Firefox now has FLAC support and it's killing MP3

"FLAC will eventually replace MP3"

Lossyfags BTFO

"MP2 will eventually replace MP3"
"MPC will eventually replace MP3"
"AAC will eventually replace MP3"
"ALAC will eventually replace MP3"
"Vorbis will eventually replace MP3"
"Opus will eventually replace MP3"
"FLAC will eventually replace MP3"

just you wait guys, mp3 is done* and finished*

>*just you wait! any decade now!

I wonder why they held off for so long. FLAC has been around way longer than Opus and Mozilla added support for that years ago.

Why would a lossless codec replace a lossy codec? Each has their own uses

this is the only answer. If any format deserves to, it's Opus, and it doesn't look like that's gonna happen anytime soon, so FLAC will definitely do nothing of the sort. Phone storage sizes have increased a sad amount, and 32GB devices without TF slots are still very much relevant, so don't expect shit to change to music files that are several times larger than their MP3 counterparts.

just like
"MP5 will eventually replace MP4"
I'm glad that meme is over

This. Trying to replace MP3 with R&D ignores the fact that MP3 is popular because its ubiquitous, not because it's good.

There's at least one flac streaming music service out there, but I can't remember the name of it.
This might help them.

>local music
Lol stream your music grandpa

If you are talking about tidal, it is dying and is not flac. It is 320kbps mp3

MP3/JPEG/GIF/PNG are master race formats that will never be replaced

>only music streaming services such as Soundcloud, and Tidal
>no having a js FLAC decoder

I don't know what's worse. Attention-fagging your single-file PHP application or implying that Tidal is a music streaming service worth anything.

as soon as something reaches "good enough" status, it becomes /very/ hard to displace it

Oh boy, now websites can have even more bloat. The vast majority of users don't have good speakers, a good listening environment, or don't even care, why is this a good thing?

i for one welcome lossy flac files

Wavpack > FLAC

eventually bandwidth and storage will be so cheap that it won't matter anymore.

Free codecs replacing proprietary codecs is the important thing here.

mp3 is very close to FOSS at this point. The actual codec has been re-implemented in free software for years but the format was patent encumbered, now the patents have expired everywhere except the US. I think the remaining patents expire next year so then it will officially be FOSS and a free standard.

FLAC is free from the ground up and licensed under the GPL.

FLAC is intended for a different purpose though. You should be backing vorbis or opus

Those are DOA. I haven't seen a single one of those files and my browser (Edge) doesn't even support it, it supports FLAC however.

the same people made flac, vorbis, and opus

might as well say to back Xiph

I'm looking forward to AVC and AAC becoming public domain. Aside from the fact that they're both still quite good they can also serve as the basis for newer codecs using their concepts probably more FOSS ones specifically.


Dunno, WebP can somewhat get rid of JPEG.

webp is also DOA, people use png

Should I convert my mp3s to flac? How much do you suppose they've already lost being in mp3 format for ~10 years?

Why do we need AAC when Opus exists?

Please tell me you're joking.

>Why do we need AAC when Opus exists?
Well Opus is definitely superior but AAC does have years worth of hardware, it could still be useful there when it becomes public. If the hardware support is better for Opus by that time at least AAC could still be useful for reference and borrowing components.

This, what other lossy codec is better and works with my phone?

I didn't hear any difference between 128kbps mp3 and 320kbps. How would flac be usefull?

Pretty much only AAC.

>using MP3
>using FLAC


can't just have unisupport?



>look we're adding shit to the browser no one needs
>but we won't even try to make it more appealing to the general public again

RIP Mozilla. You had a good run.

Firefox is already appealing.

They're doing everything they can to make it appeal to normies by doing the SJW crap.

I said the general public.
Not the 5% of Americans who drank tap water as kids they'll use Safari or Chrome whichever is preinstalled on their electronic fedora.

>eventually bandwidth and storage will be so cheap that it won't matter anymore.
American internet is nowhere near cheap enough or fast enough.

I wonder why the (((companies))) aren't doing anything about the availability of the information super highway.

it is nowhere widely
and just because something doesn't matter doesn't mean it's not completelly retarded
and it's not usual IT to create a bunch of fucktard specifications that everyone has to work with

Spotify use OGG/Vorbis, you retard
Millions of people use Spotify

Because they're already overcharging Murilards for a halfassed service.

No need to invest in infrastructure.

give them ISPs some time
they have to build the internet, maintain, sell it and so much more with not enough staff
dunno maybe it doesn't apply to american ISPs hah
though the ones I was at fit right into the described image... just like everywhere else on the world


does this format even mean shit in the >32kb/s performance bracket?
i just always see those graphs about how it does better in the nigger-tier fidelity range.

it has good gains over vorbis up to ~128k, then it's about as good

for the average user, opus reaches transparency at around the 96k mark

>uncompressed huge audio files will replace smallest most convienient audio files


Oh wait that's right nowhere because the comment about FLAC replacing MP3 is just stupid conjecture by the author of the article who's clearly a fetal baboon.

I hate Mozilla as much as the next fucking guy but they haven't actually done anything except add FLAC support which is probably a semi-useful feature, at least they aren't removing features for once.

tl;dr fuck you

tee bee aych pham MP3 is pretty shit as far as lossy goes, it's stupidly outdated and the files are way too big for compressed data. also proprietary and owned by IP leeches. opus sounds gucci with tiny filesizes and is freedum approved

mp3 ist fucking stone age that's completelly right
there has been no reason to use it for years but you know how it goes....

wut who thought this had anything to do with removing mp3 support?

>Firefox now has FLAC support and it's killing MP3
Literally the thread title

Opus will replace MP3.
FLAC is not an MP3 replacement.

Why the fuck would I want bloated to shit files that don't sound any better than 320kbps mp3? Fucking placebofags I swear

Why don't they work on making Firefox not a laggy POS?

Came here for this. Keep going user.






Anime was a mistake.


>using a lossless codec for audio streaming over the internet
Only a retard would think this is a good idea

Oh btw, aac has replaced mp3 because better transparency at lower bitrates


More like Homozilla

People who say opus is going to replace mp3 are just as retarded as people who say flac will replace mp3.

AAC has already done what flac and opus fags said they were going to do

Great, can't wait to stream a 200MB file instead of a 5MB file that sounds almost exactly the same. Based Mozilla.

MP4 will finish of MP3



spotify has 320kbps mp3

I love Firefox