Time to defrag them drives, Sup Forumsayboys

Time to defrag them drives, Sup Forumsayboys

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>still using moving parts drives

No need here :^)

I don't use a shitty filesystem that fragments or a mechanical drive

689 non-contiguous files (0.1%)
200 non-contiguous directories (0.0%)

>still using an OS that requires manual defragging

>the current year
>fragmented drives

I've been using this drive for about 6 months now and most big files seem to be in 1-4 extents, few in the 10's and the worst I could find is in 23 extents. Read speed of that file was ~3% slower than similar file in 1 extent, I'd say still well within the error margin.



Windows 8.1 and 10 do it automatically...

>66gb of hidden and inaccessible windows shit
I'm bothered by this but can't be arsed to boot from a usb?

# btrfs filesystem defragment -r -v /

Daily reminder that the stupid "durr linux doesn't require defragging" meme has to die!



>Still using Windows

ext4 got me covered. You?

Use disk cleanup.

>using harddrives

You don't need to defrag on Windows 10 you cuck

man e4defrag

>saving data on a disc

SSD masterrace here

I keep putting it off, and now it looks like this. I'd be better off copying everything to a different drive, reformatting, then copying everything back.


Really makes you think.

What's your point?

>Piriform Defraggle
lmao. bet you're using ccleaner, too.

lol, muh nvme drive
>defrag time: 25 seconds

wtf? i love fat16 now

Well MyDefrag is gone so.

you'd think so, but i've found windows can still manage to fragment even when doing that

>only 175k files
You didn't run it on /, did you?

I did run it on /

Where's the rest of your system then?

If people stopped to think for a second they would realize themselves that a filesystem that doesn't fragment is impossible. Maybe it does de-fragmentation on the fly in smaller instances instead of doing it all at once, that's all.

But apparently if you have an ext4 partition of 100 GB with 100 files of 1 GB, then delete 20 of those files at random, then add a single 20 GB file, that file will be saved in a single part without the filesystem ever moving some of the older files around. Amazing!

i wasn't aware that SSDs could get fragmented. I'm pretty sure I've run TRIM on these recently, too.

SSDs get fragmented exactly the same as HDDs do, it just doesn't matter if an SSD gets fragmented because seek times are constant.

Oh okay.

I guess it doesn't really matter because I need to reinstall on this stupid fucking 840 since it's turning to shit again. Fucking samshit never again.

>tfw can't install gentoo because 2500k has no vt-d

Not sure what you mean, I've got
/ which is most of my main drive
/boot, /mnt/ntfs which is a mechanical drive with mostly old windows shit on it, and a networked drive with music and shit on it

Based on how grossly incompetent you are in regard to disks, I'm willing to bet any problem you're experiencing is your fault rather than samsung's. Especially if you think reformatting will fix it.

Exactly. Why the fuck are there still faggots on Sup Forums using Windows 7? Just install 8.1 and slap Classic Shell on there already you faggots.


>just doesn't matter if an SSD gets fragmented because seek times are constant.
sequential reads are faster than random reads even on SSDs

Source: own several SSDs and am not retarted.

>840 evo
I feel you
god damn it, give my IOPS back
top is pre manual trim, bottom is after clicking manual trim

Exactly. And fragmentation is good for SSDs because it just means less wear.

The point is you are literally retarded.

>2006 + 10
>not owning a solid state
enjoy being cucked faggots

I have never needed to defrag an ext4 partition ever.

can't say that about NTFS tho....

>Mechanical drives

holy shit dude just reinstall the OS

I doubt his os takes 193.9GB

>OS *and files
his whole 193GB partition is that fragemented

>200GB spinning drive

Laptop has SSD, no need to defrag.
Server has 6 15k HDDs in RAID 10, defrags automatically once a week.

So does Windows 7. Maybe if you knew how to use it you'd find that it has automatic defragmentation built in.

You would want to defrag ext4 if you move terabytes of information every month, but it's not needed for your daily use PC.

>he uses a third party defragging software
Ever since Windows 7, Windows will literally defrag for you automatically in the background. It's even smart enough to know what drives are SSDs so as to avoid defragging them.

How fucking stupid are you?

You'd be wrong and you're fucking retarded. 840 evos have a hardware level bug that causes read and write speeds to plummet the longer data sits on the drive.

Fuck off and kill yourself.

That's probably your OS doing predictive caching.


>wincucks actually have this problem

running a disk defrag on solid state

>i cant even

i defragged my SSD and it's a little faster now, don't be fooled :^)

i am not able to keep any drive unfragmented for some reason.

>his IOPS are still in that good of shape
witness and despair.

Meh. They're fine.

>On the current year

Defrag your brain, retard.

you convinced me to re-check mine

Guess the non-PRO non-EVO is the GOAT