What's the pros/cons with Apple and android? Features with each one? Discussion thread
Apple vs Android
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Inb4 no headphone jack
you are now aware people are going to keep their airpods in a belt holster
fuck off with this shit again
a premium product for the discerning consumer
garbage for poor people
pls no
You don't even trying.
I don't have to, anyone with half a brain can see what the superior choice is
Performance, cohesion, premium quality, but a lack of freedom and features. Behind the cutting edge, but won't adapt until the technology is perfected.
Features and freedom. Cutting edge but sometimes at the cost of customers feeling like beta testers. Spotty developer support compared to Apple's incredible ecosystem.
So every Apple fags has only half of brain? Cool.
Also Hardware manufacturers fuck up the OS most of the time.
U rekt that iPhone fag fucking nigger. Only niggers have iPhones.
Exactly. That's why Google needs to just release an in house developed Android phone. Using the same techniques as Apple.
Android is touted as Linux, but it's really more akin to the Windows of the mobile world: meant to run on everything, so it excels on nothing. Requires assloads of hardware to do what iOS does with one gig of RAM and often comes with manufacturer spyware/bloat--just like Windows computers.
Even the excuses are the same ones that Wintards have traditionally used: "just download this closed-source patcher from this forum link and you can fix all of that!"
No thanks.
Sort of interesting video comparing the Nexus 6P and the iPhone 6S Plus.
Its pretty simple
I hate both. I can't even use USB mass storage on Android because of some stupid patents with Microsoft that Google doesn't want to pay. I have to use some shit protocol called MTP, some botnet cloud service or shitty wireless transfers. I preferred old NOKIA OS or BlackBerry 10.
>blindly following random charts and graphs
Though if there's any articles or anything to back this up I'd love to give it a read.
Just google it, its data from american dating websites.
These examples only Apply to the best devices of each side. This means the iPhone 6s/6s plus and the Nexus 5X/6P. Everything else is pointless and shitty.
Apple Pros
>stolen hardware can be made unusable
>app store has quality control
>bretty gud customer support
>easy to find accessories like cases or chargers
>jailbroken iphones are better than anything else
>good update support
Apple Cons
>waiting months for jailbreaks
>no firmware downgrades
>icloud locks are hard to remove from legitimately purchased used devices
>no file explorer, terminal, ricing, etc without jailbreak
>shit dev community if you can even count their little subreddit as such
>can't freely move apps around on home screen
>obvious planned obsolescence is obvious
>very limited hardware
Android Pros
>freedom to sideload apps
>bootloader unlocks for unique and interesting custom firmwares
>downgrade as you please with firmware provided by google
>always rootable
>support for great things like xposed and liveboot to make your device truly yours
>good update support
>best dev community which is xda
>hardware possibilities are endless
>cuter logo
>has a terminal, file explorer, and everything else a linux pc could have
>project fi
Android Cons
>still lags because of google play services, uninstall them and you're golden
>small amount of lag for 3-5 seconds after boot up
>voice control (google now) is still worse than siri (which is also useless)
>quick toggles are still mashed into the notification shade
>ram management is still not what it should be but has improved a little
>from 2010
>from OKCupid
Link if anyone is interested: mashable com/2010/08/10/iphone-sex-okcupid/#s1lXxkWGMmqV
Waiting for jailbreaks and not being able to downgrade aren't cons because no one buying an iPhone for the right reasons will want to do those things.
You're fucked no matter what you choose.
Do you think it changed?
iPhones are status symbol. Status help people have sex.
>for the right reasons
What reasons are those? Why shouldn't people want to jailbreak? Give a real argument, Pajeet.
100% agree
Jailbreak is for plebs, just get an Android already if you want to use your smartphone as a toy.
Good observation but not one iOS update has ever fixed an issue I had.
>download ios8
>some reason can't update or download apps.
>goes on for a month or two.
>search for a solution and some pajeet guy found a solution.
>I try it and it works.
Atleast with android there's always some fix. Apple just cares about buying there next phone.
I think the data is irrelevant myself.
To think that what brand of smartphone you have is going to help you get laid is asinine. Everyone and their fucking grandmothers have iPhones because they're easy as shit to use, which may lead to higher counts of more sexually active users. Did these users have more sex because of their phones? No, probably not.
Also this is coming from an iPhone fag. Don't have any stake in Android shit.
>Jailbreak is for plebs
You're retarded. Almost all modern iOS features were taken from various jailbreak tweaks. To name a few:
>card switcher
>control center
>searching settings
>pull down spotlight
>siri opening apps
>hands on clock app moving
>ios 7+ minimal lockscreen
>notification center and widgets
>app store
>Apple and Android
I assume you meant iPhones vs Android phones you brain dead monkey.
Anyway is the simplest terms Android phones fix all the problems present on iPhones (see pic related). If those problems don't bother you then get an iPhone else get an Android phone.
>Forgetting f.lux
Always a #1 reason to JB before Apple implemented it in standard iOS
You pay for quality
>no mSD slot
Who cares?
>shit res screen
>shit camera
>shit battery life
>shit mobile OS
>no native file browser
Who cares?
>can't use phone as a flash drive
Who cares? It's a phone
>have to use lagtunes to access one
I'll give you that
>can't share files other than photos/videos over wifi
Who cares?
>can't share jack shit over bluetooth
You can live without this "used once a year" feature I am sure
>no back button
Good. Swiping is better
>shit multi-tasking
Who cares? It's a phone, silly
>less apps
Better quality and more current/secure etc.
>encryption is full of backdoors
Android is ok when you're poor and immature using it for: ricing for fun, sharing files like a good criminal and generally acting like a cYboR haCK3r with your redundant file browser and cli on a phone. Once you graduate to grown-up, non-neet status you get a comfy iPhone.
Apple is a company and Android and an Operating system, they cannot be compared you retard.
is an*
you can install apps from the browser on ios
>#1 reason to JB before Apple implemented it in standard iOS
No, f.lux was and is shit. I always jailbroke for iFile, mTerminal, Winterboard, and Springtomize to fix all the things Apple has fucked up for years.
software profiles/shortcuts != apps
>was and is shit
For faggots like me who are still awake at 3 AM in the absolute dark it was bretty good
Just turn the brightness down. I have the same thing on Android built in and I don't use it.
Never got dark enough for me. But it could just be personal preference.
Ignore him, just a butthurt aplelfag. Of course his responses are "le who le care XDDDdd---".
late as always, huh ipanjeet?
As someone who switched from a 6p to a 6s, the biggest difference is fluidity and consistency. Every app is smooth and functional. Dare I say, it just works.
So have you told your parents yet?
So, who paid to have this professionally done, eh? No Sup Forumstard could turn out work like this.
It'll be fast as long as you don't update the iOS.
Why do you get angry at people who prefer a different smartphone os than you do?
No I'm just saying that because the majority of male iPhone users are homosexuals and mostly dudes post on Sup Forums so yeah. Not hating on the gays though, props to not feeling insecure about your sexuality and all.
2/10 here's you're (You)