Why aren't you using the best browser, Sup Forums ?

Why aren't you using the best browser, Sup Forums ?
It doesn't blind me with white flash when I open a new tab, it's customizable, can use any Chrome extensions. Why?

Other urls found in this thread:


opera 12 was the best fuck off!

>best browser
>closed source

Not today. I started using Vivaldi after I had to write my own extension to see a government site correctly.

Proprietary bullshit and bloated like ur mom
go fuck yourself

Does not work on my laptop.

The vivaldi source code is on their website


I am

>not using k-meleon

Which license is it released under?

no idea
why? do you care?

>Cant drag a link to a new or existing tab;
>If you right click and open a new link, it doesn't open in the background. Instead forces you to go to the newly opened page;
>Web panel is a meme;
>Even tho the left panel is hidden, when you download something it appears again. The only way to disable it is via settings;

Its the little things that force me to go back to Opera. I still like the tab stacking and tab tiling.

You can.
Disable lazy loading. (also on Opera)
Disable it.
That's the only flaw I can think of.

Why don't you care? What if there was a feature you wanted to add for the benefit of your distro's users? Don't you care about other people?

Yes, I do care. Licensing is the difference between FOSS and proprietary "shared-source" shit.
I don't want to be at some company's mercy. Do you?

>It's like chrome but has bloat and a GUI based on javascript

>download the .tar.xz: 674MiB
>extract the archive: 3.04GiB
damn compression algorithms are good nowdays

Copyright (c) 2015 Vivaldi Technologies, All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of
the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse
or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written


Thats like using linux mint when Arch exists

op here
>tfw I'm using Mint

>can't even drag a tab out to make a new window

into the trash

>Can't even select text and drag it to the tab bar to make a new tab with search engine searching for that selection
>Useless for me

At this point there's no the "best" browser, only "the least worst" browser, and it's Opera.

why isn't there a direct download option if you want to build from source?

> not a single female dev
tumblrinas would be triggered

Am I the only one who thinks Vivaldi looks like a jagged mess, seriously, this shit makes the shitty font rendering in Windows look good by comparison. Firefox doesn't have this problem.

Because it's a shit. Some dev is my ebuddy but without proper core team it's just a waste of time. I use palememe and it's do the job.

FF Nightly users are out of control.

Neat, it works.
Kinda stupid unless you only have an Apple mouse, though.

just found out this exists kek, I always copy paste

>It doesn't blind me with white flash when I open a new tab
Why do you basement dwellers insist on sitting in a dark room. Just turn the fucking light on. It's easier on the eyes.

then you risk your clipboard becoming fragmented

I trust the Vivaldi devs & staff

>Pic is png
>still ugly as some shitty jpeg

>blind me with white flash

What are you a vampire ?

>doesn't blind me with white flash when I open a new tab, it's customizable, can use any Chrome extensions
Just like Opera but without sync then?
Neat, I was right click->search all that time.

I have light sensivity.

> install scripts only supported on "le ubuntu xDD"
fuck off, who the fuck builds software from source and uses ubuntu

>literally just press f4 for sidebar