Vivaldi browser

Why is Vivaldi so shit with the integrated Sup Forums script, or 4chanX for that matter?

Quote Preview doesn't work for shit. Isn't it supposed to be another Chrome?

Just edit the source of the browser and fix it


>Le Vivaldi

vivaldi a shit

what is worse opera or vivaldi?

At least Opera is still functional. Opera turbo saves me still to this day, and i want to try that new battery saver feature

Not OP but...did i fell for the vivaldi meme? its comfy, but its opera really that great?

Opera has a longstanding tradition of being the least worst browser available at any given time

Opera 12.16 was the king back in the day, but then the devs decided to drop everything and migrate to Blink for some ungodly reason.

What is it like now?

Awful. Opera is awful. It's like a more buggy Chrome. Technically Vivaldi is a lot like that too, but at least that has an UI that is different.

>expecting a browser built on a scripting language to be relevant in some sort

The fact that it supports chrome addons makes it usable, but there at least a dozen major bugs that make it irrelevant when competing with modern browsers. For example, why is it that sometimes pages simply don't load? Stuff like that is simply not acceptable anymore.

And way slower than Opera too.

That's pretty disappointing. At least that Otter Browser is still in development, let's hope that turns out to be good.

Is this some sort of Opera clone or what?

Also Sup Forums X works well on Opera.

>Also Sup Forums X works well on Opera.

It has the same bug it does in Chrome where if u come back to a thread after going to bed the submit button doesn't work until u hit refresh on the page

What's slower than Opera and which Opera? Vivaldi? Vivaldi has a less responsive UI, but it's as fast as Opera and Chrome.

works for me

>what's worse
>the fasted most functional modern browser available
>or piece of shit memevaldi

I think the answer is obvious.

So after looking through this thread I decided to give new Opera a go. How do you change it so the tabs and menu button are on the same line in the new one? I know the method on the right worked in 12.16. Also, is there any way to get rid of the crap on blank tab pages?

Still no skins available in the new one either, right? That's a little disappointing.

>Isn't it supposed to be another Chrome?
Worse, it's a Chromium web app pretending to be a browser.

no need to praise opera that much. it's just a chrome skin.