What am I in for, Sup Forums?

What am I in for, Sup Forums?

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shipping delays

Lets take a moment and praise apple for a few things

>256gb phone
>incredible fast internals
>not making the phone thinner and actually increasing batter size
>not falling for the qhd meme
>fantastic camera

Android OEMs should definitely learn a few things from this.


More gets, apparently.

Suicidal tendencies

>paying for your girls phone
I guess you are in for a cucking.

repeating numbers, lots of them

Buyers remorse x2

>when you realize that this is what Apple interns do all day


1 for his wife and 1 for her bull. nice.

Hope you added a few pairs of Bluetooth headphones to your shopping cart as well OP. #Courage

>you cant say a good thing about apple without triggering someone

I dont know what annoys me more, apple followers or apple haters

micro-abrasions all fucking day and fingerprints, should have got a matte black

Where can I get that wallpaper?

I'm going to get them day one. But I also wants Q35s so I'll have to decide which I want.

Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again




stop trying to speak honestly here on Sup Forums, the sperglords won't be able to handle it

>The battery isnt bigger and the power savings are theorical and just apply for apps optimized for the big LITTLE white boy Apple SOC.

the battery is bigger

You're in for apples brand new propietary technology!

The Pajeet Maker

Each night as you sleep the Iphone will awaken. This will happen regardless of whether of its off, out of batteries, or broken.

It will then home in on to you using the tracking chip that Apple secret injects you with whenever you visit the Apple Store.

It will then deploy its inflatable premium Apple wireless dildo and proceed to insert most violently into your rectum. Then it will immediately being spurting out powerful knockout agents and its propietary Apple Pajeet makers, tiny nano bots that will render incapable of holding any waste in your anus except as liquid for about an hour max.

Slowly, over time, your shits become incredibly watery and you won't be able to hold off going once you feel the need for very long.

Other side effects of the Pajeet makers include a love for terrible spices, poor coding practices, in efficient methods, and an allergy to toilets.

Thank you for purchasing Apple!


What are Q35s?

not him, probably the bose headphones.

I'd recommend at least trying out the AirPods before deciding, if you can. They sound surprisingly good. When you consider they're packed with so much circuitry the driver barely has any room, it's extremely impressive.

i'm so i have no bearing on this conversation, but the original earpods simply don't fit me very well. the only in-ear headphones that seem to work well for me are the QC20 earbuds (pictured), but obviously these aren't going to transfer to an iPhone 7 anytime soon.

i'm willing to move to an iPhone 7 (and with a 6 i'm due for it; my battery is really coming apart in terms of performance, as well, so i'm kind of losing patience), but i absolutely can't/won't do it until my daily driver headphones (these QC20's) get a refresh that involves bluetooth. i have a pair of Sony MDR-V6's for my desk, but i need headphones for when i'm going places, and the QC20s are those.

i'm not even sure what i'm going to do about workout headphones, because i use cheap wrap-around headphones that i can replace cheaply whenever i want, and i'm not super keen on using an adapter in any of these use cases. i don't like the idea of paying a lot of money for electronics that i sweat on (except for an activity tracker).

A huge bill.

So, it's unfortunate that the in-box earbuds don't fit you. The airpods are pretty much the same form factor, so they may not fit any better. I hear something like 80% of the population, they fit really well for, and that's the best they could do.

Why don't you want to use the in-box lightning-headphone jack adapter? Should work the same, right?

Again, shame that you have fit issues, because the airpods are awesome for working out.

>the best they could do
they could use silicon tips like bose and let people pick their best fit. there's fundamentally no way that could be worse than a hard shell.

i don't want an adapter when i work out. it's a point of failure in a use case that involves sweat (which is water+oil+salt, which is all bad for all sorts of shit). the iphone may be water resistant, but i don't trust an adapter suffering a lot of abuse.

i'm willing to go all bluetooth, but i need good "everyday" (preferably noise-canceling) earbuds to replace the QC20's, and i need viable workout headphone replacements. the latter is honestly the harder to satisfy (it needs to be good enough to use, but cheap enough to replace), but if those two things can be satisfied, then all the bitching on Sup Forums about apple won't matter to me.

The hard shell keeps the internals safe, makes it sound good, keeps it from getting gross easily (non-porous), prevents losing more parts, looks more "seamless." I'm sure there was a good reason for making the sacrifice.

Unfortunately, with bluetooth earbuds, the prices are all pretty high, and they don't really sound too great/involve a shitty experience (from what I hear). I can see why the workout use-case is the bigger issue, for sure.

I have no experience with the in-box lightning buds or the adapter. I have no idea how waterproof it may be, but on the analog side, it won't really damage anything to have it shorted out/gunked up. The lightning side may be an issue, but if the phone's "water resistant" I'd hope it can handle it. I'd be mainly annoyed that there's another connection that could get yanked out when jogging or some shit.

Good luck figuring something out. I hope you end up with a solution that makes you happy.

there's no way you can seriously argue that the stock earbuds that apple ships sound good, let alone better than QC 20s or frankly better than any other earbuds.

i could believe that the airpods are better, but given that nobody has their hands on them right now, that's merely a possibility, not a certainty.

>finger prints
Apple patent a fingerprint resistant coating about 3 years ago cuck.


the piano gloss whatever case has been documented as being a fingerprint magnet. they may have sorted out the matte options, but they haven't solved the issues across the board.

a big bill. happiness when they arrive.

>nobody has their hands on them right now

They sound good.

this is neat

Well, I think they do. I have tinnitus though, so I gave up on audiophile stuff a while ago.

what does the back of the floss box look like

I tried out the STAX 009s, and I couldn't really tell much of a difference between them and the M50s I normally used. At least not a 5000$ difference.

looks pretty much the same as the front, but with a metal hinge on it, as one would expect. I'm not sharing images if there aren't any released publicly.

That better be a series 2

>mfw no link bracelet


That Silver fox is too sexy. You engineering for Apple? Excited bout that new facility thats almost complete? Please tell me you guys will be embedding humans with A20 chips to further take over the world

You think I don't have a link bracelet, nigga? (Yes, it's Series 2)

Milanese loop breathes better. That's just my exercise strap.

I'm not sure how I feel about the spaceship. It's super pretty and cool, but I don't know how practical it'll be to be a place to work in. Time will tell.

Apps won't have to be optimized for big.LITTLE, at least if they're using Foundation+UIKit (as 99% of the stuff on the app store does).

As an iOS developer, you rarely if ever muck around with threads and cores manually. Instead, you hand blocks of code over to Grand Central Dispatch, a service provided by the OS, and it takes care of figuring out which core it should be run on, how to prioritize it, etc and then runs it. This gives the OS a great deal of control over how cores are utilized, meaning that it can divvy up app activity appropriately between high and low power cores much more effectively than Android can. It also means that even average quality iOS apps will be big.LITTLE optimized for "free" with no action required from the developer.

the angle hurts my brain for some reason

why do the links on mine look so much bigger? it's a 42 right?

I've got the smaller one. 38mm.

Also, the ceramic one is really neat.

its not fragile is it? compare it to the stainless if you can. ive banged mine around quite a bit and it still looks quite good

you're not privy to next gen mbp colors are you? hoping for the new black, either one

I haven't worn, or banged around the ceramic one. I just got to play around with one for a bit, and it was really nice looking/feeling.

I'm not privvy to anything that isn't announced yet ;)

But seriously, I don't know anything about new mac hardware.


do i really need to upgrade to a series 2? it seems like watchos3 will be enough

i dont know how you guys squeezed so much extra performance out of the watch with simply updating the software. it's remarkable


remember, Sup Forums is the loser's corner of the outcast section of the internet. the opinions expressed here are not reasonable, so don't be offended.

im in the unique position to be able to afford to acquire everything that you folks make, but i am for now going to skip the series 2. ill probably get my girlfriend one for christmas though, she has been asking about them

mind asking if you're in software or hardware? i won't pester you beyond those details

fingers crossed the supply chain is able to get me a jet black before my estimated date of the 26th-3rd. first world problems for sure

2 years of post-purchase rationalisation.

>they kept the ugly rounded design from the 6 instead of going back to the beautiful blocky 5

I'm electrical hardware. I worked on the 6s and the AirPods, specifically, but I'm doing weird other work right now.

I'm hyped for you, man. Jet blacks look super nice. I've heard whispers that they pick up scratches though, so maybe it'd be worthwhile to get a clear case/protector (hopefully one that doesn't mar the design of the product). I'd hate for your experience to be anything less than awesome.

>Still no file manager 9 years later

very cool. i have a classmate that does some sort of prototyping and leads (or lead) a group in china, but i was never completely clear since there's so much red tape

i did indeed get a clear case. looking forward to it quite a bit. my girlfriend is jazzed for her rose gold

question, am i going to be able to use the touch controls on the airpods to advance tracks, or will i need to use the watch/phone if i don't want to interact with siri?

Doubletap touch control can be configured for play/pause or siri (or nothing). Taking a bud out of your ear pauses, putting it back in plays (this can be disabled if you want). I use my watch for skipping/scrubbing songs and volume control, but you could also ask siri to skip the songs for you.

works well for me - thanks a bunch

any other interesting tidbits you'd like to share? if not, thanks for chatting!

The announce video has pretty accurate 3D models of the insides of the buds. Pretty cool how good they sound considering the acoustic chamber area is packed full of electronics. Also pretty amazing to think that there's legitimately a small computer in your ear. Two if you count both ears.

Also you can use them as just one bud at a time if you want. neat shit. They're really cool.

What codec does the Airpods use ???

Is it just bluetooth AAC or is there a higher lossless mode ???

like some sort of apple apt-x


STDa and Cancer

I'm not sure if I can answer that, sorry. I can only talk about stuff that's publicly released.

Your interest is awesome, though!

made me reply/10

I spent alot of time aquiring hi-res audio files.

I downconvert it to play 24bit/48khz alac and flac on my 6s which is currently the highest bitrate supported on ios.

Are the earpods capable of lossless audio streaming like apt-x (16/48) or sony ldac (24/96) ?

I don't know the specifics, sorry. I only work on the physical layer. Wish I could help.

Night, fellas. Thanks for your interest!

Thanks anyway man. They sure are keeping this one close to their chest.... i am guessing i am will be disapointed....

Sony hit it out of the park like they use too. sony.net/Products/LDAC/#features

hahaha omg epic lulz

Yeah i have been reading about sony ldac too. If apple use sony cameras in their phones then why couldn't they licence ldac..... probably there wasnt a low power implementation possible yet...

Although there is a small chance they spun up something propriety and a hi res mode will only be possible from the radios in the iphone 7 onward.

It's my boyfriends phone user

Too much batter size and it'll be difficult to bake though :(


on the flip side
>not even an hd screen

The Plus is full HD and that's the only one worth getting.

How many mAh? Because I'm using a phone from 2013 with 4000mAh right now.

While I agree with all of these points, they are cancelled out by the removal of a universal port in favor of a proprietary one and the OS which to this day does not allow users to freely move home screen icons around. Rootable dev edition when? I would pay double for that. Until they get their shit together, Android it is!

>freely move home screen icons around
Why is this something people care about?

Buyer's Remorse

A kid at a school turned this in for a grade. Fucking millennials.

It's an anonymous image board user, you don't need to worry.

I'll eat my dick if they're using 96k opus.

... mine is shipping in november...

>Toilets? They're so last year! Just shit the designated street!
Pajeet please, that's enough.