Jennifer Gates and Eve Jobs Sup Forums
Jennifer Gates and Eve Jobs Sup Forums
which is which
Eve got her mother's good looks.
i wonder what it's like to be born a billionaire
Probably like beginning a game with a cheat code that gives you everything from the beginning. Probably very boring.
Yet you probably wouldn't complain if it were to have happened to you.
So, still working on your first billion, user?
It's all about the skill.
they'll start putting cocain in their vaginas at some point because they don't know what the fuck they can do to not be bored.
holy cow....
steve jobs was a god
>Steve Jobs
>eve Jobs
Is the one on the left bill gates daughter? How did that happen? Both gates and his wife are nice looking but their daughter got bashed with the ugly stick lol
ok, Sup Forums.
You have to marry one of the two, but it makes you automatically have the family's money. Now here is the twist, you'll have to use only microsoft products or apple products after the wedding till you die. (can't even install linux on the the computers.)
I'll start, I would go for Jennifer.
>bill gates
>nice looking
pick 1 m8
Bill and Melinda are great parents. I think Bill is doing a Jackie Chan and is only giving his children enough so they won't be poor, but not so much that they don't have to work for anything.
How Bill is so based I don't know.
You would probably be wondering the same thing, assuming you're self aware.
I can't even imagine that.
My life got so much stressfree when i was 26 when i learnt that my uncle had left me a 2 bedroom apartment in a good neghbourhood of brooklyn. You have no idea how much more fun my life became just because i can save so much money by not having to pay rent. I even have a flatmate who pays me $700 every month.
children of billionaires must be living such a great life.
Eve for me.
>horse girls
Sufficient money for a decent living is the optimum here
That sounds like horrible parenting. Why wouldn't you give your child everything you have, that's the point of being a parent, raising a successful family. It's pretty much financially cucking your own kid.
Hard to have values stick as a kid when the easy way out is always available.
>>Steve Jobs
>>eve Jobs
Just remove the St , simplify.
You don't have kids, do you?
If you give them everything without having to work for it, they just take you for granted. You're just a source of money to them. They are going to expect everything getting handed to them for the rest of their life, and then they drive your company into the ground because they couldn't be bothered to learn how shit worked when they took over.
Much respect to Bill. He could have taken the easy way out and pampered her 24/7. He actually cared about her and took time to raise her properly instead of letting the Xbox raise her.
>basically cucking his own family and his own genes
jelly poorfag detected
at least eve is hot (if she is the one on the left.) "products" shouldnt disallow linux, but either way, probably eve for me.
shit, meant to say right. left looks like a smashed pumpkin
Not to mention that they could be broke and still have the benefit of having a famous name, which will interest some people enough to offer them some high paying work.
>taking the Saint out of Steve Jobs
filthy heathen
Because if you don't you end up with literal garbage human shit like Paris Hilton.
I'm sure they'll be able to go to whatever school they want and will never go poor or hungry, doesn't mean you shouldn't teach your kid that money has value and you have to fucking work for it.
>Bill and Melinda are great parents. I think Bill is doing a Jackie Chan and is only giving his children enough so they won't be poor, but not so much that they don't have to work for anything.
>How Bill is so based I don't know.
It's nice to know that billionaires are just as cucked as everyone else. Think about it. Giving your fortune to subhuman shitskins instead of your own blood is just like giving away your country to shitskins instead of your own people. A nation is just an extended family after all.
Now if only they wear something that's worth the money.
but...the richest people in the world literally don't work for their money at all and neither did their family going back several generations
Using your own logic I can say that all humans are part of the same family. Why even stop there? All living things are literally blood related if you go back enough. You are distant relatives with every tree and fish and bacteria.
You just arbitrarily cut off the point where it's most convenient for your racism because you're an alt-right retard
Relation is not binary but continuous, and there is no arbitrary cut-off, moron. I'm not advocating for socialism within the nation.
Prefer your family over your friends.
Prefer your friends over the rest of your local community.
Prefer your local community over the rest of the nation.
Prefer your nation over the rest of the species.
So just as you don't want strangers squatting in your house, you don't want foreigners squatting in your country.
too bad neither is very fuckable...
It's pretty fucking obvious which one is the spawn of that cave goblin Billy. Syrian genes are quite nice when mixed with germanic european, I should know because I am that as well.
Eve is beautiful but even Jennifer is above average IRL. Our standards are just skewed because we're used to porn and models and pics shared on social media which pushes the frequency distribution to the higher end.
She's a healthy weight which automatically puts her in the top 1/3. Recall that fully 1/3 of females in the USA are obese and another 1/3 are overweight by at least some amount.
>blah blah blah i think i'm attractive blah blah
okay lol
And they're all human garbage. Big surprise, eh?
I'm surprised you didnt get a backlash of hate from all the bleeding heart fags who frequent this board. One thing about liberal/sjw/insert pansie classification here types is they shut down mentally when provided self evident truths, thus showing the inherent flaw within their world of dreams.
I'm allright looking I guess but men judged on their looks alone are worthless. It was just a passing comment based on my own observations, having lived in one of the immigrant hubs of the nation.
Hopefully you get killed and eaten by one of your "relatives" so you can see how ridiculous you sound right before you die.
Shouda named her Beef
Beef Jobs
> Teaching your kids to work for a living
> shitty parenting
> cuck
Oh I get it, you're a fucking retard.
Bullshit, but even if they were hired they'd be fired as soon as their worthlessness was brought to light.
I feel like I could bag Jennifer Gates if I met her at a club. I feel like I could bag her so easily.
Does every literal fucking thing have to be USB3-based (or at least compliant) these days?
>this is the america's future
no wonder you welcome spics, even they are prettier than you will be in the future
btw happy 911
Syrian European master race
why is flat mate paying you 700$ though
IN the past, you couldnt even find a picture of Bill Gates' daughter on Google. They were all buried.
Bill paid some SEO company to rank high pictures of actress Rachel Leigh Cook on all of the terms related to his daughter. All this SEO work is present till today. But his daughter has grown up now and she's in the public eye so they've stopped SEOing. But Rachel Leigh Cook's pictures are still present when you search for Jennifer Gates or "Bill Gates' daughter"....
even Bill Gates' daugher and wife use iphones.
Need to get to the message in the bottle at light speed user
Bill Gates is a smart man.
>letting somebody live in your apartment for free
sure man. thats what he should do.
Are brojobs not an option?
Richest people in the world don't work as much as a bus driver cause their work has more value cause they know how things work.
To be fair, Bill Gates worked hard. Are his kids billionaires? What do they do?
The Waltons actually run Walmart.
you'd be surprised how much rich kids complain
Those are some nice feet.
redheads are disgusting desu senpaitachi
Yeah but
My personal view is that Bill Gates decided to give all his money to other countries after being raped by the justice department. He thought bundling IE and killing all other browsers was a-ok and that MS's overall contribution to the US was beyond measure.
Before the lawsuit MS did no political contributions. These days google has a key to the white house.
Bro, you serious?
Horse riding girls have the best asses, period.
I'd rather die a virgin than use Microsoft/Apple products for the rest of my life.
But Windows Phone is basically dead, and it's only a matter of time until they stop selling them.
So what happens when that happens? We can't use any smartphones at all?
Didn't he out himself as a faggot recently?
I agree with the other user
I just cannot stand the horse smell
wow so apparently steve had the superior DNA
and they've been wearing those tights long before it became standard whore attire.
nah bill just matured like wine. Look at some younger pics of him hes ugly as fuck
If I had to guess, I'd say it's likely Jennifer Gates is the smarter of the two.
whichever one is apple, no contest
unix-like os > windows
sure I'd be sad not using GNU, but I could get by on mac os
it depends on what type of intelligence you're talking about
>Giving your fortune to subhuman shitskins instead of your own blood
Instead of buying you a gold-plated AR-15, right..
Eve is definitely better at sucking dicks.
Pls suck my dick.
He outed himself twice, actually.
Intellectual intelligence
so you mean like mozart intelligence?
Let's just say yours is far less superior.
Some of us have shit to do, like jobs to work, and can't spend all our time arguing with angry NEET's on Sup Forums.
But please tell us more about how your hatred of other people for arbitrary differences is completely logical.
Jill would have been a better name.
>Jill Gates
>Eve Jobs
Kill Gates
One of those is a bastard child.
>Does every literal fucking thing have to be USB3-based (or at least compliant) these days?
the Gates' kid, because they at least have a search engine.
>captcha: Java Fried Chicken
I want to anally fist both of them at once.
Those two and Patricia should meet up.
Smart man, she could be kidnapped easily and held ransom.
I'd kiss both of them if they instructed me on computers
Both Jewish.
No thanks.
Why don't they do plastic surgeries or genetic modifications? They must be too fucking rich to care. :(
Heard both of them have curry fever, let's go boys!
Meanwhile kidnappers knew that if they took one of Jobs' children, he would rather let them die than pay up.
>Intellectual intelligence