This speaks volumes about the current situation. Jobs was a genius

This speaks volumes about the current situation. Jobs was a genius.

Other urls found in this thread:

literally who?

Go fanboy somewere else, faggot

>the shills are comparing Flash to the headphone jack
One of the arguments Steve Jobs and Apple used against Flash is that HTML5 was an open standard and Flash proprietary. How's the same argument valid for the headphone jack situation? Tell me OP, I'll wait.

truly genius

Wireless you retarded mongoloid. Lightning adapters are just a hold over for neanderthals like you.

Why the fuck you need headphone jack. They provided a dongle and if it means waterproof phone without blowing the fuck up (kek sameshit bomb 7) i'll take it.. Only apple has the momentum to actually make people give up obsolete tech.

>Yeah dude we have dominance lets just do whatever the fuck we want to because we are so innovative


>a dongle
A fucking dongle. Apple design 2016, my friends.

Enjoy charging one more thing, retard. Meanwhile I'll enjoy my quality headphones without having to buy newer ones just because told me so.

>Enjoy charging one more thing
Such a retarded argument. You probably said the same thing about cell phones you fucking dip.

You realize all android phones will follow the same route, right? Apple runs this market.

We'll see. If they had half a brain they'll use it in marketing against Apple.


>my shitty old technolgy doesn't work with my new technology
Well, I guess we should stay in the past and halt all progress so you can use your shitty $12 earbuds from Walmart and appease the poor faggots that don't have bluetooth in their cars in 2016.

literally cancer

> shitty old technolgy
Tell me a single thing that is wrong with the headphone jack.

No, being old is not a valid reason.

>Enjoy charging one more thing, retard.
I suppose if you have to charge your phone so often then it makes sense.
I charge mine at night but even then it's seldom below 60% charged.


I have a waterproof headphone jack on my 2 year old xperia z3 tablet. It's thin and I already tested it many times.
Any decent headphones sound much worse through Bluetooth adapter.

ITT things $50 android phones can do that $700 iPhones can't.

I'll start: use your headphones without carrying a dongle

There is no doubt he was a genius. But he also liked money and ripping off people.


is that a CIA nigger?

Literally never going to happen. In a few years all mobile audio will be lightning, USB-C or wireless. And a few years after than wireless will be the standard.

This isn't 2010. For many headphones, bluetooth audio is almost indistinguishable from wired nowadays (see Momentum wired vs. wireless comparisons).


>all mobile audio will be lightning, USB-C or wireless
So I'll be able to use USB-C headphones on the iPhone without a dongle? That's good to heard as at least that's an open standard.

>intentionally misreading my post

Wireless is bad and will be bad until some magical revolution happens with batteries.
We've had wireless mice for like 20 years and most people still prefer wired ones.

So it's either a new wired standard (USB C) or dongles. Both have downsides.

Or we stick with good ol' headphone jacks, which is what will happen.

Yeah we'll probably use those jacks even 30 years from now.

But on the other hand, there are many people who don't really use headphones that much and won't mind the jack going away in cellphones.
Sup Forums underestimates that because Sup Forums is mostly young, but adults rarely play music on their phones and that's a huge market.
So some phone manufacturers will probably follow Apple. Not on their entire lines, but with some models. Also because it's cheaper/easier for them.

The courage to not take medical treatment.

>Apple making claims that everything is going wireless
>removes headphone jack to practically force people into using wireless headphones
>introduces new wireless earbuds for just such a purpose
>won't shut the fuck up about wireless this and wireless that


Right, just as I suspected.

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

They're perfecting their patents on polishing the base units.


Flash was compromised, so their was an inherent reason to leave it out in order to prevent users from being disgruntled.

Floppy discs and serial ports being removed from their Macs made sense because the alternatives presented could be done CHEAPER or ON PAR with the original ports and be implemented for about the same costs.

And their are still laptops to this day that ship with a optical drive, it didn't get replaced, it was done so that the App Store could have reason to sell movies.

An audio jack is about as much of a standard as MP3, it's not compromised, the alternatives have not been proven to cost less or same, and as such they will not be discontinued. This is not a case of Vinyl vs CD, this is a case of company running out of ideas, rationing out the little bit of ideas they have left,and gliding by until finally going out in a blaze of glory discontinuing their entire product line.

iPhones will not go past 10; screencap this.

It's inductive charging, not wireless charging.

Those charging pads are still tethered to an outlet.

Why do Lagdroidtards get everything wrong?

It's wireless as you don't need a wire between the charger and the phone. Sorry retard.

Actual wireless charging would mean electricity being conducted over the air, so the device could still be charged while in your hand or even in your pocket.

There is actual research being done on this.

>Actual wireless charging would mean electricity being conducted over the air
That's literally what happens, it is just extremely short range.

Fortunately apple doesn't run audio market which is why no one will drop jack ever, except for apple that is. It's just apple sheeples who will spend 100+ dollars on garbage proprietary apple headphones while rest of world laughs at them. It's nothing new really, since apple users are used to being locked in apple ecosystem since forever, this is just another example of this. Apple hasn't innovated and lead anything in market in forever.

George Costanza

No, its not. Magnetic inductance =/= electrons jumping a gap from point A to point B

hey reddit

no wires = wireless. wire + less. It's that simple.

You can have a waterproof phone with a headphone jack (see every xperia Z series phone ever).
>sameshit bomb 7
Oh yeah like 37 phones "exploded" out of two million, very good argument there mate.

>Those charging pads are still tethered to an outlet.
As opposed to the magical wireless technology apple will be using to siphon energy directly out of the aether and beam it into your phone.
>Actual wireless charging would mean electricity being conducted over the air, so the device could still be charged while in your hand or even in your pocket.
Those technologies are deemed to be inefficient, so it is very retarded for apple to pursue them. And in the meantime, they really should have shipped the iphone 7 with inductive charging so it would make up for the loss of the jack.
>Magnetic inductance =/= electrons jumping a gap from point A to point B
So you mean apple will put 2 million volt death machines into people's living rooms, and hope that will somehow magically charge their phones? I can't wait to see how that turns out.

so what's the best bang-for-buck wireless headphone, Sup Forumsenious?

>Magnetic inductance =/= electrons jumping a gap from point A to point B
Through the air! Just like you want, except not the range you want.

>I have no idea what I'm talking about: the post

Apple were originally planning to introduce wireless charging with the 7 iirc but it was pushed back late in the process.

Following big Steve's words in the video, Apple is betting on the wireless horse, which is the right horse. Wires are on the way out. Everything will be wireless in under 10 years and thanks to Apple things like bluetooth earphones will be cheap and high quality like wired earphones are now.

Yeah, they're still working on their polishing patents.

It literally is, by the very definition of the word. It's charging your phone with no wires. There's no electrical connection between the phone and charger either.

Just like wireless internet has become superior to wired by now right? Oh wait

It's on par.

In before 2ms matters in your games.

Depends on what you're looking for. Want the best sound and ANC? Momentum. Want some solid, well-balanced cans? Major II. Want something ridiculously cheap with acceptable quality? QY8. Want people to laugh at you in public? QuietComfort.

Please stop, you have no idea what you're talking about and it's embarrassing.

Enjoy carrying also a case around because your earbuds only last 5 hours

>on par

>Apple makes wireless earbuds with no case
enjoy losing your earbuds!
>Apple makes an unobtrusive protective case that charges them in your pocket
enjoy carrying around a burdensome case!

Why is everyone on this board such a little bitch?

Some vegan hipster

Not an argument

this was actually helpful


Maybe that's because either way is more inconvenient than simply using wired alternatives? Also that case won't help your earbuds falling off, which is why most people say that you'll lose them quickly.

>First step: Remove 3.5mm jack, and provide a adaptor to provide for short-term reassurance and to avoid backlash
>Now all the customers will just but Lightning accessories instead to avoid complication and use it directly with their Apple devices
>Step 2: Discontinue support for adaptors with iPhone 8 and provide only lightning
>Now people have all the lightning accessories just lying around that would become useless unless they get a new Apple device
>Change brand and lose accessories, or pay for whatever Apple product is priced this gen.

They're essentially locking in customers within their brand, if the iPhone 7 sells well.

If Apple really cared about innovation or future, they would've put a USB Type-C port on their phone, and not the proprietary that only works with their limited number of devices.

>it's an argument when I say that they are on par but it isn't an argument when you say they aren't on par

Ether et is objectively superior to wifi. You know that it's not likely to reach those theoretical max speeds of wifi in real life, right?

>Maybe that's because either way is more inconvenient than simply using wired alternatives
Except for people that actually want wireless earbuds and don't mind the price.
>falling off
Wired Apple earbuds literally never just fall out of my ears and I use them daily.

I am afraid you are just placing arbitrary definitions on things just to make an argument.

Magnetic induction is literally through the air. The Galaxy Note S-Pens use the same technology to receive power and they work a good 2cm away from the screen.

I know you just want more distance but distance is not the defining factor of the technology. It's literally just not having a connection to the thing you are charging.

>tfw you exclusively listen to music on your pc or in your car so you don't give a shit about the lack of headphone jack

I can see why some people are pissed, but I'll be glad to upgrade from this shitty 5 year old 4S

>Also that case won't help your earbuds falling off
Have you ever wondered why ear bud fall out?
Hint: it's because the wire catches on something.


>If Apple really cared about innovation or future, they would've put a USB Type-C port on their phone, and not the proprietary that only works with their limited number of devices.

Apple invented USB-c.
THey don't use it because it's too big.

>Jobs was a genius.
Thats why he evaded all forms of modern medicine when he had cancer, GENIUS !


>Except for people that actually want wireless earbuds and don't mind the price.

The option to go wireless has been available since more than a decade yet nobody really cared. Bear in mind that even jobs responded with "do you want another thing to charge?" when he was asked about wireless audio.

>Wired Apple earbuds literally never just fall out of my ears and I use them daily.

Not everyone's ears are perfectly identical to yours. My friends who use apple headphones always complain about them falling off after a while.

>Charging your phone while lstening to headphone


>hahaha, 362 DPI in a fucking PHONE? Holy shit you guys are fucking retarded applel is doomed!
>HAHA, who the fuck needs 2880x1800 ON A LAPTOP???? OH MY GOD THIS IS SO DUMB

>3 years later


You guys realize this is all a cycle, right? This is what Apple does, they force the industry to actually work. They will always adopt or drop tech forcing better future alternatives. Watch in under 2 years when you have wireless headphones with sound issues solves and 10+ hours battery life. I will wait for the inevitable day when you're all circlejerking on Sup Forums about them and showing them off.

Not really, they simply fall off after some time. People have different ears, they can't produce earbuds that fit everyone's ears perfectly.

It's time to get out of the basement

Everyone with a powerbank does this.

>and not the proprietary that only works with their limited number of devices
>limited number

>I'm so much of a retarded neckbeard that I'm unaware of the amount of iPhones around

There are 700 million Lightning equipped devices around, you dumb fuck. 700 million.

>Apple invented USB-c

>Ive never done it, so no one does!
I do it every single day, i drive a truck.

>when you realize all the people bitching about this are ultra poorfags that don't have bluetooth in their cars in 2016

feels good

You should check the market share of devices running ios. There are less devices that use lightning.


>Sup Forums, 2018

>362 DPI in a fucking PHONE
My HTC Touch Diamond had a 288PPI screen, 3 years before the iPhone 4 came out, was one of the reasons i bought it.

When the rumors about the headphone jack removal were pretty much confirmed I went out and bought a Moto G4 for 220€, this coming from an iPhone 5 that I wanted to upgrade. Best purchase decision I've made in years, Android is far better than iOS nowadays.

Someone should redo pic related with that added.

Who do you think the USB Implementers Forum is?
Yeah I guess there were a few engineers from other companies but Apple employees did the bulk of the work.

You are implying that consumer technology would *only* ever improve because of Apple.

>but Apple employees did the bulk of the work.
[Citation needed]

>Jobs was a genius

I'm not denying that they might have contirbuted to the standard the most, I'm just saying that I doubt that apple is the sole creator of type c.

It's still shitty that they use something different from all the other phone manufacturers, cause this way a lightning headphone won't work with an android, and vice versa. It's like back then when all phones used different proprietary chargers, thank god the EU forced those retards to use USB.

I'm not implying it, I'm outright saying it from over a fucking decade of seeing this shit with my own eyes.