/phone uptime/

Post your phone uptimes itt


~2 weeks, need to reboot though as I can't use my camera's flash as a flashlight because it claims my camera is using it. I assume a reboot will fix but eh

Newfags and tech illiterates ITT

>typing on your phone instead of just opening the play store and downloading a specialized app.

You're the newfag that doesn't understand UNIX philosophy. One tool for one job. Your terminal emulator is a big fucking joke.

Need to know uptime, I open uptime app

I know right, none of you are capable of using your firmwares built in capabilities.

Enjoy your bloat autists

>I need an app to get uptime
Terminal isn't even the only way to get it fucking idiot.

This shit isn't even on my phone, nerds/dweebs

Stop using a poorphone then.

Kill yourself retard. If you can't put custom firmware on your phone then use an iPhone because you don't deserve to breathe.

Inb4 get a new phone

>Stop using a poorphone then.
my phone has a better screen than and it's not the latest phone but I don't think it's a poorphone either!

>not using your phone till its battery dies
enjoy your decaying battery



Roaming doesn't cost anything in the US does it?

That doesn't show your external IP dumbfags.


>hide ip and mac address
>show Serial Number


That's not how batteries work retard.


Actually the ipv6 is his external address.

Last reboot was to install N.

Someone should create"what you're referring to is gnu/Linux" clpypasta version for batteries. There is more than one kind of batteries.