Best phone on the market

Best phone on the market.
Prove me wrong.


1. Price is irrelivant. always.

2. We wont count the fact that its modular, just that it has a removable battery.

3. Your answer has to include what you think is the best one.


Other urls found in this thread:

Ugly and had bad qc (search for "LG G5 gap").

None are the best. They all have advantages and disadvantages.

the best phone is the S7 Edge or Note 7

it really has the best possible specs on the market with a gap from its competitors but this comes with a price

i'm more of the budget guy who keeps getting the best for the lowest pricetag, which was a huawei p9 for 333€ but i resold it for amount the same value and got a LG G5 for 325€ now

i'm about to receive a LG G5 and i'm torn between the design.

the silver edition looks much better than the titan by the way.

i would say that the LG G5 simply an edge too futuristic by toadys standards, which isn't a bit thing in my eyes, just uncommon

Ugly as sin.

Ulgy is based on preference completely. IMO the phone is beautiful.

The gap looks fake to me but i could be wrong. I own one and do not have that issue and if i did i would return it for a new one. QC is more of a comoany standard issue than an issue with the device but i respect the opinion.

The s7 and s7 edge are horrible phones. What makes you think they are better than lg g5?

I honestly love it. I thought it was a bit funny looking at first but now that I've had it a while its grown on me. Cant imagine using another phone. And the software is ON POINT.

The most recent update also added a new launcher that has an app drawer as well. I havent been using it because i already got used to not having one and just using a folder for all my excess apps anyways.

I don't think the average consumer wants to have to worry about their phone exploding thank you very much

Lg g5 = unwanted bloat software, mediocre camera, shit speakers and not to mention I can't trust that lock for the battery lasting longer than a year, it looks like if I drop the thing the battery will pop out and smash.

ZTE axon 7, only flaw being the camera isn't on par with S7 or V10 but everything else is there as a contender for best smartphone right now, front facing speakers, great 1440p display, runs close to stock Android, updates seem to be coming out fast, extremely responsive fingerprint sensor, amazing design and feel in hand, unmatched mic quality, great battery life and tons of other goodies.

The V10 is even better than the G5, it's not the hardest thing to beat, but in personal opinion the ZTE axon 7 beats it by a landslide.

*bootloops from factory defect that they still didn't fix even after it happened to the G4 & V10*
*LG refuses to honor the warranty*

>No bloatware on my LGG5, you must have a fake.
>Camera is the best phone camera I've ever seen, not to mention there are 3 of them.
>Speakers are louder and clearer than anything ive heard from a phone yet either.
>The lock is fine Ive been using mine since the day they were released and havent had an issue.

screen brightness is horrible.
battery life is bad.
doesn't look as good as s7 edge.
doesn't have capacitive buttons.
crapdragon processor.
lcd is not as good as amoled.
2k video @ 30 fps max

>locked BL
Unusable. Thanks for trying though.


note: don't be american.



>Best phone on the market
HTC 10

Literally the worst flagship to release this year. And samsungs are blowing up in peoples hands.

Try again.

Great news, but still no CM.

alrighty then

I have one and it's amazing. No issues.

lol okay then. As an owner of the LG G5 i can confirm that that phones brightness is down.

Also, my gf owns an s7 and that things color is ugly when you actually put them side to side for reference.

I'll go with OnePlus 3. Great specs-to-price ratio.

price is irrelevant.
Read before you post.

The only phones worth shit now are OP3 and Xperia X performance. OP3 for the best hardware(SD820+6GB RAM are no joke) and dev scene, X for damn good looks, right size, stereo front speakers, both for great official support, you won't stay on the Android version it came with. Google Pixel is our only hope.

I love Xperia phones, but there's always something I end hating about those

Is the experia' x screen as easily breaking as the z3? Cause i have the z3 now but looking for a new one and this screen broke 4 times.

The background is supposed to be red.

the only one that isnt orange is the LF.


>caring about colors when your screen is fully black in sunlight
those look orange because their full brightness is way higher than lg g5's. set it higher than they are and they'll look yellow and white eventually as the sun does. enjoy your phone though. i remember watching movies on lg g3, it was great, but they fucked it up on lg g5.

B-but this isn't the One Plus 3 for $399

It wins by default by having a physical keyboard.


Can you remove battery within 2 seconds?

post your own pic then

gf is at work. but if this thread is dead by then, I will create a new one just for you user.

yes, easily.

What's best phone for around 200 to 300e


You can tone down the colors in the settings.

i wouldn't mind, if technology fails, i just rma it

Just got one last month. The GPS seems to be shitty and doesn't lock on. Might be my case, but I'm never not using it without a case. The fingerprint scanner button has a lot of play. I wish the screen was flat so my screen protector fit the whole screen. Don't know why it isn't flat?

Apparently the GPS thing is a hardware issue. Its why I haven't got the G5 yet even though the price has gone down a lot.

There was a big fuck up with my carrier and they paid off my lg g4 and discounted the price of the g5 to $0.

V20 is better

No stylus

Throw it in le garbage

wtf i hate lg now

The though of even using a stylus makes me want to kill myself.

Because they show a true red color when the others are showing orange? k.


>exploding batteries

>tfw my country only sale the SE version which is the downgraded version of original G5

That's not the soon to be LG V20, user pls.

Also out of the 3 top companies
LG is the least of the 3 evils.

Ugly piece of shit also i'd rather have an irremovable battery that has 6 hours SoT rather than removable ones that has only like 3 hours SoT.

Note 4 is still the GOAT phone anyway.

I got super excited about this fone just for that very feature, but then I realized that BB is trying to prevent its users from rooting the device to protect the users privacy which is why it's called the priv. Pretty sure that is part of the reason it went from $400 in a matter of weeks.
I'll just continue to cling to my old tired D4 until aftermarket OS can't sustain it anymore., and hopefully by then there will be root capabilities for the priv, or at least another full qwerty on the market. Preferably landscape slider. (droid 5)

>have boot loop problem
>refuse to admit it
>still does nothing to prevent it
LG? More like Le Garbage amirite

>LG G5
so what about this is actually modular?
yeah you can remove the battery, but can you swap the processor or add ram?
when I think modular I think something like a regular motherboard with parts that can be interchanged.
Don't want a camera? Don't buy one!
Want more ram? Jam some in there!
Price the phone according to the motherboard and sell the modular parts separately.
Start with a basic phone with a good screen, and go from there.

That's not a BlackBerry Q10

>my g4 got bootlooped
>went to the LG repair center
>asked me to pay for it because the warranty is over

Nah fuck LG.

Again, I said dont count the fact that its modular. mostly i said that because its kind of just a gimmick.


When I first got mine I wtf'd at the lack of an app drawer. Thank the Lord for your choice of launcher.

Wow u took that pic from outer space?

You can adjust color saturation on Samsung phones :^)

My g4 had the camera unavailable error. Luckily it was still under warranty.

I just put the apps i couldnt categorize into a folder by themselves and put it on my nav bar. Looks better than an app drawer and since its only apps you dont categorize or already have on your screen its not overloaded with literally everything in your phone. After they added in the app drawer launcher i just said nah, fuck that.

I'm waiting for the XZ to launch.

Sony's phones are always sexy as fuck. I'll probably just go for the black but the weird dark greyish blue colour looks amazing too.

Phone is a fucking phone, I'm still using my s5 so fuck off with your mobile tech bullshit

I might hold out til the G6 is announced.
I have a G3 and it's been nice, but not without some issues.

The size of the phone is just slightly too big for me
Typing on the keyboard lagged like fucking hell before Marshmallow
The battery life is really bad and LG no longer makes the battery for it.

The thing with Samsung phones is that they usually have good fucking hardware that's bogged down by really shitty software. Everyone I know with a Samsung device complains about lag on their phone while my V10 is as good as the day I bought it and very rarely has lag issues.

My OP3.
-All the customization controls out of the box
-alert slider
-great build quality
-ridiculous price to performance
-6-7 hours sot and insane charge speeds
-gesture controls, on and off screen
-good camera with manual controls

I could go on. There may be better phone, but god damn I've never been happier with one than with this one.

t. S7 edge owner


epin sun.

>implying any manufacturer is going to do it for free after warranty ends

Warranties are for manufacturing defects. Once the warranty is over, you are on your own. It'll be the exact same with literally any company.

>LG G5/G4's shit "DCI approved wide color gamut" is never actually implemented correctly in any part of the phone and it's esentially just forced on on every app you use so all the reds, blues, purples and every other color gets pushed into this unnatural oversaturated mess

Meanwhile, based closed source apple with their hardware and software working harmoniously together with no lag and high temperatures on idle actually has big names like instagram and snapchat implementing their wide color gamut into certain features of their apps, and every stock app on the iPhone 7 actually makes fucking use of the wide color gamut as well unlike the LG G5 that just unnecessarily oversaturates the fuck out of everything, and on top of that comes with a blue tinted as FUCK backlight.

I own a G4 right now.

Its funny i was really keen to buy a G5 for the hi res audio module. (i have a large 24/192 and dsd collection)

i went to 10 different mobile phone shops in my CBD and asked about the G5 and the high res dac looking for a demo.

Not one shop had it and the staff just look at me like an alien and some were even condescending when i said i listen to mostly 24 bit flac..... what the fucking fuck... i am never going retail ever again.

Any phone without an unlocked bootloader (or the possibility of getting one), microSD support, and unlocked battery is shit.

Any phone with a display greater than 1080p loses points.

best phone on the market right now imo.

False. Best phone is S7, and the M10 is a close second. The phone was a flop because it was severly underated.

Its smooth as fuck, durable, the best IPS display i ever used, and comes with oops coverage.

Best of all, you can fucking unlock the bootloader without any bullshit.

I cannot not stress enough how underrated the HTC M10 is. This phone is a rooters dream.

Looks red on my s7

It's a very underrated phone in my opinion.
The back looks odd, but that's usually covered by a case anyway, and the front actually looks fantastic in person.

Wouldn't call it hands down the "best" phone out there, but it's great for power users due to the removable battery.
The V20 definitely appears to be better than the G5, however.

I also own one, and the gap is kinda there on my unit. It's not big enough I can see through my phone, but it's certainly not flush.
Doesn't affect my usage, and I'm not worried of it being any less sturdy because the gap is there or not - especially while sitting in the case.

>mediocre camera
Its main camera isn't on par with the S7's in low lighting, but otherwise generally speaking is arguably the best camera on the current lineup of smartphones. It's without a doubt the most versatile.

I think the Axon 7 is just about my dream device, but its cameras are such utter shit I can't make the change.
Also it's got a horribly slow wifi and LTE connection.

You do realize that you could enable the G5's app drawer by going into settings, right?
Even in the pre-launch phones before it received any updates, it's always had the option - was just disabled by default.

All AMOLED screens suffer from color accuracy issues.
Don't get me wrong, I love AMOLED and its awesome contrast ratio, but its not physically possible for current AMOLED screens to be as color accurate as an LCD panel.

I'd prefer AMOLED on a phone, but not a computer monitor.
The added brightness and pumped up saturation is fine if I'm going to be walking around in sunlight, and not editing photos on it.

i odnt htink you have any idea what you are ralking about.

see here The top is a Galaxy
Bottom is an LG G5

middle is how the pic is supposed to look.

Tell me what is saturated as fuck? cause its not the G5 that's for sure.

Q10 is just a smaller Passport though.

No it's not.

But it is. And without touch capability on keyboard.

Dead on arrival.

No it's not, you dumbass.
dual-core Snapdragon S4
3.1" 720x720 AMOLED screen

quad-core Snapdragon 801
4.5" 1440x1440 IPS screen

Literally the only similarities are that they're BB10OS phones with square screens and hardware keyboards. Entirely different hardware.

galaxy s7 and note 7 seems to be the best when you read specs, but i wouldn't recommend it because of crap tons of bloatware and frustrating lags. they are not worth it.

lg g5 is good, but it doesn't stand out with anything. battery life, camera, screen, features. it's all average.

htc 10: i like it. build quality is amazing, software is grat. it's nearly nexus experience. i would say that this is the best android phone atm.

still, i prefer iPhone 6s because i like iOS. it's clean, simple and rock stable. i don't have to worry about updates, 3d touch is great, camera too. battery could be better but it's still better than most android phones.

Is it worth trading in my note 7 for, since apparently i cant even fly on an airplane with this shit now

And the Passport doesn't have a removable battery

>smaller body
>smaller screen
>smaller RAM
>smaller CPU
Everything about it is smaller so it's a smaller Passport.

Also, I don't get the obsession over hardware. Does anyone need a quad-core to run maps or open emails?

>Everything about it is smaller so it's a smaller Passport.
You're fucking retarded.
>Also, I don't get the obsession over hardware. Does anyone need a quad-core to run maps or open emails?
Some people use their phones for more than a GPS and email.

There's literally no difference between the new iPhone and the new Samsung devices. The only people who say otherwise are faggot fan boys. You can't go wrong with either.

LG V20

>Android and iOS are literally the same thing

In terms of quality they are. Don't be a faggot you know it's true.

>went to buy a new phone but Samsung is bloatware and Iphones are Appleshit
>no HTC 10s in stock so got the LG G5
>fuking love it
Never used the modular feature but it never lags and its really pretty. I do think 1440 is a bit overkill but i dont mind

>moving goalposts

What the fuck are you talking about? OPs question was about the best smartphone and I said iPhone and Samsung are equal. You're being a faggot now looking for an argument.

You said they're literally the same thing, then you moved the goalposts by saying the quality was the same and not the phones themselves. Either way they both suck.