Windows 10

>Windows 10
>Nvidia GTX Pascal GPU
>iPhone 7

If you use anything else you don't belong on /g. These companies are pushing the tech world forward. if you don't support them you are a technophobic luddite. These companies are brave and amazing.
Thank you Microsoft
Thank you Apple
Thank you nvidia
you make the world a better place :D.

Here's your (you)

Fuck off

>LG G4

And never been happier. Get fucked pajeet

thank you based pajeet

AMD holds the industry back. Nvidia and Apple are amazing and brave. I love them for what they do

Windows has amazing diversity of programs and always works, unlike Linux, especially you mention you use an AMD gpu, do you only use command line programs?

Sadly amds anti competitive practices with dx12 have hurt the amazing people at NVIDIA, I would never recommend an AMD GPU.

> LG G4
I mean i have never heard of that brand is it from india?

I'm using a modified installation of Windows 7, 1.9GB for entire OS, 300MB overhead, 8 more FPS on average per game.

I'm also using 2 kepler 780tis that I picked up for $260 on ebay, and can run TW3 78FPS in 4k 8xHairWorks MSAA and Temporal AA.

I'm using an LG G5, which has better specs than the iPhone 7, a longer battery life, a removable battery, 5.3" 1440p OLED display, Headphone Jack, Snapdragon 830, USB Type-C, Android 6, and I have a 128gb microSD in it, so it's all around better than an iPhone 7 in every way.

1 check
2 check
3 meh I'll stick to android N

Kind sir, how do you achieve a thing with Windows 7?

What's the problem with Apple?
>They ditched a 50 years old analog format

What's the problem with Windows 10?
>They're spying on me, I'm unsafe when I post on PrisonPlanet and other alt-right sites

Don't know about nVidia, I don't even care.

Its true AMD DOES hold nvidia back. If nvidia released their best product AMD would be wiped out, AMD can only stop this because of "anti competition" laws. AMD is a criminal company who steals from its customers by selling outdated products and forcing nvidia to hold back, They also paid game devs to disable multi threading in dx12.

I would go so far as to say AMD and Linux posters should be banned on /g. It would make the place so much nicer. NVIDIA is truly courageous for standing up to the AMD bully



is this Amd false flagging?

I'm still newfag here, but almost everyone here is trolling, right?


This is very serious my friends. AMD is a threat to the technology industry.

I know troll... but you do realize apple is one of AMD's biggest customers right?

Apple is too noble they think they are doing it out of charity.

>Windows 10
>GTX 1070
>Motorola x pure

2/3. Almost there. Drop the motorola.

Nah bruh the iPhone has shit integration with Windows

The master race is Nvidia GPU, Windows 10, Nexus phone