Silk Road Creator - Hero or Villain?

Ross Ulbricht, aka Dread Pirate Roberts, Silk Road Creator

Currently serving a life prison sentence for money laundering, computer hacking and conspiracy to traffic narcotics.

Hero or villain?

I recently watched this documentary and it brought up a lot of questions:

go away FBI or go talk to Keanu Reeves

All people facing the state are heroes.


He gambled and he lost. He's an incompetent entrepreneur .

It's funny that Keanu is narrating the movie. I wonder if he supports internet privacy.

fuck da fedz

not technology

His whole case is about technology.

Fuck off.



The way he wrote it sounded like it wasn't about the money, but maybe that was bullshit I dunno

He just wanted to be on the goodside when Sup Forums starts phase2 and shit hits the fan.

Mighty hero in my book


Didn't he, like, order some guy to get whacked or something?

Apparently that was bullshit the FBI made up just to get him indicted

He was never actually charged with that


>i heard it on the GoyBoxâ„¢


hi pol

>life prison sentence
What the fuck? I thought he maybe got like 10-20 years. I didn't think he did anything all that bad other than run a site that sold drugs

they probably dropped the hitmen charges in exchange for info on that old guy in Thailand
they never drop charges on a drug related case unless it's for info, they wanted to throw the book at him anyways

Fuck off you anti-tech shithead.

Hero ofc.
drug laws are just fucking retarded.

Yeah he's in there for life with no parole. Pretty fucked.

>mfw mexican cartel bosses get 25 years which the DOJ reduces in exchange for info and this poor deluded webdev monkey got life without parole without even touching a gun cause he got the book thrown at him

The feds baited him into ordering a hit on someone. He's never getting out of jail

none. soon-to-be-corpse would be more accurate.

he did good but was allegedly a paranoid dick who tried to pay to off people. i guess it would be up to the server owners to come forward and say yes or no and of course they never would.

>people who insist on having a say in what a different person, who they've never met, puts into their body
I don't get this meme.

It's the owners trying to keep their herd under control

Not him but, phase2?

reminder that muh free murrica has the highest incarceration rates in the world

The idea was to have a pretense for terrorizing counterculture leaders and communities, who were more likely to take drugs than the white, rich establishment.

Have you ever had to deal with someone trying to harm you whilst fucked off their head on meth?

That's fucked up. This case reminds me of Aaron Swartz. "Making an example" out of people should be illegal. What happened to everyone being equal under the law?

>people are property of other people
>people can't look after themselves and need to be flocked around
>people who care about what other people do

>see guy on meth
>avoid him like the plague and let him go about his business unless he's an immediate threat to you or others


you fell for the liberalism meme. in reality, people with power will always be "more equal than others"