fact to white supremacists, if they read their books, slavs should be on the same level as niggers and jews. In fact, white supremacists should like muslims and asians more than they like slavs
i love how the lip bars make her lick her chops constantly
fucking sexy traps
We dont identify because there is no need. I live in 99.99% white country, I dont think about race, skin color except when I am browsing Sup Forums.
Also implying that western europe, usa and western world are white
and im an attack helicopter
During the whole thread the Norwegian dude said "don't trust russians they're white niggers" and you tried to blame the victim and calling out it's their own fault and how they deserve it.
>I don't know a single person that identifies as whites, as part of the western world, western europe + USA
slavs hate the west for being weak and degenerate
slavs are racist as fuck
I don't know why cucked white people want to include them as white, they're not white.
>she just has an Adam's apple
>her voice is deep because she has an Adam's apple
Wait, Logan has her on his show and he hasn't even fucked her? What a fucking beta.
>implying there's anything wrong with being a Marxist
>slavs are white and europeans aren't
I'm tearing up over your obvious white envy.
An adaption is inevitable.
I hope it's bloody.
women have Adam's apple you virgin
this is how you know someone hasn't choked a bitch while fucking her
you can literally feel it on her neck