What Sup Forums think about the One plus 3?

what Sup Forums think about the One plus 3?

Best phone on the market, plain and simple.


huawei clone on the outside, chinkphone on the inside

Ordered one yesterday.

Can't be assed with chinkphones because not poorfag (would definitely cop Xiaomeme if I was), not retarded enough to buy an iPhone.

Simple decision really.

thought it was a flip phone

too bad

OnePlus is a Chinese company.

>huawei clone
what? are you myopic?

well since the OPX was absolute shit, im guessing this is as well.

my OPX lagged when viewing youtube and facebook vidoes, and it shattered after just one drop, and that was with the phone in the rubber case it came with

>no microSD card slot

How the fuck do you get any of these phones anyway? I have yet to see someone use them irl and I would like to be the first (and only) one to use it.

Does it have a legacy mini-phono 3.5mm audio interface connection?

The only people who have them never leave their homes, that's why you don't see any.

They're more popular in Australia and Europe.

You order it from their website.

I have it and I like it

It's not super-special with a thousand bells and whistles, but for the price you pay it's fucking great.

Very happy with it so far

know three people, all in the same office using them. And they r not your typical Sup Forums neet, one is a programme manager

its a great phone and will be my next one.

you dont see it often because its a small company and only "neets" like us order it

best android on the market. imo

You mean HTC 10.

shit build quality
runs OxygenOS (no updates and no support)

>being this autistic

somebody stop these o+3 shills, they have been all over the board for months.

>and only "neets" like us order it
they sold so much that they run out of stock after a week and had to start new production lines. none of you go out, that's why don't see them around.

you're right, my mate s still looks way better

Wrong. I've been getting regular updates on my OP3 and the build quality is fantastic.


How frequent is One Plus when it comes to updates?

It's probably going to be my next phone when my oneplus one goes to shit. Too bad its so expensive

Good but way too overpriced and I like stock/near stock Android

You can buy it used.

>Does it have a legacy mini-phono 3.5mm audio interface connection?
My sides



Pls respond


>People need more than 64gb on a phone..

Autism pls

What does that have to do with updates

>Video 2160p@30fps, 720p@120fps
I want this meme to end.
Why don't phones do 1080p@60fps anymore?


user you clearly know 64GB of storage is not enough for the 4K videos of your mom I take.


never settle for oneplus

you mean your anime and manga?

Why? Is it really a sack of shit?
How when it has such good stats?

it has great performance for a mid range price. how is it bad?

I know 5-7 people who have them in my uni year, of about 60 people.

At least another 3 are ordering them as well

No updates

unfortunately everyone either has an "iphone or a samsung"

i think cyanogen mod adds support for 1080p 60fps

it also doesn't have a gigantic logo on the back of it

didnt the oneplus 2 get marshmallow?

>mfw got a OP2 two months before the OP3 was announced

Spending over $100 on a phone seems pointless for me. I guess it looks nice though.

my limit is $400 with taxes and shipping rates

glad i bought the phone used

Im fine with spending a lot on the phone, if your actually paying for specs and not the latest fad design. The way I see it, I can spend $400-500 now and enjoy a top of the line phone for years, or pay $100 and have a slow laggy phone that im going to be replacing every 2 years.