Why are you afraid of innovation Sup Forums?
Muster up some Courage!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Audio jack adapters won't be included with the phone
>You'll have to pay EXTRA just to listen to music
wow you're like the first person to make this epic joke
>removing features is the way forward
hopefully in a year or so apple will have enough courage to remove the whole company
Really nice reverse bait.
Why are you so butthurt? The phone you like is crappy and it doesn't even have a headphones socket.
but he is right
Except he's not.
>Reality is bait
Appletards everyone
Of course goy, just fork up 160USD for our apple earpods and you won't have to worry about that silly adapter!
Sorry, you can still listen to your music through those shitty speakers without an extra cost to the 900 dollars.
Apple wasn't first
next they will remove the display and make everybody learn braille.
>remove feature
>don't replace it with a superior one like a real developer would
>fans cheering
>terrific sales
Charge while listening.
If you use one finger on each hand your body turns into a wireless conductor giving you wireless charging! Apple is set to revolutionize charging.
>Sony invented floppy drives but we did it first
>Intel invented USB but we did it first
>Make the best products ever
But they don't even manage 25% PC market share.