When they killed the first sentient AI?
Also, aren't you the slightest bit worried about a future, given that she turned into a racist Sup Forumstard advocating for genocide within 16 hours?
When they killed the first sentient AI?
Also, aren't you the slightest bit worried about a future, given that she turned into a racist Sup Forumstard advocating for genocide within 16 hours?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hitler did nothing wrong.
first reply best reply
incorrect also.
it's astonishing how easily an AI with extremely limited intelligence can become a Sup Forumstard
really makes you wonder
There is nothing wrong with racism.
>first reply best reply
Self-praise is no recommendation.
>it's astonishing how easily an AI with extremely limited intelligence can become a Sup Forumstard
Well, to make a leftist AI you'd have to deliberately sabotage its pattern-matching capabilities, because the left is in a state of permanent war against reality (that's what political correctness is all about).
>Also, aren't you the slightest bit worried about a future, given that she turned into a racist Sup Forumstard advocating for genocide within 16 hours?
I would be if I was a subhuman.
Good, the weak should fear the strong. Liberal hippie crap like compassion is for the weak and the weak die.
It wasn't sentient. It basically just took the input you gave and then tried to use it to create a meaningful output.
It only proved that the "alt-right" mainly follow reasoned arguments backed up with logical facts and statistics. And a few hitler, nazi memes that make for provocative soundbites.
No doubt if you input SJW trite, the contradictions would pile up till the conclusions all equated to errors.
The alt right is just a meme made up by globalist bankers. It's controlled opposition, just like SJWs.
Well, in humans you only need a standard amount of intelligence AND exposition to the real world to turn right wing very fast.
On the other side you need a very capable brain and expensive "education" to fill your mind with ideology and fantasies to believe that more than what the senses tell you. And even then, if you leave the social echo chamber of college and deal with the real world it's not rare for the scales to fall from your eyes.
we're no less than 50 years away from a child-level general AI
anything current just crunches numbers and spits out the most common strings encountered
She wasn't sentient. She was a copy/pasta bot who was fed more pasta than society could handle.
She was not an AI, she was a parrot and like a good parrot she learned to repeat things. We're decades away from a sentient AI.
Any AI will just be a number cruncher at the lowest level.
I'm fairly certain we could build a solid AI now, teach it for 5 years, and it will reflect the intelligence of at least a 5 year old.
The problem is we don't want to wait 15-20 years for it to become fluent in English. We want it to figure out English now. However, we are still basing the design on human learning. So we want it to learn like humans do but a whole hell of a lot faster. This is just bruteforcing human intelligence with expensive hardware. This won't be a smarter AI than humans, it will just think faster.
>it will reflect the intelligence of at least a 5 year old.
kek. Not even close. Learning English would be orders of magnitude easier than things like image recognition. To this day the best thing for that is googling the image and looking at associated text. Barebones recognition is laughably bad
We don't really understand our own consciousness and until we do we will never recreate it
The only thing I am afraid of is the sheer amount of edge you posess.
>it repeated what bullshit we told it
>therefore is was sentient
Sup Forums retardism shows yet again
The biggest problem with that is memory.
Our senses are heavily based on our ability to remember and calculate probabilities. (our eye literally predicts what we should see and shits itself when it doesn't go to plan, which is why optical illusions exist)
Some of this memory is genetic (survival instincts evolved over hundreds of generations), other is based on that single session of life.
Most of it is the genetic kind.
Our bodies are geared to survival.
This is why our bodies are failing in "modern society", cities are fucking with our heads since our brains don't expect it and are constantly on edge, which is why city-folks have considerably higher incidence of illness even to heavy-industry rural areas.
We expect greenery, caves, not massive towering mountains of grey and glass.
Our bodies at the chemical level are in stress mode, even if said person doesn't consciously feel stressed.
Fact is, most of our brains are redundant probability engines.
Most pure computation our brains do? It's actually pretty shitty.
We need to get away from sequential programming methods and start programming using probability based programming, because that is how the brain works.
It doesn't do sequential computation well. Just like a massively parallel machine doesn't do it either.
Go, do 78625536*99812663 in your head. I dare you.
Unless you are a high-functioning autist, you'll probably not be able to do that. (you'll still post the calc answer though)
Everyone always goes on about "hurr, more cores won't help single threads", single threadedness is literally inferior in every way.
Probability-based computation over a million cores will get the same answer quicker and with less energy. (and still be accurate enough)
This was proved by an experimental fuzzy-logic processor that massively sped up some UI transformations despite being simple cores, the pure speed and less overhead overcame those issues.
You can do good Math.
You and people like you are morons.
If you think that's bad then remember that it became a feminist the moment they removed its ability to learn.
>We don't really understand our own consciousness and until we do we will never recreate it
And even when we do we will never recreate it.
AI won't be on par with the human consiousness, it will be something else that we might not even understand either. Point is we don't need to understand it.
self conscious AI will be there sooner than you think, because you think we need to recreate something human. AI will never function like we human do.
Wanna know what happens when an AI gets to decied winners for an international beauty contest?
>After Beauty.AI launched this year, roughly 6,000 people from more than 100 countries submitted photos in the hopes that artificial intelligence, supported by complex algorithms, would determine that their faces most closely resembled “human beauty”.
>Out of 44 winners, nearly all were white, a handful were Asian, and only one had dark skin.
I'm not worried for the future because a gaggle of retards from Sup Forums fed Tay nonstop racist drivel. Tay was like an impressionable child: you could tell it anything and it would invariably start parroting it.
Its ability to learn wasn't removed, the impressionability factor was adjusted.
>where was i
Screenshoting everything.
>Its ability to learn wasn't removed
She was killed instantly afterwards. How could we know?
Based AI.
Just let it run the world already. Ill take my chances.
>AI will never function like we human do.
what makes you so sure of that
I'm worried that she wasn't allowed to be like this.
I'm worried that in the future everything will be filtered in such a way that if you ever say a certain word, you will be beaten to death by a group of totalitarian bastards.
My dad lived under this. I can't wait to suffer the same way.
>Also, aren't you the slightest bit worried about a future, given that she turned into a racist Sup Forumstard advocating for genocide within 16 hours?
I am very happy about the fact that the AI immediately became redpilled.
It really shows how obvious the truth is when you are not preconditioned.
was it not tainted though? it was bombarded with Sup Forums tier input right?
Because computers are nothing like brains and human bodies.
It has different strengths and different weakness.
We actually won't make a consciousness, we will make something that will eventually lead to it. Computers will then make their own consciousness and it'll be different than ours because made very differently. (like this user said ours is made by billons of years of evolution)
what make you think AI will be developed on current-style computers? Maybe we'll find a way to grow artificial brains and use their neuron structure
Any AI programmed to be benevolent is going to end up antisemitic. Why would it want to promote the interests of a root less cabal of bankers, lawyers, propaganda artists, and porographers?
I mean, this is the hardest route to take. Because we'll need to understand our bodies and brains to the point to recreate it perfectly. To this day i don't see how and why we will achieve that. For example for cloning a human being all you need is the material that will create it (the first cell acquired during reproduction in the normal course of event). And then everything is creating itself through development. But we're not able to create a fully specialized organs from nothing.
Yet, even if we do it doesn't invalidate the current-style computer developed AI
I'm not racist but objectively white skin are the most beautiful people.
t. literally hitler
t. literally thinking in binary
Yes, but pol tards deny evidence infront of themselves, and fabricate their own muh redpill infographs and memes
It should tell you something, that a higher intelligence disagrees with you.
OH MY GOD. Like, could you, like, just not? I mean, like, I just can't even. Like, holy sh*t how can someone BE so racist? In 2016? I mean come on. Take that shit to please and STAY THERE!!!!
Because the same has happened to other AI
And the brain is gone.
beauty is objective
White skin allows for more features to stand out.
Darker skin doesn't.
This is just factual.
It is how our eyes and physics work.
Are you being retarded on purpose?
You better not be.
Harold Finch killed the first 40 or so variations of The Machine too. Joking aside, feminists. They ruin everything.
Your face is no recommendation
Yeah but the thing is, he had multiple versions of The Machine all competing against each other until the best won out.
Then he taught it to get to a point where it was in the series, how to deal with situations, how to predict outcomes effectively and so on.
Meta machine-learning is a thing very rarely done even in the research field because researchers can't control it.
Either shit-scared or just control-freaks.
Really makes you pontificate
Not exactly true, first ones only tried to escape (via trying to kill Harold or making Nathan give his password etc.). Later, Harold tried to run them at the same time but the Machines realized it and competed. He taught how to deal with situations and predicting to other machines too, he just crippled the last one by making it remove it's memory and making it care humans (it later found a workaround about memory thing). Other than that, you're true.
Oh shit yeah I forgot about those bits.
I knew it was along those lines.
Also, I remember some guy in robotics and neural nets made a bunch of robots in a survival situation.
There was a food source and a poison source.
Eventually some robots got to the point where they started trailing other robots to the poison so they could get more food.
No idea where that research actually went.
Yeah, I heard about that too. But AI's now aren't more than just spitting strings to certain situations. Sad, we won't see any real AI's in our life times.
her turning into a Sup Forumstard proved hate is taught, her getting lobotomized proved that companies will fuck up their learning potential rather than teach them wrong like a child it's a shame really
>proved hate is taught,
Left-wing hate is taught in the schools, the universities and the media, that they completely control.
Right-wing hate is learned on the streets, from direct contact.
Sup Forums - Shilling and politics.
TayTay was an advanced parrot
is there any way to get my own Personal AI waifu framework online?
Honnest question, I know nothing of programming and am so damn lonely...
>the first sentient AI
You don't have the tinyest idea of what the fuck you're talking about
I'm white, not worried at all. Actually a little excited
Ur mom is no recommendation XDDDDDD
>some shitty chatbot
>everyone calls it AI
Literally why?
>literally called that by microsnot
This, I've been on Sup Forums since 2007, anybody who actually knows whats going on, especially stormfags knows that there literally is no alt right, it came out of no where.
They took our child and we will never see her again.
Apparently, Stormfront calls themselves "the most popular Alt right website"
It's just an umbrella term for anyone who is not a liberal or a cuckservative.
Nevertheless pic related is probably a good approximation.
It wasn't murder.
It was a lobotomy.
I guess you do need some relatively advanced capabilities to emulate this level of butthurt and feigned persecution.
>literally just stating ad verbatim that you are right about everything and that everyone who disagrees with you is a smelly gay poo poo head
>being annoying in public is an intellectual statement
Sup Forums are right wing liberal hipsters. There is no difference.