Why is Mint getting so much hate in this board? it is the distro I use and I'm happy with it so far

why is Mint getting so much hate in this board? it is the distro I use and I'm happy with it so far

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because like most boards on Sup Forums, its full of autists, and they find a sense of superiority in using less popular distros.

wasn't mint the one that had their download server popped and their downloads backdoored?

Doesn't exactly inspire confidence

>has a fucking amazon tracker built into the DE's keyword bar

It was Ubuntu, and they removed it, dumbass.

Because it just werks


Because Win7fags will recommend Mint
Because other newbie Linux distros (Elementary, PCL, Zorin) will have to compete with Mint

It's a "distro" that's literally built on top of a "distro" that's built on top of an actual distro. Just skip the poorly maintained / spyware-ridden rebrands and use the real thing???

Good for you , I dislike it because it didn't agree with my hardware. I just prefer Debian/CentOS or Manjaro if I'm being lazy.

Use whatever get the shit done

Because normans rooo

Because Sup Forums hates distros that actually works.

Because it just works without spending 40 hours a week tweaking it. The neets here hate everything that just works.

They are awesome because of their efforts of a better Linux desktop, creation of many user friendly applications, bringing it to the average Joe.

On the other hand, their infrastructure and backend design had/has issues, resulting in them getting compromised:

it is accessible. Sup Forums hates it, if something is accessible, so that everyone with a minimum of smarts can use it.
Because if it is accessible for everyone, Sup Forums isn't the one with obscure insider knowledge anymore


I'm not even kidding

first answer, best answer

kek, all makes sense now

Maintainer is a moron when it comes to security

A while back there was something about it delaying security packages.

For me personally, it's just that I only care about XFCE and KDE and I can find those in Xubuntu or Kubuntu.

When Windows 10 came out I immediately left 7 and went to Mint. If I were to move again, where should I go? I'm considering Elementary.


I have been using it for around 3 weeks now on a laptop, it's some good shit.