What are Gentoo and Arch Linux memes? Like I get that a handful of people probably got it because of the meme and will now defend their decision against all odds, but what are the actual reasons for using these over Ubuntu?
What are Gentoo and Arch Linux memes...
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I don't know, I've installed Arch over Windows close to 3 years ago and it's been just working and I hadn't had any reason to use anything else so I just stick with it.
you could pay $40 for a laptop, install Arch Linux, and it will be lightning fast compared to if you installed Ubuntu (a resource hog & spyware)
>Arch Linux w/o GNOME or any other normie DE
Why do people suspect Ubuntu of having Spyware and Arch of being clean? Not trying to be a dick, just curious. I have my shits to protect, too
Ubuntu does not have spyware.
its a known fact basically at this point.
ubuntu is okay if your new to linux, mint is better, fedora is preferred if you aren't neck deep in it yet.
>just realised kid has down syndrome
wtf I hate myself now
Archfags like the AUR.
Gentoofags like compiling everything.
Amazon Ubotnet(TM) is a bad distro all around, so use a different distro that's friendly to beginners.
Mostly because there are more rapid updates and it's simpler to customize the setup. You could easily just do "power user" shit on debian or whatever but some of us prefer rolling release distros
I like the aur, updated software is also nice.
desu I got memed into it because of the ricing community and then just kept using it, got pretty used to it now. if you can get over it being called a meme so much here it's actually pretty okay and stable, haven't had much problems, not more or less than with other distro's at least.
It's all preference just use whatever fits your needs
I got into Arch because I wanted to learn Linux (pretty much dived in headfirst, I had Mint installed for a few days before wiping it and installing Arch). I stayed because of stuff like the AUR and the whole rolling release thing. Also because it just werkz.
What's so great about AUR?
memes aside is it really a mistake for someone with no experience at all to install Gentoo?
The AUR is a FUCKING HUGE repository of installation scripts created and curated by fellow Archers. It's like Ubuntu's PPA system, but centralized and less of a pain to deal with. When I need a program outside of the official repositories, I find it in the AUR, check the build script for obviously malicious code, and run it. Usually installs with no other input required. Nowhere near the amount of time I would spend reading build documentation on the program's github page figuring out how to get the quirks of its build process to work with the quirks of my system.
If you're smart, motivated, and have another screen on which to RTFM when something goes wrong, it's entirely possible to go s3 Gentoo for a first distro. Most people lack at least one of those, so the Gentoo installation would be given up midway through, leaving them to get ripped off by support to reinstall Windows and hate Open Source too much ever to try it again.
Don't tell people to install Gentoo unless they know it's a joke or you fly think it's a good idea.
Is a week enough time?
Ubuntu just works... I have better shit to do then fuck with my distro all day. I am a normie now and have shit to do.
I know a lot of people in my field (sysadmin) that could run circles around most Sup Forums users on LFS, Gentoo, etc. but they also have important shit to do and use a distro that just works out of the box. You'll notice a lot of paid professionals in the Linux world are like this.
If you know absolutely nothing about Linux then you'll probably need around a week to fully understand what the hell you're doing. Installing Gentoo alone can be done in a day if you're patient, read instructions properly and so on. It's nowhere near as hard as it once was, the documentation is on the whole top notch. You can even just fuck around harmlessly in a virtual machine to your heart's content.
>mint is better than ubuntu
mint is really just outdated ubuntu with shitty repos
Maybe it's Ubuntu that's too bleeding edge.
Also you can probably just add the Ubuntu repos.