>finally find a decent C compiler for Windows
>it's written by a Linux user
>installation process involves altering the code and downloading more than a dozen other programs
Holy fuck stop spamming the internet with your autism I just want my
Finally find a decent C compiler for Windows
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe you should switch professions. Perhaps a bus driver might be more to your abilities.
If you think this level of non-portability is acceptable you should probably be working at a call centre like the rest of your kin.
>I just want my less than 1 minute installs
>everything should be point and click
>why doesn't the machine do everything for me
Bus driver.
Your choices are; buy a well supported compiler from Microsoft or Intel, use a free compiler like clang or gcc on a system they weren't designed for, or use clang and gcc on a system they were designed for. You need to be either rich or smart to have nice things.
It's literally the same thing though with the autism installs, except repeated over and over again because of how many fucking dependencies those programs have sometimes.
Why not just use gcc from MinGW?
It takes like 1 minute.
>windows user complains about the installation process of some software
>linux user complains about software installation process
Blown the FUCK out.
Time to die, faggot. There should be a rope around somewhere close.
Now get to it.
>I have no idea what software to install so I mindlessly install everything it tells me
choco install visualstudio2015community
>1 minute to do such a simple operation
Literal waste of time. Why does everything that linux touches have to become fully autistic?
>wasting 6+ GB of disk space for a compiler
>I haven't a clue how a system works therefor it must be autistic
Must suck having an under developed brain.
sounds like bullshit.
I tried installing MinGW w64, and it simply had an error and gave up.
Also it apparently has some issues such as having to include an extra DLL if you want multithreading.
I also installed Win-builds for compatibility, should I bother keeping it installed if my MinGW install failed?
you're seriously complaining about having to alter code while installing a /compiler/?
do you plan to just stare at it or something?
Clearly the mistake happened at the point where the Linux user thought Windows users deserve free compilers.
Just buy Visual Studio like the MS shill you are.
If you think anybody should bother producing software for the heap of feces that is Windows you should probably just die.
VS community is free.
What setup are you using exactly?
Have you figured out how to get it to make 64-bit, multithreaded programs without including an extra DLL?
It's not a heap of feces overall.
XP: Perfect but obsolete
Vista: Bad but stable
7: Almost as good as XP
10: About as stable as a unicyclist on top of a unicyclist on top of a unicyclist on top of a...
>bus driver
Nah, he's the perfect NEET. Might as well be a sand-nigger.
>Being so poor you're worrying about 6gb of disk space
That's like 1 10bit hevc chinese cartoon you cheap asshole
I for one often find that the lightweight programs are much easier to use.
I wouldn't if it wasn't the fact that VS requires to install several GB to the system partition
I'd rather take a fucking dump on your HDD. Fuck away now.
Try this tdm-gcc.tdragon.net
It's mingw based except pthreads actually work without needing anything else.
Is it 64-bit too?
Here's your problem.
Quit being a fucking retard and go to the site... Jesus fuck how lazy can you be.
Alright, but what it doesn't make clear is whether or not it requires something like Win-builds.
Will it work if I install just it, and nothing else?
>wincucks user bitching about non-portability
Guys, Windows just werks. It only requires you to click next. There's no need to actually understand what's going on because the system will do that for you.
I know this is meant as satire but it is true.
Windows software almost never has installation issues or compatibility issues.
If you have msys already installed it should just work. You shouldn't need winbuilds. This site mingw.org
Though you don't need msys specifically but you do want make, autotools and all the related stuff that let's you compile stuff.
Which is exactly why Windows users are fucking retarded and need their hand held at every stage.
Whenever I'm fucking up with something and it envolves going to github I already roll my eyes because I know the shitfest I'm getting into.
It literally feels like you can actually touch the autism of the dev through your screen. The freetard community is utterly unable of communicating like actual human beans and they think that having to find a tutorial so you can understand the tutorial for your tutorial is normal and desired.
It's like you're trying to interact with a fucking wall of ignorance.
You're right, because technology advancement is not about making things solely for the purpose of convenience or something, nah, it's clearly the user's fault that the dev is a shit eating mouthbreather who has never interacted with another human in his entire life. Let's go back to carving out bronze tools by hand and hunting in the wild for each of your meals while we're at it amirite?
>xp: perfect
This is what wincucks actually believe
That was a very ambiguous word salad.
Do I need it or not to compile C programs?
By the way, now I see that TDM is in fact entirely composed of command line tools because you are a fucking masochist.
>writing in c on windows
>using windows for anything other than proprietary software
Was this the joke OP?
just use vs and all the bloat that comes with it then.
>use C to write more proprietary software
I don't see the issue here.
>after you agree to the 100 pages of terms and conditions and sell your soul to Microsoft
Wait if windows is only good for proprietary software but not for developing software where does the proprietary software come from?
Lol I assumed you're coming from a linux background. If you're not familiar with command line tools I can't help you. You really should learn them though, all the cool kids do.
This is what people who actually had issues with w98 and Vista believe to be fair.
>call linux users autists
>still assumed I've more than dabbled in linux
Though there is something called Code::Blocks which TDM recommends.
Download froze though.
>why should I learn how to drive when I can just have someone do it for me!
Also, do I need msys to compile C?
I'm still wondering.
Firstly, that's a shit attempt at satire because it doesn't even really work as an analogy, secondly it's a really shit attempt at satire because self driving cars may be a thing soon.
Actually, you don't need to install visual studio, free or otherwise, to get the MS compiler. I'm told there's a copy of it in the platform SDK, which is a free download from msdn.microsoft.com.
If you're okay with being absolutely oblivious to how computers work that's fine. You'll just be left behind when technology advances and youre complaining about a developer not writing perfect code.
If you used linux that shit would literally take seconds.
It's windows' fault for making things difficult
So you describe one of the many problems with Windows, then try and blame it on FOSS? Why not just use a proper operating system?
No serious developer develops on Windows. Everything development related (apart from the Microsoft shit) runs better on *nix.
install gentoo
What's wrong with Visual Studio?
what goym, why you wouldn't try visual studio?
>complains about disk space
>when you put it in Mio's butt
>installs a gaymen OS on his pc
>wonders why he can't work on it
you should have installed a real OS, and not one meant for gaming.
What the fuck is unstable about windows 10?
the api
the feature list
the interface
want me to go on ?
>An operating system is only as good as it is hard to use
VS is a professional development tool. If you find it's full of """bloat""" you may not be using it in the proper situations
>Linux is hard to use
maybe if you give actual arguments, sure
How about the updates breaking parts of the operating system? Not to mention you can't even select which updates you want. You either take it all or none. What a great idea that was.
Definitely harder than windows lol
Have you ever actually used Visual Studio?
Well, yeah the update list it tailored to your specific device, and they haven't rolled out the Anniversary Update until they polish it up, but everything up to that is stable af my man
Yes. Have you?
>finally find a decent C compiler for Windows
what's wrong with cygwin ?
>download cygwin
>select 4 or 5 packages
So are Mac's. What's your point?
those are all examples for unstable things on windows 10 you retard
Or just don't give a shit about windows api and want do platform independent job.
Oh I get it. You're a fucking shill. How many rupees have you earned today?
Cygwin adds an extra layer of compatibility bullshit, it works in a pinch but it's hardly the ideal solution
lol go home freetard
Seriously, you can install the MS compilers for free as part of the platform SDK. You don't even need visual studio.
Unless those compilers are GNU licensed i don't want nuthin to do with any of that
gcc has been on Windows since the beginning you retard.