/mhg/ Mobile Homescreen General

No iPhones Allowed Edition.

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In action:

>in action
in action, your wallpaper too is 3D

Uhh, so sad right now.

It's not funny anymore, try different jokes.


Do you need a rooted phone or 3rd party app to get comfy iconsets?

just third party apps and a launcher.

I was waiting an Allhu Akbar image.

Watch out, stockshit coming through.



is this the cell phone desktop thread


Enough of these stupid generals holy shit.
There's too many of these threads in yet you faggots still post here on my board.

delete this

What do you guys think? I just made it.

Who the fuck uses google hangouts?

I hate the clock. Maybe a solid font could make it work, or make it match the icons, idk.

a lot of people.

Fuck man what icon pack, ive been looking for something to complete my vaporwave look

I doubt it.

Rad Pack. The only problem is that the free version doesn't have a ton of icons, so you might have to pay 2 dollars to get the full version. I does come with a few widgets though (ex: clock widget in my screenshot)

I like it
Whats the widget in the top left that displays all of the information about your phone?

It looks cool. What icon pack is that?

Thanks mayne, its worth 2 bucks since I cant find anything else to fit my look at this point

How come?

how did i do

it's growing on me, post it some more until I eventually like it.


Incredibly comfy for some reason


double tap to wake(you see this in the beginning when i lock it), custom lock screen, most of the apps here are AMOLED black themed.

doesn't really save battery, i just like the look.

the apps list is slow because of recording but who gives a shit, at least you can see it.

this isn't an original theme idea, but i did add a bit of my own touch to it. any suggestions? what do you think?

Way too fucking cluttered
Looks really fucking nice

What launcher are you using?

Delete your account and/or system32.

That Japanese is google translate garbage

you lost 2% in 3 minutes, what shit device is this?

>want to rice my phone and make it look gorgeous
>too comfortable with touchjizz and dont want to try something different
life is suffering

stats monitor free

easy circle

I think Im in love

comfy tbqh

just hire a gnu/prostitute instead

Not comfy at all

I get cold looking at it

>that lone page dot

nova, just like EVERYONE else.

oh and the lock screen is snaplock, double tap to wake is always on AMOLED.


not enough clocks/10

apps list is launchywidget. icon packs are compaticons and glyphs by tokem.

KLWP is what I used for the notification badges.

that's all, going to sleep now. (and you can also get black gapps on teamblackout's site.)

it just werks for me, main apps in dock and anything else I want I can just search for in the applications drawer
