What happened here?
Haven't browsed in a few years but now that i've come back I see so many apple shills in threads.
There used to be almost no apple shilling what-so-ever and Sup Forums was strongly anti-apple.
What happened here?
Haven't browsed in a few years but now that i've come back I see so many apple shills in threads.
There used to be almost no apple shilling what-so-ever and Sup Forums was strongly anti-apple.
Other urls found in this thread:
>What happened here?
The thing about Apple is the userbase will always go up. That's because once you try an iPhone or Mac you're hooked for life. So its only natural that the Sup Forums userbase became more Apple-friendly as time went by as more and more Sup Forums users gave in and tried out that MacBook or iPhone at the Apple Store.
normies came from plebbit and facebook, tryhards left for 8gag /tech, and people who actually knew/cared about technology grew out of this banal, uninteresting and childish debate long ago, losing their base urge to cry into their keyboards every time the company was mentioned along with it
The majority of people I know who've used iPhones have moved back to Android (or plan to with their next upgrade).
Windows turned to utter indefensible shit since 2009.
MacOS isn't perfect but it's far and away the superior desktop OS.
The shilling is in direct proportion to Apple's decline.
Steve would have brutally slain any engineer that brought him the airpods.
It is a bad linux. I suppose you can use it if you like doing things very slowly.
MacOS is an ideal desktop version of UNIX: a full-fledged BSD userland with best-in-class GUI.
Linux as a desktop OS is still a mediocre and poorly integrated experience.
MacOS is a slow and bad linux with the worst file manager of any OS.
MacshitOS is a clusterfuck abomination hobby project by clueless morons who have no idea what they're doing.
Eelcome to neo-Sup Forums
Apparently it's fully ok to use Botnet10 or literall faggot hardware now.
People grew up. Got jobs. Stopped living off mom's weekly allowance that allowed them to buy cheapest of the cheap chink shit.
People move to Macs when they can afford good shit and don't want to waste their life away doing pointless work of upkeeping their machines.
Wow, I should really take what Linus Torvalds, the creator and chief proponent of the Linux kernel, has to say about his rivals at face value, despite the fact that the GNU/Linux desktop experience is still a completely disjointed mess running on ancient, clunky X11.
I guess it's just all those Apple marketing dollars getting in the way of my rational thinking, right?
5 shekkels are being deposited to your account.
>linux is shilling his own shit
news at 11
only a fucking retard would miss his motivations.
in other news, my Linux box is still unreliable and I can't get my Nvidia card to sleep properly. Oh, and I lose my network adapter once in 5 boots.
Linux is shit but I use it because I'm used to it and love self-inflicted pain.
I had an iPhone 6, I hated it, I'm back to android
>fruity overheating throttling toddler toys
>good shit
Don't worry mactoddler, when you grow up, get a job, and stop living off mom's weekly allowance you won't have to buy the most overpriced of the overpriced chink shit.
People move to real workstations that don't catch fire when they can afford good shit and don't want to waste their life away doing pointless work of upkeeping their fruity toys.
>5 shekkels are being deposited to your account.
I wish user, I wish. Pls tell me where I can apply to shitpost and get paid for it! It would be the greatest job ever.
Anime neckbeards think buying Apple products will make them superior to other anime neckbeards.
There are also a lot of Sup Forums kids, and it has always been a strong tenant of video game culture to be a whiny chauvinist about consumer products. If only Anita talked about that instead of imaginary sexism.
oh look, it's that mental wackjob again. didn't you get banned for few days? I see you're avoiding bans again. you naughty naughty boy.
ps: seek professional help... seriouslu.
>Posting worst triplet.
I'll give you the heem
Guys help what program would you recommend to recover data (specially videos n pictures) for mac.
That actually just werks
no one does real work on a Mac.
Note: SSHing into another machine running a proper OS that does actual work, is not in fact, doing actual work in MacOS
Found your problem.
>no one does real work on a Mac.
... yet everything you use daily was written on a Mac. If you use Jewgle, faceshit, tweetshit, Firefox, Chrome, Sup Forums etc etc. it was all made on Macs.
unlike you OP, the rest of Sup Forums grew out of their dark edge lord anti-trend hatemonger phase and just accepted that nice things are indeed nice
someone got TRIGGERED hard.. ahahah... all that fucking butthurt. calm down user... you dont wanna get anyeurism over a fucking computer choice some ppl make.
Exploding toddler toys were never nice.
This would be true if it weren't for the fact that the autistic teenage Apple hate ended up being true. The Macfags on Sup Forums are even more annoying than the common stereotypes.
Very relevant video and humor from 2002. GJ.
top jej
give a break fa/g/s
I haven't sleep in more than 30 hrs
and want some shit back from my HDD
I'm not sure porting software to osx so users of a bad linux can run it very slowly counts as work
LOL stay mad
Nice Note 7 you got there
Nobody with more than two brain cells to rub together would keep any important files on MactoddlerOS with HFS+, the worst filesystem in the history of technology that's quite literally corrupts user files by design due to incompetence, stop pretending to be retarded.
>bad linux
Linux is a bastard UNIX clone. It is bad UNIX.
MacOS is descended from OPENSTEP and BSD, which are real actual UNIX.
given the user experience it provides i feel it is more accurate to refer to it as a bad linux
OSX is a clusterfuck abomination of BSD tools duct taped to the Mach and Next kernels strung together with a billion lines of spaghetti emulation code.
Smartphone marketshare stats disagree
t. baby duck whose first and only experience with Unix-like OSes is Linux
>tfw Brian fucking Kernigham uses OS X and linuxfags are trying to say that its "not real UNIX"
The site and this sub have changed, user. It's popularity has never been higher, and with that comes an evolution. Apple is popular here now. Also, it is frowned upon to post anime images as well.
I could tell you more, but I don't wanna ruin the fun :^)
it still is you fucking moron.
it's just people who want you to get upset posting positive things about apple.
Retarded post from an anime poster? Yup, that checks out
>Linux is a bastard UNIX clone. It is bad UNIX.
'cept the average user can actually run linux and not lose their mind to the bottomless abyss that is the "pure" unix chasm.
MacOS has always been strung together with emulation code, same with Windows. It's a legacy problem. Those OSes are designed for people and companies that write one program and never update it. I work at an appliance store -- our inventory, point-of-sales, and customer database are run on emulated code originally for Windows 95 that's accessed through a custom shell in a Win7 environment. It's a clusterfuck and crashes at least once a day. Business machines like this are often bogged down with so much legacy code that they're borderline unusable. A brand new i5 machine shouldn't chug while reading a locally stored inventory database, but here we are. What's worse was our previous printer's driver, which was some horrible emulated driver that frequently would crash the network.
If you want emulation to go away, you need to convince >1/3 of the business world to actually (a) update legacy code, or (b) migrate to a system like Linux where this is a controlled problem. But 9/10 of businesses are run by lazy shits or by penny pinchers, and we know they'll never do it.
The real reason is because the group of people that regularly browsed here when you were here have probably gotten jobs or better paying ones over the few years and can afford more expensive products so now after being able to try all platforms instead of just watching biased apple hate videos, they have a better opinion and realize that apple products really aren't all that bad. They're just expensive.
i remember watching this video before youtube was even around
No one is trying to run 20-year-old unmodified BSD software on macOS. No one depends on OS 8 apps from 1998. Apple dropped Classic support a decade ago, and Carbon was deprecated back in 2012.
One of the most notable qualities that separates Apple from Microsoft is that Apple is not afraid to drop old technology when it becomes a detriment to the user experience.
Nice job trying to lump it with legacy Windows cruft, though.
I just got an air because I got a good deal on it. It's my first mac ever, I've used self built windows desktops forever and I still do when I'm at home. I don't think I'd ever want mac os at a desktop but iOS and OSX are pretty nice for mobile devices if you don't want any fuss while you're on the go.
That's all I want in a mobile device, I want it to be light and small and not give me any trouble whatsoever, even if it means being in a so called walled garden. You gotta remember that almost everyone isnt a poweruser, most people just want to use their phone for snapping photos and use their laptop for browsing the web with no fuss. This is what (mobile) Apple devices exceed at for sure.
>even if it means being in a so called walled garden
except OSX isn't. it's more open than windows if you know how Nix works -- i.e. if you are an ACTUAL power user and not a poser like Windows users pretend to be despite the only "power user" activities they engage in is installing rootkit riddle cracks for games they downloaded off TPB
Well shit, I didn't know that. This is my first experience. I'm just saying what I've heard all my life from windows users.
>proud to be a "power user"
I must be getting old because the "power user" meme is ancient.
Windows users are ignorant, tasteless plebs. Do not heed them.
In the same boat with the airbook. I hate apple, but they can at least make a laptop that won't fall apart a year in.
Setting it up was a pain in the ass, however. Apple really wanted to get me using their cloud service, their email, their music player, etc.
Once I got all of their bullshit out of the way it makes for a pretty handy laptop.
>but they can at least make a laptop that won't fall apart a year in.
For sure, I know people who have 5 year old mac pros and they say they don't have any problems. Meanwhile every single friend I know and friend with a windows laptop is always coming to me for advise on how to fix and every windows laptop I've bought is a piece of shit within a few months and the build quality is garbage.
I know what you mean about the setup though, mine wasn't too bad since I already have an iphone so I use some of that shit.
I've always used latitudes for work and every one I've had has lasted 4-5+ years easy; only replaced them to get up to date hardware.
Do people only buy $300 shittops or something?
>ACTUAL power user
>Exploding toddler toys were never nice.
>like non 'Apple' lithium batteries don't explode
Got it, Linus
A lot of Sup Forums user base grew up. When you grow up not everything becomes about specs or games anymore and instead you gravitate towards higher quality products that aren't going to cause you any hassle, even if they come at a premium price. As more and more people on Sup Forums have grown up this attitude has naturally led them (myself included) to stray towards Apple products.
Or ThinkPads and Nvidia products.
Apple products are notorious for horrible build quality, laptops thermal throttling, overheating, screens imprinting, cables melting, cases bending. Its only gone downhill since Jobs left, the Pro line comes with fucking AMD now lmao.
Questionable claims.
>facts are questionable
Mactardism. Not even once.
Most people I know flip flop between them honestly. They started with iPhone and got sick of it, switched to Android and either got a shitty phone or one that wasn't supported for long so back to iPhone.
Or the complete reverse.
"Apple user base will always go up" the more expensive and short lived their shit becomes the more people will wake up to the real reasons for their "innovations"
MacOS is designed to be idiot proof so that little old ladies can open all the spam mails they want without getting hit by ransomeware.
Daily reminder that Microsoft is the most homosexually inclined tech company and all its products are infused with faggotry.
reddit coming to Sup Forums/g/ because they are all "le tech literate haxxors, coding is so fun gyus"
>wahhh stop liking what I don't like!!
lol this board has become an embarrassment on the same scale as /r9k/
>higher quality products
you shill
i bet fag that runs apple now has hired some astroturfers to troll various tech forums
Why can't we all accept computers are shitty and unreliable? Linux is easy to fuck up if you don't know what you're doing. Mac OS is walled garden shit for retards, and windows is somewhere in the middle missing a lot of customization, but also missing a lot of Walled garden it was great a few years ago but then it started pandering to touch screen cucks and the NSA. Still it's the OS with most software, and while Wine and react OS exist, their unreliable, slow, prices of shit. TL;DR all OS's are shit.
>AMD now
apple has been using AMD gpus since ever you fucking idiot
Are you me?
>since 2009
You didn't like Windows 7 faggot?
>despite the fact that the GNU/Linux desktop experience is still a completely disjointed mess running on ancient, clunky X11.
That's pretty on top and you know it's already being phased out. Right now the only blocker is for some half-decent compositor to get its head out of its ass and start supporting EGLStreams and it's massive migration time.
And still has a more stable and sane API than Linux for user applications.
>purposeful ignoring the lack of a stable driver api
>purposeful ignoring the lack of a sane IPC mechanism in Linux kernel
>purposeful ignoring the fact that the Linux kernel development is too orientated to servers need
And even if Apple used Linux, Torvalds will cry anyway.
>can't use Terminal.app
Yeah, like the beautiful thinkpad X220T I bought and has the same issues.
>despite the fact that the GNU/Linux desktop experience is still a completely disjointed mess running on ancient, clunky X11.
The difference is that X11 is being rapidly phased out while OS X's graphics stack is so fucking mangled and outdated that it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to get 3D performance on par with Windows or even Linux with a properly supported GPU, even on the same hardware. And I mean all related software, not just vidya. Apple still refuses to address it.
Still good enough to play Candy Crush, though.
People are abandoning Windows, some are flocking to linux, some are to MacOS, mostly due to preferences and such.
MS have finally stepped over that thin line where people went "well.. i stick with windows for gaming"
>X11 being rapidly phased out
>Apple still refuses to address it.
>what's metal?
>inb4 noo, metal doesn't count
Nailed it
I like Apple, Animu, been here for probably 8 years longer that you have, and probably not the only one, what now?
really? i used to always advocate apple products (especially osx, not necessarily mac) since 2006 at least
it really doesn't, since nobody is using or will use it on OS X. even Apple doesn't.
>source: me
>even Apple doesn't
That's why Apple moved its graphics stack over to Metal in El Capitan, right?
Metal is the future of graphics on Apple's platforms. OpenGL is deprecated and Vulkan is for Linux nerds.
I've looked into it, despite Unity, Unreal pledging support for Metal, no games with actual support for the API seem to have come out despite being available for a year.
A year is pretty young for an API if you've ever been in programming.
>nobody is using it
Literally, every graphic demanding Application in iOS is using metal.
>no argument
Shit, once Wayland is stable, it won't even be hard to migrate, there will be a compatibility layer that replaces the back half of Xorg with sweet tear-free rendering while the front end is used for compatibility on top. Then we just wait for it to be unnecessary entirely because it's so much simpler to write software without X.
I'm sure this will be actually used by anyone, just like Swift! As in, not really.
How many frames per second do you get in Farmville?
peak traffic
the majority of the tech oriented population left and popular threads that featured doing actual things with technology fall off the board quickly
board has become facebook, tumblr, and reddit defending their consumer choices
> That's because once you try an iPhone or Mac you're hooked for life
I went from upgrading my iPhone every 2 years to buy an Android. Also I'm waiting for my MacBook Air to die to get an ASUS ZenBook (been a Mac user since 2006). Tell that to your boss Tim Cook when you do your daily shilling report.
More like if you're a normie you're hooked for life. And by hooked I mean locked down.
>iMessage intercepting texts after switching to Android.