Just finished watching whats out of Mr Robot. What other Sup Forums-tier films or series are there out there?
Just finished watching whats out of Mr Robot. What other Sup Forums-tier films or series are there out there?
This and only this. GitS series is also great though.
Densha Otoko. Allegedly based on a real 2ch thread, although in this version all the posters are unrealistically nice.
Lain is about a NEET schizophrenic girl that gets bullied over email.
It isn't about technology.
By the end she is so far gone that she hallucinates a man forming from thin air to rape her.
That's an interpretation, and doesn't affect the fact that it has messages about human communication and the Internet's effect on it.
Its not an interpretation that is what its about.
>Lain is about a NEET schizophrenic girl that gets bullied over email.
>It isn't about technology.
>By the end she is so far gone that she hallucinates a man forming from thin air to rape her.
Are you a retard? How else can anyone stay in the most basic level of interpretation while also not following the story at all?
>watching Mr.Normie
That doesn't mean what you think it means, namefag idiot.
>the story
There was no story, she hallucinated spooky men in black, there was no conspiracy, there was no GOD after her it was her id.
Did you really think an 8 year old girl was sitting in her room with headphones plugged into her mouth doing science? She was tripping balls and going insane.
They make it extremely obvious through the visuals throughout the entire show.
I hear that japanese online comments are usually really polite. I don't know why.
ex machina
[spoiler]Assuming the story is to be taken at face value, she isn't a real 8th grader at all but a construct created and given form by Eiri's internet space magic.[/spoiler]
Tripfag is projecting. More news at eleven.
I'm sure you can read a wiki somewhere that can help you understand the more abstract narrative in an easier way, newfriend. :^)
You are reading into it too much, like people that think Neon Genesis Evangelion has a plot.
She's in school you retarded tripfag. I refuse to read the rest of your post after that.
You've clearly have never seen lain at all.
>reading into it too much
Nigga my statement was the surface level rather than an abstract interpretation like you're saying. Hell, I think the "lain is just bonkers" theory is perfectly valid but if you don't get why it can work at face value as well you probably didn't even watch the show.
>feeding the tripfag
You're right, sometimes temptation to tell a tripnigger to fuck off gets the best of me.
Halt and catch fire
Person of interest
Silicon Valley
(comedy, but IT related)
Who Am I - Kein System ist sicher
patrician Sup Forums comedy right here
I enjoyed it
Dark Matter is pretty okay too
Underground: the Julian Assange story
Zero Days, mostly about Styxnet
Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World
how is S3?
excited for it, since it might be the last, but wanna let them all air before hitting play.
Doing exacly the same!!!! :-P
Person of Interest 10/10 worth watching
this so much
>years ago
>high school
>have friend who suggests i watch NGE to get into anime
look, there is no reason to brag here, but i wasn't into anime & other really nerdy shit in high school years. I never got made fun of or anything as I never gave anyone reason to. having a little self-awareness isn't fucking difficult.
>watch NGE
>literal shitfuck of a plot
>only cool thing was the hand scene in the hospital
>ending doesn't even make fucking sense
this is somehow hailed as the pinnacle of weebshows as an artform? what the actual fuck.
Must see documentaries:
We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks
Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It
Deep Web
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away from Keyboard
Code 2600
amongst others
user please, no bully
r u litrly me??? :-o
Golden boy.
Maybe World on a Wire.
I actually wish to learn the language good enough to lurk futaba for a while. After all that's where it all began.
>somehow hailed as the pinnacle of weebshows as an artform? what the actual fuck.
NGE isn't the pinnacle of the artform, but it changed the industry by having unusually realistic characters. Every boy dreams of fighting in a giant robot, right? But in reality it would suck, and NGE shows that. People complain about Shinji being too beta, but considering the circumstances he handles it about as well as possible.
IT comedy
son, I'm dissapoint
too bad mr ribbit is about tiem traevl and not about hack teh epic gibson!
screenshot, print, and frame this post
1/10 b8 op. Try harder.
So unfunny that it surprised me that some people actually find it enjoyable to watch it
Even if it's shit I'm gonna keep watching for Cameron's braless shitfits
lol, faggs
this shit was garbage
I couldn't sit through that first episode it stressed me out so much and made me feel guilty for procrastinating,
Isn't this the show where they send a blonde to hack the FBI by staying up all night learning a line of code that they could just FUCKING PUT IN A SHELL SCRIPT FOR DOUBLE CLICK?
Or how about when they start "hacking" and it just shows ubuntu updating on the screen, lol.
Actually, they taught her what they were supposed to do if there was some problem.
Just get out.
I cant find an torrent for this, is there one anyone?
apparently it can be watched from US on youtube.com
or you can download from
but I'm not making an account on that
Oh god, they showed a mainframe booting up into PC-DOS.
Thanks, just finished watching it, surprisingly interesting, its like 2/3 Stuxnet 1/3 iranian uranium history. Pretty cool stuff.