Can we delete the Stallman sticky already?

Can we delete the Stallman sticky already?

It hearkens back to a different era of Sup Forums that no longer represents the userbase of this board. By now, most people on Sup Forums have come to realize what a talentless hack he is.

How about the same sticky, but with pic related? Or Gerald Sussman? Or some other memetic character who has actually *done something* for the world?

Other urls found in this thread:

Dennis Ritchie was a corporate tool for AT&T.

Richard Stallman is a revolutionary for ethical computing.

Worshiping a dead guy is religious

we're not fedora tippers here

Fuck off, this is our meme and ours only. He represents Sup Forums and I bet 99% of everyone here is proud of that, if you aren't is because you are the newfag killing the board.

I remember when this was a guro board kid

Proud user right here

I just hope we go back to techloligy.


it should be a picture of tim cook

Fucking Terry Davis, I thought we went over this already

how about the chinkshit bunny

Voting for Stallman.

This is ok too.

Anybody but Stallman desu

The sticky wasn't well received at all.

The guy had been spamming his fucking wiki that nobody used for months, explicitly against board rules and pissing on any pc building thread he could find.

The original sticky went something along the lines of don't ask for advice, google it, check out my cool wiki!

It was edited after over 9000 people complained that the sticky was fucking pointless to add even more asinine shit to justify its existence.

>he says, while a FedoraPad general sits on the front page

RMS is a fucking joke of a man.

I lost all respect when he started eating warts off his feet.

Disgusting autistic manchild who's a mental wackjob.

Put this guy up for a year. Let's see how the fame of being on top of Sup Forums affects him.

Carmack = Le 90s Shootans Man

He means nothing to anyone who isn't a retarded gamer faggot.

Dennis Ritchie was a cuckold loser.

he's one of the greatest programmers that ever lived. RMS cant' even program his timer.

Dennis Ritchie has blank, expressionless, soulless eyes.

Is it because of his autism?

>he prefers some broke childless fat pedo bum that lives in the janitors closet at MIT to Linus torvalds

Another reason to ditch Stallman: people are posting him on /ck/

Heathen scum. Go write a language 5% as good as C!

He just wrote stripped-down, streamlined game engines so id could run its arcadey shooters on low-end PC hardware.

You're seriously comparing him to the co-creator of UNIX and C?

see this

Stallman is a very old meme on Finnish Sup Forums ylilauta.


I propose we put in Big Billy G instead


Uhm, no.

1970s Stallman was pretty much the most advanced hacker mankind has ever seen.

There's a course at MIT right now, called 'Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming taught by Sussman to grad students.

Some of the reading is the shit Sussman and Stallman did back in the 1970s proving correctness of circuit boards and especially Dependency Directed backtracking which is all the rage in parallel/concurrentAI research right now.

People also forget Stallman was the top student in Math 55 at harvard which is notoriously the world's hardest math course. The guy absolutely is not a 'hack' nor 'talentless'.

The weirdo experimental shit him and Sussman did in the 70s is just now being realized because we have the hardware to do it, like simulating 1000 core processors to realize the paper 'Art of the Propagator'.

The only reason people hate Stallman is politics, which is too bad because he really is the best hacker that has ever lived. Remember he spent an entire year working 16hrs per day nonstop to reverse engineer proprietary shit and all of us benefit today in 2016 DIRECTLY from that effort.

It's been 40 years

It's time to let go

Oops forgot link

This is an amazing course, you can fully realize autonomous AI with this

Stallman is to us what the Swastika was to the third Reich.

Nothing has changed.

have you read TAOCP? They are just now starting to implement half the stuff in there in modern databases. Modern being, in memory, non disk caching dbms systems like Carnagie Mellon's experimental dbms and MemSQL and other NewSQL systems.

The people who wrote those systems, did so in the 1970s. it's only now we can start implementing them.

Bill Gates is a spoiled brat who was in a position to outsmart a clueless IBM, gradually establish a platform monopoly throughout the 80s, and watch his competitors implode under market pressure in the 90s.

He's a far better businessman than he was a programmer.



I have to agree. In what way does Stallman represent technology? He's only known for having fanatical religious beliefs about ownership. He's a Sup Forumstard, not Sup Forums,

Throw up Kelly Johnson, Edison, or da Vinci. Someone who had actual ideas about technology, not just philosophical hangups about how it's being implemented.

>Not Tesla
Might as well put Steve Jobs there, if that is the case.

You joking OP?

Have you seen how autistic Sup Forums is? RMS is absolutely the PERFECT dude to have at the top of the board.



shut the fuck up

What the fuck.

Has nobody here taken an actual computer science course? Read Knuth? Read any Sussman?

I will explain modern computer science, modern as you look up the syllabus of any CMU or MIT calendar RIGHT NOW and you will see nothing but 1940s-1990s research. Esp mid 70s, and esp early 90s.

Mid 70s, early 90s was the "golden age" of computer science. This is when we developed concurrency rules. This is when we theorized AI completely, machine learning and computer vision. All of it done in theory then PROVED with formal logic and invariants running through fictional languages to prove correctness of massively, distributed learning languages, that can see, hear and read in order to learn.

It's only in 2016 that we can finally put together all this previous theory and if you go on any CMU course and read the lecture PDFs, they will continually reference that whatever research they are currently doing was already done by........ (wait for it) Sussman and Stallman in 1976.

>Edison Internet Defense Force
Fuck off kikes.

Sup Forums is a board devoted to technology not sjw shit, pull your head out of your ass.

sup TheOatmeal

>not sjw
>communist Jew in the sticky

Stallman was once a great hacker, and now he spends his time defending the freedom of computer users. He has a cult following because people admire his hard work and dedication.

ad hominem attack, not related to his achievements

Not an argument.

Off topic but I met God today. Turns out TempleOS is pretty easy to just try out on a live CD and it's some cool stuff.

because he is political he also attracts this kinds of venom which is unfortunate that all the plebs have no idea the level of hacker Stallman was.

seriously has been nobody on earth at that level since, even Sussman/MIT regards him in such respect that Stallman is allowed to live on MIT campus to this day for free

you can disagree with his politics but attacking him as 'untalented' is insane, Stallman's productivity and PhD level research he was doing in the mid 70s should be the bar you want to reach in life. Stallman could easily have been the next Gates or Jobs, but he threw all that away simply because of history. While he was going to Harvard he became obsessed with history and realized that history consistently repeats itself.

If you want to understand why Stallman makes the (seemingly) insane decisions that he does, like disallowing any kind of plug in architecture for GCC, this explains it:

Stallman thinking in terms of centuries, not years. He looks 100 years from now and says what kind of future will it be? What it corporations control all the software? Well, they can control what we read, what we learn, spy on us, lock us into their monopoly ect. Stallman predicted proprietary reading devices long before they were even on the drafting research board at Apple or Amazon.

This is how you understand Stallman and his crazy politics. What will it look like, in 2060? What if CPUs all had TPM's that prevented any modification of software. What if CPUs develop microcode that demand you pay a license in order to develop for their CPU.

go to bed richard

>no longer represents the userbase of this board
>what a talentless hack he is.
Seems he represents us perfectly!

Companies are doing that precisely because he has no power, no influence, no money

He could've easily become like Gates or Jobs and have actual control over industry, but no, he become a waste of space instead.

In principle yes. The sticky should show Sussman or any of the Bell Labs guys, Ritchie/Kernighan/Thompson, but in practice none of this board is old enough to understand why these people are important.

When some guy made a thread criticizing something that RMS said about Chávez, asspained people that have never set foot in Venezuela started defending him, because "sure, chávez steals shit, but I bet that anyone else that comes into power will steal more!!"

His political beliefs ("free software" included here) line up with Sup Forums's.

Further, the most import takeaway from Stallman's dystopic future is the notion of licenses in order to use a compiler, debugger, or even a programming language.

Think about it. Everything is attributing closer and closer to being digital abstractions. A hacker could fuck all that up, prevent government control, ect. All it will take is one hacker fucking with medical implants 20 years from now to have all compilers and other software tools become regulated (because by that time, they'll all be proprietary)

There's also a lot of software "engineers" walking around lately declaring themselves "engineers". A real engineer, like civil/electrical ect not only cannot obtain specialty tools without having a license but they can't call themselves "engineeer" legally without passing a national body of standards.

This is the future. Software engineering will be fully regulated due to the 2025 hacker wars that will decimate the planet. Anybody engaged in software "engineering" will have to apply and be granted access to tools in order to compile software or use an interpreter.

CPUs will prevent any other method through proprietary microcode rejecting attempts to use their registers unlicensed.

This isn't a joke, this is the future and Stallman saw it in 1976 and decided the only way to stop it was to do what he is doing now. Unfortunately greed, money, fools and politics got in the way and we're basically screwed. When LLVM rolled it was the final nail in the coffin of GNU and Stallman admits this. In 6 years, you will need a license to use LLVM as it will be the only authorized compiler for Intel/AMD/ARM and there will be no way to bypass this.

When this happens you will toss all your devices into a polluted river and join me in the woods writing email clients on a an ancient 3000 core CPU that can still run C++/C before the CPU signatures happened.

My vote

fucking cia niggers stopping him from being stickied

yea hes pretty cool i guess. his feet are pretty gross though :p

What about pic related

Holy shit, you are scaring me user. I don't want to live in a completely proprietary world.

Nice try Linus

Fuck off corporate kike.

Stallman represents freedom.

Stalinman represents communism and cultural marxism.

His politics sucks (SJW shit), but his software freedom movement is worthwhile. I just pretend he never said that SJW shit.

>Uhm, no.
Kill yourself you beta cuck.

If you don't approve, you're a dumb fuck nigger.

Only one way to solve this


>ethical computer
I'm still trying to understand why he considers propietary software inmoral.
Most of his arguments are more trust issues rather than an argument for a implicit inmorality.


Jokes aside, we need this guy in the sticky

FOSS isn't socialist
Stallman is

>co creator of UNIX and C

This. Terry Davis is the essence of Sup Forums


>"The Brits are moving to ban 'hacking tools'. Take my unassembler from my cold dead hands. NRA is for guns; IRA is for computers."


See, while we've got some laudable candidates here, whoever is on the sticky is going to be the topic of arguments and people's shitty opinions, so it should be someone who is worthy of such shitty opinions.

That basically leaves Stallman and Terry Davis.

>the state enforces GPL dictatorship
How is this any different?

Dear clueless assholes: stop bashing bash and GNU.
This is a defense of the most prolific and dedicated public servant that has graced the world in my lifetime. One man has added hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars of value to the global economy. This man has worked tirelessly for the benefit of everyone around him. It is impossible to name a publicly traded company that has not somehow benefitted from his contributions, and many have benefitted to the tune of billions. In return for the countless billions of wealth that people made from the fruits of his labor, he was rewarded with poverty and ridicule. Now that the world is done taking from him, they are heading to the next step of villifying him as incompetent.

I speak of Richard Stallman, progenitor of the free software movement and creator of GNU (as in GNU/Linux, the most widely deployed operating system in the world, and GNU bash, the tool that has caused so much shellshock lately). He's a hero to me, and anyone that honestly evaluates the landscape of computing's history would conclude that there's few whose contributions may equal his in importance. I place only Ken, Ritchie, and Turing by his side. It is shameful that anyone need to write an essay telling people to stop bashing this man who has worked for free to provide us with some of the greatest software ever written, but I see a number of people who I normally respect defaming the man. Beyond that, irresponsible publications such as the Guardian take the chance to talk shit on Stallman and spew some anti-free software garbage. Over the past few years hating Stallman has become somewhat trendy among the Silicon Valley crowd, and every HN thread involving Stallman spews childish insults about him.

I have, for years, used bash as a central tool in my kit. I have written bash one-liners to spam millions of people with subversive messages and shift the market cap of publicly traded companies by the billions in intraday trading. Like many other GNU tools offered to us at no cost by the Free Software Foundation, I use it frequently to wonderful effect. It is more often than not the first tool I consider when confronted with a problem. It is seriously that useful.

Shellshock is not a critical failure in bash. It is a critical failure in thousands of people who knew a tool so useful that they decided to deploy it far beyond its scope. A tool so resilient that it it did not fall over when everyone deployed against best practices. Everyone knew in the nineties that when you execute a UNIX command with untrusted input, you clear away the environment variables first. Anyone that has untrusted input embedded within a shell script does not know what they are doing. The fact that there is a way to get bash to execute untrusted code is unsurprising. The thing that surprises me is the sheer number of developers who thought it would be otherwise in complete contrast to UNIX parables and common sense.

The real story here, if there is one beyond a piece of software having bugs like all software does, is the Sisyphean responsibility that was placed on one man's shoulders. The world took and took from Richard Stallman thanklessly. All the financiers and tech moguls that made hundreds of billions of dollars off of his work never once wrote him a single check to help him maintain the software their fortunes relied on. After decades of thankless service, a mob of people finally turn upon him like the jackals they are, deriding him as incompetent for a small series of bugs. Richard Stallman accomplished more than any paid developer. They also deride him as a senile fool for his eccentricities. He's always been eccentric. I've talked with him rather recently and guarantee he can code any of his pitiful critics under the fucking table. The world should have given the GNU project some money to hire developers and security auditors. Hell, it should have given Stallman a place to sleep that isn't a couch at a university. There is no fucking justice in this world.

This is a bit of theatre that has played out over and over again. Large and critical pieces of code are heavily relied on, and nobody wants to support them. OpenSSL anyone? Just as print and broadcast technologies were stolen from the people that invented them, the Internet is being hijacked by a bunch of sniveling international bankers that profit off of the effort of those before them. The brave and brilliant men and women who laboured for the Internet's creation will never see a dime for themselves or their offspring. Parasites having the nerve to insult and deride those they leeched from infuriates me.


I, unlike some people, haven't made billions from Stallman's work. That doesn't mean I won't remember what he's done, and what he continues to do for general computation and the Internet. Not a single day goes by that I will not be thankful for his work. You people are pieces of shit. I am disgusted, and you can pry my Emacs from my cold, dead NANDs.

Yeah, Sup Forums is full of discord using applefaggots now

Sticky picture should be changed to Steve jobs holding a nvidia gpu, wearing a razor hat.

my hero

Dennis Ritchie should definitely be sticky. He did more for computing and has a better image.

>Not knowing John Carmack is a way better programmer than Gnu Stallman
>Carmack revolutionned the gaming industry so many times
>Doom engine with raycasting, Quake engine with real time 3D, Quake II and its double renderer swappable in-game, Quake III and its super duper optimised af engine, Doom 3 that killed everyone else because no one else had textures this sexy and shadow/light handling

New sticky image

>not knowing Carmack credits Stallman/Sussman for all his work

Read his twitter sometime, esp when he decided to go through SICP and made it into a presentation because of how good it was, how he credited Stallman for the compiler that allowed him to make all those games. ect.

We all like Carmack, but he wouldn't have ever created quake/doom, or cmdr keen if there wasn't a free compiler to use. People forget, there was only proprietary compilers in the 80s/90s besides GCC, and they were full of bugs. Nothing was getting made unless you worked at a university and had access to Bell Labs compiler (for money) or used GCC.


>Stallman could easily have been the next Gates or Jobs

Whoever controls the software controls the computer. Proprietary software companies are asking users to respect their proprietary software. This proprietary software will contain restrictions about how a person is to use their own computer! Users are encouraged to install software that forbid them to control their own computer! This on its own is not the only immoral part of proprietary software. The other immoral part is that software owners do not want their users to have friends. They want society to live a life that is divided and restricted by them - the owners of the proprietary software.

I only care about the code, not the person, so i don't care who is on the stupid sticky.

You mean

Dennis Ritchie made a difference

Richard Stallman is a self-serving, self-styled philosopher ultimately operating on the intellectual level of a "BECAUSE IT WOULD BE BETTER!" pseudo-intellectual describing their own ridiculous utopia that primarily caters to their personal desires rather than smoothly operating as a system that produces the greatest benefit for present and future humanity

The most telling sign of stallman's idiocy is that he makes exceptions for some kinds of data that are not source code. He's not an ethics man, he's a spoiled software tweaker that hates any and all obstructions to his hobby - most likely because he is really horrible at writing software himself and needs the aid of thousands of unpaid laborers to make a slightly less horrible turd. None of stallman's major projects have ever been truly original, nor are any of them maintained or developed by stallman anymore. Even emacs originated as an extension of someone else's project (some teco macros), and was then rebooted as a clone of still, someone else's project (gosmacs). His philosophy is, simply put, great for a mediocre to horrible programmer, and horrid for anyone with marketable skill, or even a lack of programming skill but a wealth of social and monetary ability through which desired software and software features can be obtained.

>having a significant amount of code still circulating in any GNU/shit software

RSI too bad to program
but not too bad to respond to every email and beg for WYSIWYG editing in emacs

Why is it important that Stallman write a project that was original? I don't know why you believe that important free software doesn't produce the greatest benefit for present and future humanity.

Stallman makes distinctions between works of practical function and works of personal (artistic) expression. Works of practical function should be free. Works of published personal expression should be allowed for distribution without variance.

You missed the part where stallman's entire philosophy is based in selfish need instead of some grand ethical crusade

If it doesn't pertain to his selfish desires, it's not an ethical issue. The classic case of a jew rambling about business ethics and taxation when his own bank account is at risk and turning away when he's on the right side of the cash flow.

Money is money, even if it's nots yours
Data is data, even if you don't care to modify it

Indeed, you don't NEED absolutely all of your money unmolested, and you don't NEED to modify or study all software, let alone have the source to exercise the four "freedoms" in the first place. There are more viable alternatives to dealing with proprietary software than to dealing with an unfairly taxed stack of cash, but they're greatly reduced if you are an incompetent programmer among your peers. From this, comes stallman's idiocy.

If he were to be honest and state that he is more interested in material benefits and practicality than ANY ethics, freedom, or right vs. wrong, he might actually be somewhat respectable, but his non-stop rambling about having a moral high ground is a fucking joke.