Deliberately write convoluted, heavily abstracted code to make yourself appear more integral in the software team

>deliberately write convoluted, heavily abstracted code to make yourself appear more integral in the software team
>""accidentally"" fall behind on documentation and specifications

anyone else do this?

>be passionate about your profession and do it right
>get loved, backed and promoted
>be able to afford state of the art electronics for yourself and outrageously pricy clothes and shoes for your girl who's actually way too young for you

>write a short comment on what something does
>don't remember what the fuck you meant when you wrote it a week later

One of my colleagues does that all the time, he's hired by our customer, so he does that for it to stay that way. He's quite chill though. In the end I like him, but bis behavior really sabotages the team effort.

Every fucking thread on Sup Forums these days.

Can't help it, I'm German.

I'm German too. I'm also Japanese sometimes in those Asian girl threads. Yesterday I was black for a few threads trolling stormfags. I'm black right now too in another thread b8ing, and I might be a femanon in some thread in a little while.

I see, you're """""German"""""

That's not enough quotes.

That's why Sup Forums literally needs mandatory Facebook login.

Heil Hitler Kamerad.
Genießt du auch das gute Wetter?

The person who is in charge of whether you keep your job has no knowledge of what any of this means and will still fire you for a pajeet, incurring massive technical debt

So it comes down to: do you care about the things that have your name and code attached to it, or do you care about revenge if/when your job moves to India

Look at that name you're posting under. It says "Anonymous," not "alt-right."

The alt-right is what happens when The Internet Hate Machine meme gets picked up by newfags who never knew that the racism on Sup Forums originated as an ironic joke to promote free speech and wreak havoc on the Internet, and there were many anons who are non-white, oldfags who helped spread the faux-racism against minorities on Sup Forums, until the waves of newfags after 2006 came and thought Sup Forums was stormfront and they never knew that the Hitler worshiping and racist posts were just memes, over a decade old memes. Now you have these newfags claiming they're alt-right who literally want to suck Trump's dick.

Aber sowas von. Hocke mit meinem Laptop im Wintergarten und formatiere Bestandsanalysen.

>tfw make small code cutting changes that will get harder to change in the future when they have a huge dependency on it
I make this feel

>I'm German
Hi Mustafa

Joke's on you. It's me, Jonathan.

Klingt ja so semiprall. Na ja, muss morgen noch release fahren, auch nicht besser.

>The person who is in charge of whether you keep your job has no knowledge of what any of this means
>muh pajeets

Unemployed American detected

Usually you'd have a change of software team leaders, project development team leader, product development leaders depending on the size of the organization.

The "person who is in charge of whether you keep your job" should absolutely know the ins-and-outs of what your contribution is.


Yeah, that's your problem right there:
they should. Most times they don't, because there's only so many exceptional people.

The alt-right is just a globalist controlled opposition. The really big people in the alt right like milo are zionists and homosexuals.

Go back to Krautchan, you socialist faggots.

Why, because you could embarrass yourself in front of us?

Intolerant und fremdenfeindlich sein ist unsere Aufgabe, famicon.

>imsuchaleoldfag xD
Fuck off back to ED, redditcuck.