MacOS Siera

Opinions? I didn't think El Capitan could feel any faster but it actually does. Siri actually seems useful as well.

Put it on a iPad Pro already, Apple

is it really faster?
Are you on a hackintosh or mbp?

no reason for me to update yet, maybe once they have rx480 support

mbp. And yes it feels faster, snappier, all around smoother

What happened to naming them after cats

Installed Sierra and iOS 10 yesterday. Sierra I totally don't notice any difference aside from picture-in-picture which is great. I think it's only a notable release if you use Siri.

iOS 10, once I set the touch-to-unlock back on, seems fine. A lot of elements have been enlarged which is nice. Raise to wake is very nice. Common iOS/OSX clipboard seems very hit-and-miss though which is a shame since it's a feature I've long wanted.

I kinda miss that. Those wallpapers were sweet too
Is the release out yet or are you just on a PB?

They ran out.

It comes out Sept 20th but they released the Golden Master to pb testers yesterday.

>picture in picture
If (once) it works on chrome with YT ill upgrade my t420's hackintosh install.

have they made full screen when using dual monitors non shit yet? On el cap it just makes one screen completely blank so you cant do anything with it.

And cannibalize IOs? This is Apple we're talking about, I know Jobs isn't there anymore, but come on, they're not that incompetent.

>not using the best wallpaper ever

I kind of think that el cap looks like tiger, at least with the dock.

>bug riddled shit gm

>Raise to wake is very nice.

lel, this is new feature?

Maybe it isn't. Can't remember.

Wrong board, fag

ok thread is over. It was nice while it lasted
cool wallpaper. Gives me nostalgia

A few broken apps. MplayerX doesn't work. SIMBL is broken.

I woulda' thought there'd be Night Shift for OSX but I'm not seeing it.

>picture in picture

Is this for Ouicktime? I thought we just switch between windows when watching live sports and shitposting on Sup Forums. What is the benefit of this feature?

>has best stylus in the world
>locked to shitty mobile os
>cant use it like a cintiq(astorpad is shit with latency everywhere)

Real waste of tech unless they do something with it.

You can pop-out HTML5 video.

I've always used Afloat to do this. Afloat isn't working with Sierra, but this mostly replaces it for me.


I only use it in Safari. It's not something that anyone absolutely needs, but I find it much more appealing to watch youtube videos this way with an adjustable compact window as opposed to a second Safari window.

More like fagOS suckmyballs

when I bought my mbp it had yosemite and I upgraded it to el capitan immediately. what happens to my programs if I update now? I have quite a few pirated stuff I don't want to loose

>have they made full screen when using dual monitors non shit yet? On el cap it just makes one screen completely blank so you cant do anything with it.

You're probably running into some weird Spaces-related glitch. OS X has supported full-screen apps with multi-monitor setups since Mavericks.

Should only be an issue if the app itself is incompatible with Sierra.

Can I run bash scripts and make an aesthetic desktop though

Are you 14?

anyone else have flickering white or static black rectangles sometimes on some websites (like discord) with safari


can a installer be made with the latest version?

I have elcap 10.11.5 right here and I could install it and create it from there.

Can't say for sure but it's likely that they still include createinstallmedia with Sierra.

yes you can, download the gm file for sierra and you can make a bootable usb from it

it's what i did to get a clean install

what the heck

thats new safari "dark mode".. its a feature, now fuck off


Noticed a bit of this on Sup Forums.

Have they added a way to get rid of the drop shadow around window borders? CLI options don't work to disable it any more.

What's next? homOSeX El Faggot?

they removed the X from the OS name.

now its called macOS and we cant use the homOSeX memes anymore. Applel thinks of everything.

Mite go for a hackintosh
Apple is going to start using AMDshit, right? Hopefully theyll support it better than Linux does

Apple are incompetent morons who can't even support their own shit. Don't even waste time trying it on unsupported hardware.

does iterm2 work on it
i need my aesthetic terminals

but i want a fancy unix system that actually werks

Support for 480x is OOB now so im going to hackintosh soon.

its going to be glorious runnnig on my 4k 32" IPS


Pick one.


yes everything works just as before


actually he can pick both because osx has a fully functional gui and support from every piece of software that matters, while also having homebrew for unix things!

I tried the beta and I didn't like that mission control is now ''momentum-based'' instead of automatically activating when doing the gesture, now I have to slide my fingers all the way up to activate it instead of just doing a quick slide up.
That was a deal breaker for me so I went back to El Cap. Is there any way to revert how mission control works in Sierra?


only downside is the only way to rice is hiding all of the GUI stuff and using iterm2
worth it tho


Pick one.

Jobs was a cat lover. Tim likes to remember all the places he was fucked by other men.

Hello my nyggers

>Support for 480x is OOB now so im going to hackintosh soon.
what?? why the fuck do you lie on the internet? accordint to all hackintosh communities you need to use iGPU to be able to boot with a RX480 and its less stable then using a RX470.

I moved to Linux 3 weeks ago after using MacOSX for a decade. I miss it a lot. I miss the way everything worked right and I miss not having to fuck around with things to get my shit done. I now routinely waste hours/week babysitting my Loonix PC.

Oh well... life goes on! I might pick up another Mac in the future... unless Tim Cook euthanizes it completely.

PS: Hope Cook chokes on some BBC and does us all a favor.

Wrong board, fag

That would be awful.

Present them.

I chuckled. Thanks user

MBP 2011 here
Nothing ever topped Snow Leopard and Mavericks for me
tbqh i'm almost going back to Mavericks

You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums sweetie.

ITT: Degenerate homosexuals circle jerk each other about how gay their OS is.

Questions for Sierra users:
Do you have any software incompatibility? And, does homebrew work with Sierra?

dude, dont update your working machine until 10.12.1 -10.12.2 comes out...

they always fuck up the first release and there is always software incompatibility.

if you feel the urge to try it out, install on separate partition moron

Why can't you gays fuck off already. None wants you here. What the fuck did we do to cause you all to spam apple threads all over Sup Forums?

None wants to use your gay OS or gay overpriced laptops. Fuck off already pls.

Hackintosh is easy to set up and perfectly stable for anyone with a functioning brain in their head.

>for anyone with a functioning brain in their head.
so, only 1-2% of the population then..


homebrew and everything i installed with it previously (nvim, ntfs-3g, tmux) work perfectly

>anyone with a functioning brain

Pick one.

>I miss the way everything worked right and I miss not having to fuck around with things to get my shit done. I now routinely waste hours/week babysitting my Loonix PC.

If you have to keep fucking with things to keep them working, you didn't set them up correctly to begin with. Or are just tinkering with already-decent settings just because you feel like you "have" to. Shit, I use Arch and almost never touch my configs, at most I get a fresh git pull of a few programs I use every week. Back the configs up with git, pull them down on new machines ezpz.

Most of Sup Forums I would hope, but then again this board is filled with morons who unironically got trolled into using linux.

>macs are for idiots haha why dont you use a REAL os like linux, who cares about going to mars haha i bet they cant even program fizzbuzz

You need to calm down my man, don't you think if I couldn't hold myself I would have installed it since the alpha version?


Where do mactoddlers get the false impression they or their toddler toys are welcome on Sup Forums?

>comparing yourself to the curiosity rover team

A neckbeard with an imaginary anime girlfriend doesn't instantly change by switching operating systems

why the fuck do you even ask then?? its not even an upgrade.. you'll just install it, play 5 min with siri and get a buggy "el capitan" functionality OS

even considering installing it on main machine at this point makes you a moron.

what funcionality are you looking for in Sierra? the afloat media player??? lol

>installing osx

Found the moron.

>only idiots use a mac!
>what, those don't count you neckbeard!
Go back to fapping to cp and programming hello world (all that linux is good for)

>>only idiots use a mac!

At least you finally admit it.

I don't think only idiots use a Mac, but I know that everyone on Sup Forums who uses a Mac is an idiot, because everyone on Sup Forums is an idiot in general. The only difference is that the Wintards and freetards can laugh at themselves.

Besides, at least the Arch/Gentoo neckbeards put in some effort to pretend to look l33t. They don't expect people to automatically see them as special for buying a fucking laptop computers.

>all successful developers are idiots! i'm waaay better at programming haha look at this hello world done in only 2 lines! i could work for SpaceX if i wanted haha if only my mom could drive me to work every day

>mactoddler literally collects and keeps pictures of people with macs to repost from starbucks

>keeping Dock on the bottom
>Using that Dock zoom feature

>fat linux using pedophile trying to type with one hand while the other hand is stroking it to underage chinese cartoons
Seek help

>appletard pedophile
Seek help


o shit wrong song nvm

Have they improved AMD drivers

They were fairly shitty

>more than one tab open

Enjoy your throttling and 3rd degree burns.

>this thread

is it time for a /friendlyapplegeneral/? some of us would like to discuss our computers of choice but every apple thread just descends into shitposting

You can fuck off back to or where you came from then.

We're still missing the free-from UI scaling but otherwise Sierra's pretty frickin snappy. Whatever they did with Safari is nice, it seems a lot faster now.

>Whatever they did with Safari is nice, it seems a lot slower now.


No, it's quite a bit snappier.

>hardware and software are the same thing guys
>you can't like the hardware and dislike the software
>also only apple and microsoft exist in this world
kys m8, kay why ess