KTorrent is the Visual Studio of torrent clients

Based KDE saves the day again

Queuing of torrents
Global and per torrent speed limits
Previewing of certain file types, build in (video and audio)
Importing of partially or fully downloaded files
File prioritization for multi-file torrents
Selective downloading for multi-file torrents
Kick/ban peers with an additional IP Filter dialog for list/edit purposes
UDP tracker support
Support for private trackers and torrents
Support for µTorrent's peer exchange
Support for protocol encryption (compatible with Azureus)
Support for creating trackerless torrents
Support for distributed hash tables (DHT, the Mainline version)
Support for UPnP to automatically forward ports on a LAN with dynamic assigned hosts
Support for webseeds
Scripting support via Kross and interprocess control via DBus interface.
System tray integration
Tracker authentication support
Connection though a proxy
Scripting support via Kross and interprocess control via DBus interface.
In addition to the built-in functionality, there are some plugins available for KTorrent

The list goes on...

qBittorrent master race take a note.

>Support for private trackers and torrents

>looking on my tracker whitelists now

Nope. Not seeing it mate. Yeah I'll check again

>checking again



lel into the trash

Halite is better.

Not every one is a PTG NEET faggot

>not using Transmission
whats wrong with you?

>Visual Studio of torrent
Is that supposed to be a good thing?

All of them do all of this.

every client can do these things you stupid fucking bitch

ui is a mess tho

Trash like you should be restricted access to the internet, famalama

I literally thought his post was going to be complaints.

My pajeet sense is tingling. Are you by any chance a street shitter?

KDE is just getting better and better to be honest here.

Can't wait to see what they've prepared for 6.0

Can I import all my qbittorrent torrents in to it?

honestly the only thing I personally use is PTs because they have better content...

Being using them for 10 years, if you can't get an invite, you don't know enough ppl

>tfw you want to use KDE because it looks great when themed but you know that below the surface it's incomprehensible bullshit that barely works and you'd never get it to feel right to use, even by reasonable standards

>tfw it causes some odd cycle that holds back loonix software because Qt desktop basically = KDE but half of the community hates KDE so shitty ass GTK is still supreme

What on earth are you talking about? Well done for making yourself look like a clueless moron.

>responding to claims of bugs with name calling

A KDE dev, never thought I'd see an actual programmer on Sup Forums

Please go ahead and name some because all I read was general meming
>below the surface it's incomprehensible bullshit that barely works and you'd never get it to feel right to use, even by reasonable standards

>muh minimalism faggot detected

I bet you're one of those faggots who think GNU tools are what all programs should in code, despite it being terrible for everybody with half a brain.

So which exactly of these features is exclusive to KTorrent? None? Ok.

>GNU tools are what all programs should in code
U cant into ingles mate?

нeт, кaк ти pycкии ?

all programs should aspire in code

suka blyat davai ruski

looks good, and i agree kde is on a roll these days.

however, the ktorrent site is down. are there windows builds?

that's not a very nice thing to say.

It means bloat

>>muh minimalism

I suppose everything else seems barebones compared to KDE.

This makes sense

>Visual Studio of torrent clients
It's bloated as hell, only runs on one platform, requires a very expensive license for commercial use and doesn't use industry standard technologies?