What does Sup Forums think of my new monitor?

What does Sup Forums think of my new monitor?

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what is this retard ratio

why can't we just have 2.40:1 wtf

I sure hope you didn't buy for games because 21:9 support is god awful

>not wanting 3:14159265359

Nice monitor arnie

16:9 is the best ratio known to man

Nice.... you bought the worst of the whole lg 21:9 lineup
21:9 is really nice. I had 2 16:10 screens before and from now on, I never want to switch back
I'm gaming on 21:9. Most games I tried are fully compatible. Overwhatch does not support it, but it's a shit game anyway

>ending with a rounded up digit

>87 sunset Rd

Enjoy your pizzas bud

You are fugcked boi

Every look at he cuck.

>buying shit that's shilled here

I got it 2 weeks ago as well, really enjoying it. Not needing 2 monitors anymore.

Overwatch supports 21:9 looks absolutely perfect on it.

Arnie (Arnold) Cuozzo
87 Sunset Dr.
Orange, CT 06477



I have one.

I like it in games that support it and specially movies. I like also having more content to put on screen side by side.

However being honest, it feels a little bit absurd when something doesn't support it, old 4:3 shit looks even worse because you could fit 2 of that but instead you get 2 big black bars at the sides and... that's that really.

You're pissing me off.
Fuck off

I like your garden, its very nice

>American "Housing"


classic Sup Forums fucking up peoples lives i wonder why this thread isnt more hectic though...

>paper mache walls but always a big flagpole

pizza teim

>3 car garage

Guessing OP lives with his parents, no way anyone on Sup Forums can afford a nice house in the suburbs.

Pizza hut sells an ultrawide pizza

>literally every single person on Sup Forums is poor

It's not


That is not 16:10