>fall for aplel meme
>decide to try one low end model
>buy an iphone se
>buy verizon model because I have that carrier
>basically expect an ipod touch for starters to see if I like it
>box is nice and inviting with startup manual and stickers
>begin to think apple is ok
>turn on phone
>greeted with friendly hello
>cant be activated without sim
>ok so plug into itunes on pc
>no sim message again
>google it
>need unofficial sims to hack my way to the home screen
>what the flying fuck is this
>stay calm and call number on box for support
>wait almost 20 minutes
>no answer
>set phone on sofa a foot and a half from floor
>as I hang up the phone which was still in plastic wrap happens to slip off the couch
>whole screen shattered with a billion cracks
>glass coming out of screen as I peel the wrapper off
>so fucking pissed
>people will still tell me it just works
Well, looks like I have a $400 brick. At least it's shiny. Also the Apple support page was no help. Pic related was my response. Never again. I trust you and your open source memes fully now Sup Forums.
Apple really is shit
Have a parent or legal guardian handle your phone for you from now on. Clearly you lack the cognitive faculties to do it yourself.
>Buys apple
Why is Apple shit, you just described that you, infact are shit
I'm 22. Explain how to bypass SIM activation if you're so smart. Also no, I'm not leaving my fresh plate of tenders to go to a Verizon store. Fuck you.
>Why is Apple shit
Because without a small piece of plastic you get a brick.
>Explain how to bypass SIM activation if you're so smart.
I'm not your fucking tech support. You're obviously a moron though.
If you wanted an ipod you should of bought an ipod you dumbfuck.
and the phone breaking is completely your fault.
Well you purchased a PHONE you goddamn retard, it obviously needs e SIM to activate it. If you wanted an IPOD you should have researched the differences between both things before.
>I'm not your fucking tech support.
Just admit you don't even know what we're talking about.
>If you wanted an ipod you should of bought an ipod
I was thinking about using it as my main phone if I liked it. An iPod would be an even bigger waste of money, since I don't carry around an extra music player like a filthy NEET.
>and the phone breaking is completely your fault.
I had an iPod touch first gen and it never had this problem.
>obviously needs a SIM
So tell me why my Nexus phone allows me to skip this and go to the home screen.
>If you wanted an IPOD you should have researched the differences between both things before.
See above.
See? You have a phone after all. Use your Nexus as an iPOd then you illiterate dumbass. You probably don't even understand the difference anyway.
>You have a phone after all
If I didn't have a phone then why the fuck would I buy the SE as a potential replacement?
>You probably don't even understand the difference anyway.
I do use my Nexus for music. I bought this brick to try out iOS. An iPod is the same fucking thing without cellular capabilities, which would make it a total waste even I did like iOS. How dumb are you?
Calm down fellow. Just try again, because... It just werks!
I tried rebooting about 6 times. It does not just work.
> breaks his iPhone
> blames Apple
I've done similar things to all other devices I've owned and the worst I got was one or two cracks, not a spiderweb of them. Yes, I am blaming Apple for creating a device this fragile.
10/10 bait
More like 0/10 bait.
>when you are too retarded to even use an iphone
if your low iq parents hadn't bred a retard the world wouldn't have to waste oxygen on you.
OP baited people with a believable story, yet still manages to claim A (apple is shit) ehile in reality, his story would suggest B (he's retarded) in hopes of
>guaranteed replies
That's why the 10 rating.
Are you an Apple fanboy?
>Buys a carrier-locked iPhone
>expects to be able to use it off carrier without sketchy fuckery
You're retarded, but you made me reply. 3/10
Is OP memeing or do applels seriously not even work as media devices out of the box without sims?
Nigga the iPhone SE is literally the best iPhone
Also iPhone's need to be babied, that's part of the experience, why would you throw it to the floor?
He bought a carrier locked one, Applel gets cucked like this by carriers instead of getting their updates cucked
Unlocked iPhones can work without SIM's
Jesus OP it's really not difficult. You can use ANY SIM to activate the phone. Borrow one from your neighbor for two seconds, activate, remove. Not that difficult. Christ.
who the fuck buys a god damn phone just to 'try it out' without a fucking cell connection? just go to the store and mess with it you fucking tool.
its not like this story is real, but naturally you could post a timestamped picture to prove me wrong
>no real argument
Retarded or not, this phone is a brick out of the fucking box.
So I should expect my phones to be bricked if I buy them in anticipation for use with a specific carrier? Why?
Not a meme. I can't get through the setup without a valid SIM. I'm pissed. Fuck Apple.
>need to be babied
>just works
Pick one.
Wrong. It needs a Verizon SIM. It's not like I just have dozens of them laying around. Also
>knock knock
>"need a part of your phone to make mine work"
>door is slammed in face
I bought it to try the OS which is difficult to do when I'm locked out of my device I legitimately purchased. Cell service probably works just as good as a $20 flip phone. Oh, and see pic related. I'm not bullshitting.
Might be the most autistic thing I've read on Sup Forums in years.
No Android phone I've ever used has required a SIM to use as a tablet.
Requiring a SIM even to get to home screen is some serious bullshit.
go back to /o/ you fucking cuck
But am I wrong? If so, explain why.
Any iPhone will work without a SIM.
Activating an iPhone after a full iOS restore or after taking it out of the box though requires a SIM card to be present be it a locked iPhone or unlocked.
OP does have a point here, you don't need a SIM card to get to the homescreen of your android phone when taking it out of the box. On iOS though the same does not apply.
Man look at all the Apple drones in this thread. I've had an HTC and a few Samsungs and being an Electrician they see some hard use, never had a screen break. Every single tradesman I've met that's had an Applel seems have broken their screens at least once.
Admit it, Apple make shit devices.
No, you're not wrong about apple locking things down.
Other than that, especially the dropping part is your fault.
Glass breaks. It's a physical law.
Not blaming Apple for the drop, but rather the paper thin glass. Not even Samshits shatter this bad.
See, if you wrote it like that i can fully agree.
iDevices look shiny but are poorly built regardless.
But i'm your only visitor.
Please me.
Pay me $20 and I'll give you a mediocre handjob.
Apple is overpriced trash and the company tries to buttfuck you out of EVEN MORE MONEY with all their ridiculous proprietary hardware and services to the extent that they shut down independent repair shops.
There is literally no reason not to own an Android and I predict Apple becoming a small player in a few years.
>they shut down independent repair shops
Wait, when? I thought they boosted their business with touch disease...
>no reason not to own an Android
I do own one. I use a Nexus 5.
Good man
They're suing this guy for demonstrating repair procedures on YouTube. Satan, the company.
Apple devices are notoriously fragile. Everyone I know with an iPhone has shattered their screen at one time or another.
I could throw my Xperia against the wall and you wouldn't even notice it
I demand webm proof for lulz
I don't like that faggot but he still has the right to free speech. This piece of shit phone and Apple suing over repair videos just made my choice of new laptop and OS easier. X1 Carbon here I come. Apple sure made a great impression!
I'm not a fan of Sony because they dragged a few people into court for jailbreaking playstations.
You can use any sim card on a verizon iphone. You do have a sim don't you user?
Also to explain this point all verizon iphones that take sim cards are unlocked. This is fact.
The one in my Nexus 5 is not the same size. I might sound retarded but I'm just mildly autistic. I'm not tech illiterate. Also no, a Verizon phone will not take any SIM card.
Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but I've dropped my phone numerous times onto hard pavement/tiles (without a case or screen protector) and nothing happened
Yes it will just try it OP. I work at a phone store. All Verizon iPhones are unlocked.
Do you guys not realize they have been unlocking verizon iPhones for years now without charge?
>We do not lock our 4G LTE devices, and no code is needed to program them for use with another carrier.
This also includes the 4S series btw.
Even if you are all right, it doesn't matter. I bought the device because I have Verizon. My current SIM will not fit.
Well in such a case just buy a cheap simple mobile sim on ebay or something for .99 cents or so. Sure it sucks but it'll let you use it.
Why? I'll get one for free on Monday.
Gee I don't know maybe insert the fucking SIM
>mfw all iPhones in the US ship with SIM cards in them
OP is fucking retarded and needs to activate his phone unless he bought it used or some shit in which he needs to get out of his basement and go get a nano sim from verizon. Use google faggot before you go on a autistic rage and break more devices because you can't use a phone designed to be used by baby boomers.
Be the running man's sysadmin, my man.
So just look up musicians who do tours around the world with tech stuff and offer your services. For example there is Peter TÃĪgtren who is an excellent metal musicians and he uses a lot of stuff that needa to be programmed and managed. He usually accepts job "wishes" cause he knows shit about cumputaarhs(he told it kek) and also do the other artists.
This way you can establish lot of contacts so you will be recommended on the market.
>I'm 22. Explain how to bypass SIM activation if you're so smart. Also no, I'm not leaving my fresh plate of tenders to go to a Verizon store. Fuck you.
You need a SIM, that's how phones work, it's part of the activation process.
You should've asked for a Verizon SIM card when you bought it from Apple, they give them away for free for fucks sake.
>I don't like that faggot but he still has the right to free speech.
The right to free speech is protected under the First Amendment from interference from the US Government, not private companies.
This guy uploaded a company's proprietary and private information without their permission. It's essentially equivalent to corporate espionage.
>there is a clear delineation between the iphone and the ipod
>choose to use the iphone
>shocked when it doesn't work when not use as a phone
please be a troll and not clinically retarded........
>not buying an Otterbox
I'm glad your iPhone shattered u retarded faggot
I feel for you op. No clue why they dont use gorilla glass but i have never seen an iphone without broken glass except my work phone in a fully sealed 100 dollar otterbox case.
Im not inpressed at all with ios.
Currently have the g5
>No clue why they dont use gorilla glass
They do.
They just don't make a song and dance about it.
Interesting. I had the g3 which had gorilla glass before i got this phobe and dropped it in concrete from like 3 ft before my case came in from amazon and it didnt break. Maybe the metal is shittier on iphones or fluke?
Either way
the problem here is that OP is retarded.
>he literally can't put a SIM in it
This is a carrier problem
Stop ignoring the fact any smartphone other than ipiss does not require a sim at any point
OP has a point, retards. You can't continue with the iPhone setup process unless it has a SIM that it can use. I don't know about whether it already comes with a SIM or not, but not wanting to have to make a purchase another time just to be able to set your phone up is retarded when Android can do it without any difficulties.
>this is neo-Sup Forums
Apple shills and pajeets out, please
Return it to it's original owner tyrone
Is this real, is OP so retarded he cant use a phone meant for 10 year old girls?
Put a SIM in you utter spastic.
>when someone is so retarded that their thread will actually get fucking Sup Forums to defend apple en masse
top kek
>broken display
>it obviously needs e SIM to activate it
Why? With cellular network off you can do everything beside calls/texts.
You're not dumb enough to buy a $700 toy just for texts and calls, are you?
There is no reason to block the phone if you don't have a sim.
having a broken display is a millennial status symbol
This is clearly bait. Buys Verizon because he uses that carrier but can't swap sim from existing phone for initial software setup process. So hard to move a sim from 1 phone to another.
>a cracked screen gives you a sort of street cred
>a cracked screen is like this really cool scar
Can't make this shit up.
>use verizashit android phone that was donated to me
>"Please activate your sim"
>do some searching
>find out there's a key pattern you can press to bypass it
>turn on airplane mode
>escape the verizon bottnet
here in Europe you can put whatever sim you want, what is this shit?
Autismo OP
>Buying iShit
Is it? Because Verizon doesn't manufacture the device.
Do explain this difference. iPods are iPhones without cellular capabilities.
Oh I know, I was just holding it wrong. Isn't that right Steve?
I don't have one. Am I supposed to just magically shit out Verizon SIMs?
Buy me one.
OP here. I think the cracks mean fuck all if I can't open the phone.
It's not the same size. Who are you to call me retarded when you can't possibly wrap your mind around the possibility of different SIM sizes. Fuck off.
It's freedom. Have a burger.
Jesus how retarded are the people in this thread? All those people who completely miss OP's point, and think OP's the dumb one. Is it the fluoride?
Ebin samefag, my dude.
>It's not the same size.
So cut it down to fit ?
Alternatively, why haven't you fucking asked Verizon for a SIM card yet ?
>why does my phone need a sim card
I'm not going to risk cutting my fingers off and ruining my SIM. There's a reason why the don't pull out a knife and cutting board at the store. Said store is not open on weekends.
None of my Android phones needed one to complete setup.
Why would it? If you aren't placing calls and just using it as a wifi pocket PC, why on earth should it need a sim?
Quit justifying apples anti consumer decisions by pretending they are the norm.
Yeah, nobody has a iPhone longer than 6 months without having a screen BTFO.
Source: I work in a phone store
>There's a reason why the don't pull out a knife and cutting board at the store.
The reason being that all of their SIM cards are "nano" SIMs sitting inside little adapters that you just break them out of.
Coincidentally, this is also why you can cut a larger SIM card down to fit in a nano slot. There are no electronic components outside of the contacts, everything past these is just plastic filler material to make it fit in larger slots.
If you're not too much of a fucking retard to be able to cut a straight line with a pair of scissors, you have the required skill and tools to cut a SIM card to fit a nano slot.
All of them are after iP5. It was law.
Source: I work in a phone store.
iPod and iPhones are the same thing, just like any Android tablet and phone. Jesus Christ Apple fags are retarded. DO YOU EVEN IPAD YOU FAGGOT
>We all know this is off some bullshit blog like Gawker, but still passes it off as credible information.
This would no go over in real life as it does in your head. Just think about it for a moment and feel like a tard.
post pic or GTFO
washington post