USB-C vs. Lightning

Which connector will win, Sup Forums?

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everyone, even applel, uses usb c so i think the answer is pretty clear

Even Apple fanboys know how flawed Lightning is.

>no strain relief
>cables last less than a year

USB-C everytime

AFAIK USB C supports analog audio, so...

Usb is universal lightning is apple only, universal wins

USB C has more features and is more durable.
Appel will never conform to standards though

>universal standard versus proprietary standard

What do you think, usb type c ofcourse


recommend me a phone that uses type c for less than 200 dorrars

What was wrong with micro USB?

Why do tech nerds keep changing cord standards?

I bought a new Nexus 5x on eBay for $190 but it might be hard to find a deal like that.

mini-b master race

Not defending Apple, but this is the cable's fault, not the connector.

Lightning for:
* iOS devices
* wired iOS accessories
* Apple wireless accessories (mice, keyboards, AirPods, etc.)

USB-C for:
* Mac/Windows/Android
* wired Mac/Windows/Android accessories
* non-Apple wireless accessories

The most important thing is that USB-A, USB-B, and USB micro all need to fucking die.

will the 5x update no nougat? i read the 5 wont

USB-C is more versatile. It supports higher power draw, alternate protocols (including PCIe), analog audio and probably some more shit I don't know about. Also, it's reversible.

I activated my 5x yesterday and it's upgraded to Android 7.

Apple invented USB-C.

Wouldn't it make a lot more sense for Apple to bundle that cable with all iOS devices for charging, and then have all the accessory makers use USB-C exclusively?

Hell, I could see Apple making Lightning the standard connector for Macs in a couple of years and bundling the same cable with them.

Sounds like a win-win for both sides: a hardware ecosystem unified around USB-C, and Apple making a killing off of Lightning-to-USB-C cables.

usb-c isn't a 'finished standard' which means it'll end up like bluetooth i.e. a gigantic incoherent mish-mash of """"standards"""" patched-in on top of outdated former """"standards"""" which means some of your shit won't work with some of your other shit and there's nothing you can do about it besides complain to the nonplussed amazon/ebay dropshipper millennial side hustle fuckwit

make sure you only use the charger and cable that came with your nexus 6p, otherwise you run the risk of damaging your device despite it being the futureproof New Standard Once And For All And Forever. check the google spreadsheet before purchasing accessories!!!

>idolize Apple for what Intel did
You probably think that Apple invented Thunderbolt too.

>all these idiots thinking apple invented anything
god invented the world. you should praise god for inventing usb-c however indirectly.

this. many things apple sells as own are invented by Intel. ironically, in some aspects, Apple users are the alpha testers of the hardware world

>not defending apple
>defends apple

>Still using copper cables
>No glorious photonics yet

I just said they made a shit cable but it's off topic because we are talking about connectors

>one connector is used by one brand only.

>the other connector will be used by everyone else... EVERYONE ELSE.

I wonder.

Their entire purpose of using these ports for audio is to support digital and leave the rest up to the headphones' DAC. There's no benefit to a digital connector supporting analogue.

It pretty much already is. Many USB-C cables are manufactured incorrectly.


Lightning is literally only used on Apple phones and the shittiest Apple laptops/tablets. Their decent laptops and tablets use Thunderbolt 3 aka Type-C.

>and the shittiest Apple laptops/tablets
At least pretend you've done your research h before you voice your uninformed opinion.

oh yes
>Anker made an USB-C charger, provided of course with a USB-C male/USB-C male cable
>On the USB-C protocol, the charger ask the device what tension/current he should provide to charge
>when that device is disconnected, the tension/current is reset for the next device
the problem:
>Anker cable was shit
>there is a resistance in the cable that prevent the charger to reinitialize the tension
>when you charge an USB-C on a computer, then charge a phone with the same charger without unplug the charger, the phone get Note7'ed

usb-c: the cable that does everything except nobody actually knows what it does because it's a useless stat sheet thing that you'll only use to charge your device anyway

'it has more features!!' - nothing uses those features but if you want to set your house on fire it can do that



You are an idiot m8

>it's the cable's fault
>somehow that relieves apple of responsibility for shit design of the connector, which is not prepared to withstand the weight of the cable it's attached to by design

Retard detected

Sure yeah that's a great argument.

it has tons of feature because in the next 15 years (changing standards is long), USB-C should replace a lots of other connector, like USB-A and B killed PS/2, serial and parallel in the 90s

A didn't kill PS/2 in the 90's, it killed it in the 2000's
unless you honestly believe the iMac is all that mattered

If all the cables for a connector are shit people will be less likely to continue to buy the device with said connector. It's pretty relevant imo

not to mention warehouse stock

no matter the date, it still have killed it.
But mobo still have them because some people use them (also bios compatibility or whatever)
That's pretty much like USB-C *may* kill 3.5mm jack in 10 years, but it will still be present on mobo, computer and audio devices because it still have his place in this world. (audio pro will use XLR and full size jacks though).
Howover, Apple is very stupid to delete this port now.

i'm actually using a ps/2 keyboard to type this message

Lightning. Less parts, no shitty thingy in the middle to break. best connector would be something magnetic, that connects without insertion, like magsafe, but with usb functionality

30 years old and still far superior to usb
enjoy ghosting usbfags

>Europe sues apple for not using standard connector
>Apple creates new connector
>predict the future

Are you the nigger who stole my 5x?

Except that would make gaming a bitch, too many accidental disconnections.

Lightning will get more unique accessories, as iPhone provides a more consistent platform to build upon. Device makers can reliably expect the port to be in one place so they can make custom built enclosures.

There may be more Android based phones, but because they're made by a thousand different companies, (or a dozen if you limit it to the bigger ones,) that USB port will be placed fuckanywehere. (This is in on top of camera placement and shape of the phone shell.)

Ghosting can be avoided with a right driver or some tricks. It's not a problem with USB protocol. I'd rather point out polling being distributed between different devices that makes your mouse lag when you connect something else (I think it was some phone that synced upon connecting).

The usb c spec allows for an internal DAC to multiplex its output on the sideband pins without interfering with the actual usb data connection.

How does that work with multiple ports? Do all ports support analog or is there one dedicated for it? If all ports support it, could I plug in multiple headphones into a phone (assuming it has more than one port kek)?

Depends on the manufacturer. Some may wire their DAC to one port, others to all ports. We'll see when a phone comes out with multiple usb c ports.

fuck off sony, nobody uses your outdated shit anymore

The one with "Universal" in its name.

USB type c, mirco usb already beats lightning hands down

Lightnings advantages:
Goes in both ways
Transfers data faster
Looks pretty
Can send video over

Micro USB advantages
It works for more than a month before it breaks
It's cheap

the one that everyone but apple will use

Just use foregen to get it back.

USB C is reverse-able, so no more having to turn the plug around if you got it backwards,

how many time have you been reaching behind a PC tower with a USB plug and it would not go in until you flipped the plug around, no more of that with USB C because it is works either way

Yesterday I found them Buy It Now for $40 on eBay. Have I fallen victim to a ruse?

Lightning was really nice back in 2012 but we have USB type C now. I cum in my car/g/o shorts a little when I image a future where coffee shops and other places build these cables into tables and stuff as universal charging stations for phones and laptops.

>Apple switches from 30pin to Lightning
Sup Forums gets mad at them for changing the connector
>Android phones switch from Micro USB to USB type C
Sup Forums cheers and gets mad at Apple for not using it
>Apple switches from Lightning to USB type C in future devices
Sup Forums gets mad at them for changing the connector

USB-C of course. Lightning is for iPhone only. USB-C is for everything. Apple was part of the USB-C project. They're not a competitor.

If Apple gets their shit together and offers an easily rootable developer phone with USB-C and a headphone jack I would buy it. I would also buy an iPad, keyboard, and pencil thingy if the tablet could dual boot iOS and OSX.

recomment me a phone that uses lightning for less than 200


>open USB standard vs. proprietary connector
Hm, I wonder...

Lightning is easy, the ports don't shit themselves easily like Micro USB and they don't set your phone on fire unlike Type C

Apple makes more money than the rest of the competition combined.
So their shitty proprietary standards win by default.

>needing more than 4 pinouts on your cables
Keep it simple, stupid.

one of those supports 100 watts of power, displayport, and 10 gigabit transfer rates

can you guess which one? :^)

Mine still hasn't updated and I'm on Fi. C'mon Google, what the fuck?

penis or vagina, who will win?

lightning is frankly easier to insert

USB-C with Thunderbolt 3 is top tier, lightning is fucking doomed.

Charge your damn phone