Is it true that wifi can mess with your body chemistry? I was reading that wifi waves can cause depression

Is it true that wifi can mess with your body chemistry? I was reading that wifi waves can cause depression.

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Yes it's 100% true, but phone waves are worse.

It goes like this:

Phone waves (ie phone calls), Bluetooth, Data network (ie 3G 4G etc), wifi


You also have to watch out for the radio waves of other peoples brains. It's best to stay secluded and alone, avoiding human contact to keep your body chemistry intact.

don't trust clickbait psychology, it will eventually fuck with your head

It's made me depressed so there might be something to it.

Who is tha Saya-shii a why is she the best girl?

What waves can read your mind? I need to know this to avoid government brain reading.

if mind reading exists a lot of people would be dead

no such thing exists

a lot of people ARE dead

really makes you think

no I mean people who think stuff about killing people in power would be dead or locked up

People on this board need to be more accepting of "alternative science" facts, it's for your own good...

Hotaru a hotashit.

But thought crime is already punishable, and a lot of people in your described situation are dead or locked up.

>But thought crime is already punishable

do you have proof?

Probably not. We'll find out in about 80 years when people who've had an entire life's worth of exposure start croaking.

Well, WiFi certainly does fuck the bees up.

People are going to jail for calling brown people mean names

>What is conspiracy law
>What is intent

"wifi waves" are just radio waves. They cause depression as much as exposure to sun's light causes depression - They don't.

it's non-ionising radiation, it doesn't effect shit

The sun is vastly more dangerous.

"Hate Speech" is punishable now, even without any action or proof.

You don't know for sure, so why talk?

artificial radio waves have been around for over a century, Wi-Fi is radio waves

People used to live beside enormous broadcast antennas that blasted radio waves powerful enough you could hear what was being played on the radio through fucking pots and pans. They were fine.

This is why I'm voting for donald trump, he will make america sane again.

>even without any action or proof.
This would be blatantly unconstitutional and unenforceable, but I'll believe you internet stranger.

Are people on this board this stupid? Of course the sun isn't dangerous provided you don't spend too much time receiving it's light in a single go, Do you know of something called "evolution" ? Humans adapted to the sun because we've been receiving it's light since the dawn of man, Wifi creates an environement full of way more radiowaves than human were ever exposed to, which means we have no idea how bad it's effects are going to be (1 thing is sure, from various studies done by labs, wifi causes lots of bad effects on rats health.).

>wifi causes lots of bad effects on rats health
citation needed

You clearly don't live in america or a liberal state.

When I say without action or proof, I mean that a person may have an opinion or thought but won't act on it. However, they may have possessions or connections that would provide police with "proof" to convict them of a crime.

For example, a person who makes a "hateful" comment may purchase a gun legally, which could be tied to his hateful speech and be seen as an accessory for a crime which hasn't been committed (or would be committed).

Or someone may have connections with a convicted criminal, which puts weight on their "hate speech" as having similar intent.

>you are physically linked to 4chen even when you sleep

>effects are going to be (1 thing is sure, from various studies done by labs, wifi causes lots of bad effects on rats health.).
> Anonymous 09/10/16(Sat)02:21:47 No.56522590▶
> (You)
>>wifi causes lots of bad effects on rats health
>citation needed

>didn't own a phone until 20yo
>no smartphone just an old nokia
>barely use it, it's more or less just a watch at this point
>still depressed
No, i don't think it's related.

>Google fucking translate
Topest kek

>Anonymous 09/09/16(Fri)20:23:23 No.56522624
>You clearly don't live in america or a liberal state. Anonymous 09/09/16(Fri)20:23:32 No.56522628
>When I say without action or proof, I mean that a person may have an opinion or thought but won't act on it. However, they may have possessions or connections that would provide police with "proof" to convict them of a crime.
>For example, a person who makes a "hateful" comment may purchase a gun legally, which could be tied to his hateful speech and be seen as an accessory for a crime which hasn't been committed (or would be committed).
>Or someone may have connections with a convicted criminal, which puts weight on their "hate speech" as having similar intent. Anonymous 09/09/16(Fri)20:26:20 No.56522667c49755727ce7aa948d7b7df72(...).jpgc49755727ce7aa948d7b7df721ae0f57_480[1].jpg (37 KB, 480x576)File: c49755727ce7aa948d7b7df72(...).jpg (37 KB, 480x576) google iqdb wait (OP)
>>you are physically linked to 4chen even when you sleep Anonymous 09/09/16(Fri)20:26:36 No.56522674
>>effects are going to be (1 thing is sure, from various studies done by labs, wifi causes lots of bad effects on rats health.).
>> Anonymous 09/10/16(Sat)02:21:47 No.56522590▶
>> (You)
>>>wifi causes lots of bad effects on rats health
>>citation needed
Learn how to respond to people.

It's still 90% understable for a native English speaker, I checked it.

So if I say hateful shit while waving a gun around, that would be considered worse than if I said hateful shit alone?

Are you saying context determines how speech and actions are perceived in the legal system?

Oh, un Français ! Ca ne m'étonne pas, la parano sur les ondes est très forte ici.
You should read the excellent articles Canard PC has put out on the subject, it kinda debunks all of your shit.
Please, read some basic wave propagation courses, and energy propagation. Wi-fi is very low energy, even more so that it's used with a low wattage.
Also get fucked for your two poor ass undirect sources, jesus fucking christ.


better cuck chuck is pure kino

It is. Waiting on S3

go to bed jill

Wi-Fi depression/sickness is caused by the nocebo effect. Someone told you it will fuck you up, so your brain tells your body to fuck itself up because it thinks it's under attack. In reality, Wi-Fi uses the same frequency of light as your fucking microwave, except with much less power, not causing you to cook up in your house. Oh, and on that note, your microwave isn't "nuking" anything. It works by using a high power electromagnetic field to rapidly flip dipoles such as water molecules, thus causing friction that heats your food. In all of these cases, non-ionizing radiation is used, so you can't actually alter a molecule. There's no electrons being ripped away or added.

Conspiracy and intent based laws do not criminalize thinking about committing a crime, but going through the steps to commit one. It's legally permissible to fantasize about killing someone. The second you make a plan which you intend to follow, that's attempted murder. If you bring someone else into the plan, that's conspiracy.

>Disclaimer: IANAL.

yes OP, the wifi signals cause a reaction with the dissolved chemtrails in your blood which has a cascading effect to reduce the active dopamine receptors in your brain -_-

take 10 grams of crystals dissolved to 1 part per trillion a day to immunize yourself -_-

Holy shit. A well-thought post is well-thought.
The microwave explanation of non-ionizing radiation property is superb. Lots of people gets worried about having a Microwave because they don't know if it's dangerous or not. If it doesn't alter molecules then it should be good right? (and YES friction/speed == heat)

I would like to stalk you here on /g lol is it possible to thread watch people by their name/tripcide?

No. All wireless communication uses Infra-red or Radio waves which are both in the non-ionizing part of electromagnetic spectrum. That is, they don't induce chemical reactions of any kind.


same guy.

Wish more people would post scientifically/logically-sound tier posts like this. I get it, people like to be sarcastic/trolls. But hey at least accompany that with some useful shit.

The same way orange juice has been proven to cause cancer. Was just incidental in a study.

dumb snack poster

those must be some fancy ass pots and pans if they can demodulate AM radio


>What is the cosmic background radiation
Cmon Sup Forums atleast be competitive with /sci/

Wew, I bet you shoot up with vaccines too.

wow that sun effect is sick can i get a tutorial on how to do that in green pepper

>apple's proprietary bluetooth turns you into a degenerate


is that a new apple product?

I used to live next to an AM station in the Philippines. If I put my finger on the 3.55m plug I could hear it through my (powered) computer speakers.

not him

I Am Not A Lawyer

> what is Search Engine
> what is Usenet
> what is a wise oldfag