IPhoney shills btfo

iPhoney shills btfo

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All I know is, my Note 4 runs slower than my iPhone 4 ever did


>defining camera quality by MUH MEGAPIXHULZ

>VR support

Dying overhyped fad for faggot gamers, just like 3D games from five years ago.

>app installs from a browser

Gee, that doesn't sound at all like a glaringly obvious malware vector. No siree it doesn't!

>seamless updates

iPhones have had this since 2007. Unlike Android phones, they actually get regular updates.



Nicely said.

>Iphones have seamless updates

OP here. Forgot source.



Don't forget, the Iphone 7 doesn't even have wireless charging yet

Top kek

Apple should take the standard Android approach instead and neglect any support for updates, then just wait for the bloatware and malware to slow down the phone on their own.

Android is a shit OS to be honest. iOs really works pretty well, even in older devices.

I remember the last one from 2012 said that by 2016 apple would have wireless charging


but they do!

i can charge my 160$ earbuds wirelessly!

Source of the source

Samsung anything 7 literally btfo.



iPhone been installing apps from browsers retard

Oh, it's that time of year again.


He fell on it retard

Can't wait for all the iPhone users that are too stupid to manage not having bloatware and malware come through talking shit about an OS they probably have never properly tried.

nexus 6 is splashproof, not waterproof. motorola didn't even put IP standard on it. the phone is shit. speakers and screen is nice, but battery life and build quality is shit. back cover is glued to the phone, and when it gets hot (while charging for example) it comes off. i bought it and motorola had to replace it three times. every time i had to wait 2-3 weeks. not going to buy another chink phone. iphone 6s now, it is great compared to nexus 6.

Um... but most of these features are not new or unique to the iPhone 7?

lol what a bunch of crap
t. iPhone 4 user

just do a full factory reset and you'll be good

>VR support, curved displays

I'll avoid useless technology.

>multi-user support

No one needs to use my phone. I'll set up the phone call for them myself if they need to call someone.

iPhones are such shit, it's hilarious

maybe that's because you're too retarded to configure it properly?


Not really sure how you can argue against this.

and I don't even like my iPhone (5s) that much.

1440p is pointless on phones and just ravages the battery

Also the iphone has had notifications on the lock screen since at least the 4S so I don't know what that is getting at

iOS doesn't even have lift to wake?

>no headphone jack

What the actual fuck?

Hahahahaha, you delusional retard. The Nexus 6's battery life was TERRIBLE, and its camera was one of the worst I've ever used, proving once again that megapixels are not a measuring stick for camera quality.

m-muh additional battery life
>proceeds to make the phone unnecessarily thinner

While I'm thinking about it, lemme tell y'all a fun story from my time as a Nexus 6 owner.

I had just gotten the Nexus 6, and had noticed that I wasn't seeing an update that I was supposed to be seeing. Cursory research revealed that the culprit was Verizon, blocking the update until they had "tested it on their network", which, as everyone knows, is almost always 100% meaningless red tape. This in itself wasn't unusual for Android handsets -- carriers gatekeep updates all the time -- but what *was* unusual was the fix: remove the SIM card, wipe the phone, and connect to Wi-Fi. Then, in the absence of any evidence that it was, or ever had been, connected to the Verizon network, the update would download and install immediately.

I did this, and so did everyone else, and nothing bad ever happened. Verizon was basically just holding back the update because they could.

And that's why I now have an iPhone. I get my updates as soon as the rotting, unholy corpse of Steve Jobs says I do. For instance, a critical iOS vulnerability was discovered last month. It was patched on every iPhone from 2012 forward within *ten days*. Google didn't even patch Stagefright on Nexus phones that fast. They tried, but the patch only half-worked, and they had to issue another one.

Uhh both of those are objectively false. Look at any Nexus 6 review, both the camera and the battery life were top tier when it was released.

The problem is with Verizon, not Nexus.

If you hadn't been dumb enough to have Verizon, your Nexus would have worked just fine.

Why do you lie on the interwebs?

Actually, the iPhone 7 is THICKER than the 6/6S


Not joking. All that shit about removing the thickest component came to nothing. The 7 is 7.1mm, 6s is 6.9mm.

No, the problem is that Google lets carriers and OEMs have too much discretion as to a device's update trajectory.

Granular permissions - iOS 2008, Android 2015
Automatic app backup to cloud - iOS 2011, Android 2015
Management of app background work for standby battery life: iOS 2008, Android 2015

Enjoy your "new" OS!
In 2018 you guys will love: Handoff, Continuity, Reachability, Night Shift, 3D Touch, Airdrop, unified media controls, full phone backups, iMessage, and basic security features.
If you need help with Android's new features, just ask an iPhone user. We've had this stuff for years.

not arguing for either 'side', but just out of curiosity, what are those things?
is night shift like f.lux? because android already has that (it calls it LiveDisplay)
full phone backups have been possible for a long time (nandroid)

>Needing to rely on ad riddled third party apps for what should be well made OS features

So this... is Android...

You can charge them, not wirelessly though

Should I get the galaxy s7 Nexus or regular s7?

Later versions of android fix this

>something integrated into CM and another which operates outside of android are "ad riddled third party apps"

>Custom ROMs
>An acceptable alternative

Wew lad

alternative? i've only ever used CM

This desu

It's built into ZenUI.

The Nexus 6 is a tablet though, not a phone. Apples and oranges.

t. Manlet

It's 6".

Oh yeah, excuse me please, Mr. Manlet.

Why don't you get a 7" phone if bigger is better?

>technology board
>thinking that megapixels mean something

You're about as original as Applel faggot

Mi Max is perfect.

yeah meaningless buzzwords like retina are better

never said they were

>1440P is pointless on phones and just ravages the battery
So does the LCD faggot. AMOLED uses less battery.

>comparing camera quality by MUH MEGAPIXELS

Here, ladies and gentlemen, we have a brilliant image to sum up the faux-technological knowledge of lagdroid users.

Only if the image is dark. When displaying bright image, AMOLED uses more power than LCD.


Are You braindead,apple slows older phones os by constantly pushing out new "updates" that litterally add nothing

>Hmm, let me just remove the features the iPhone have that the Nexus dosen't, so the nexus one looks superior!

made me think

Feel free to mention them now. I'm curious.

VR, app installs, curved displays. Not somethint we cant live w/o, but they are newly introduced to smartphones, and thats what anon1 meant to say. 2Years later Apple will again make a "breakthrough" in technology giving us smth we've had for years thats his point...

>3D touch
>Finger print scanner
>Wide color gamut display
>A better camera
>IP 67 (Nexus 6 is only water resistant. No IP)
>Apple pay
>7 MP front camera vs 2 mp on the nexus
>Siri natural language commands and dictation

So does android

Wait for the note 7 to not explode, it's worth it

Can't believe you are forgetting 240p slo-movies!

dude bro you chose like the hardest way to force update your phone. You don't need to wipe it just flash the OTA manually. Super ez

You say it like that is an excuse.

I did a factory reset because of reasons and it's snappy as fuck. I'll probably keep it for another 2 years easy. Anything other than kitkat is cancer for the note 4. I'm still wondering what I ROM I should flash that has the s-note and s-pen features. Lots of half-arsed extensions and such... pretty disappointed with samsung keeping everything so closed lately.

literally anything with a lion or lipo battery will explode if you bend the battery.

find the app that's slowing ur phone down
my S5 had an app that was crippling my performance.

At least Android doesn't need to install Itunes if they want to download update offline. :^)

>screen resolution affects cpu and ram performance

even a 3rd world airliner bans samshit

resolution affects 3d rendering performance?
2d resolution performance as well?
phones have gpus for animations.

are you retarded?

Nexus 6 isn't water resistant.

Who wrote this shit?

Are you actually this stupid?

>Who wrote this shit?
So basically, Sup Forums.

Uhh yes it is. Literally the first result on Google says the Nexus 6 is water resistant.

>wireless charging
that actually raises the question, why the fuck didn't they do it?

What about the guy that was sleeping with it and it exploded?

See here, you don't understand how apple works

You don't tell Apple what features you want, apple tells YOU what features you want.


Now, shut your yapper and take the features they're giving you now. Wireless charging will be added when they want you to have it

>iphone isn't chink phone

>some angry autist took time to make this

>Literally being glad you have less options
Apple users lol