yikes, linux is uggo as heck when you first get it
new linux introduction thread, introduce yourself in this thread and tell us about why you came to Linux
yikes, linux is uggo as heck when you first get it
new linux introduction thread, introduce yourself in this thread and tell us about why you came to Linux
>using vanilla xfce
>complaining it's ugly
I'm workin' on it, but man this stuff would turn around most newcomers!
I switched because windows is unstable. Linux just works.
Distros like Ubuntu or Antergos look a better from the start, and people are more likely to use those as their linux intro. By the time they move to something like Arch or Debian, they will probably be more comfortable with configuring it themselves.
Ironically enough, given the headaches since I switched, I originally tried Linux for productive software compatibility. Senior year in high school, I was taking a robotics class, and heard about a piece of software called Gazebo which would automate a lot of hardware stress calculations I had been doing by hand. It only ran on Linux, so I set up an Ubuntu VM. Shit performance, tried dual boot next. It was just so smooth and comfy that I never really went back.
Tl;dr Linux: come for the cool, stay for the comfy.
And OP, you should install and try out KDE and GNOME 3. Prettiest DEs out of the box.
>Not going full rice with KDE and having the most beautiful, buggy, broken mess
Embrace the bloat at first, prune down to what features you actually use once you know the system. Always worked for me at least.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Actually Xfeces is uggo, especially when installed on a DIY OS. Try a decent desktop OS.
>mfw Seeing how beautiful kde3 was compared to win98se the first time I tried linux.
Win10 is ugliest windows since.
it's shit.
but fast.
and comfy.
and secure.
and beautiful.
and easy.
and useful.
linux mint is good if you are new to it. cinnamon desktop is a good combination of eye candy yet an uncluttered feel while using. can't stnd KDE personally. MATE is a good combintion of boring and bloat. xfce is good if you have a low-spec machine. otherwise it is fairly bland.
Taking college classes required to have kali now I love it. For reasons
>default Xfce
Well there's your problem.
Tried out Xubuntu 14.04 when it first released due to a friend's recommendation. Now running Arch.
Just use Ubuntu
just try q4os its literally a pre riced debian distribution designed to look like windows xp(classic) or windows 7 (modern),it even has setup wizard like installation for basics like chrome,skype or wine
>using linux as desktop os
is this a topdesk bread?
>xfce is an operating system kernel
When will this même die?
>new linux introduction thread, introduce yourself in this thread and tell us about why you came to Linux
most newcomers wouldn't get to this point on Arch
Very well hidden desktop thread
Why are wet hiding desktop threads? I've been gone a while
> Caring about default aesthetics
>>using vanilla xfce
>Actually Xfeces is uggo
>>default Xfce
>Well there's your problem.
>> Caring about default aesthetics
Stop this nonsense, this isn't default xfce theme because that looks even worse. The one in the op is adwaita (gnome theme).
You haven't even upgraded to the first Xfeces update in 2 years and the only one since? That's the new theme.
For real? Damn, they even had to drop their own theme? Talk about dead.
That is their theme, not adwaita. Adwaita actually looks decent.
But the window buttons look exactly the same as the ones from cinnamon's adwaita wannabe.
Then what the hell was I using that called itself Adwaita on GNOME?
The real adwaita, obviously.
I tried out a VM with void linux, then installed antergos on my small SSD I originally tried and failed to keep windows on(intended to put all data and have all programs install on a seperate drive, but they fucking all demanded space on C:\)
Now im mainly using that and ubuntu on my college laptop over win7, cause, well, may as well start using a modern system early.
Its very comfy using a system thats neither fucking *spying on me* nor on its deathbed by microsofts hand, and something about the fact that its mostly open source and freedom-liscenced also feels nice. Otherwise there already some things I like that aren't there in windows and pretty much nothing that I like less compared to windows, apart from vidya compatability. Yume nikki doesnt play music on the savegame thing, which was one of the best parts of the game for me somehow.
Now that im more familiar im considering getting a new HDD and installing debian on both my systems. Maybe even play with a VM with debian minimal first and use minimal in that way.
Does debian have as many packages as the Arch repos+AUR?
>replying to Jordan
Disgusting. I hope you and all who share your blood die slow, gruesome deaths at the hands of racial minorities. You are a plague upon this earth and I hate you more than I hate anyone else.
ay thats pretty sick desu
Install gentoo
Hi Jordan
nice desktop user