
Just bought this and wow.....coming from a 768 screen to this thing for 250$ is kind of overpowering. Does anyone else have experience with the difference between 60Hz And 144Hz? And i don't care if you're an edgy robot. Just want person info.

AOC G2770PQU Black 27" 144 Hz

Other urls found in this thread:


the real deal is IPS 144hz 1440p gsync which is what i'm using now.
now i'm waiting for curved 37" minimum 1440p 144hz IPS/VA

yes the difference and experience is great. anyone saying 144hz is a meme is a cuck stuck on their expensive 60hz IPS dell.

144hz is meme.

Yes i agree user.

Im stuck on my cheapo $120 60hz ips LG so take that :^)

4K is better in every way fag.

4k will only be good once it's on at least 120hz. honestly anything below 120 hz shouldn't exist anymore and not be supported

Who the fuck says this?

Me fucking too nigga LG is the tightest

OP here, This is what i was using.

>Falls for the 144Hz meme
>Desperately trying to justify being a penny-less fag
Cuck says what?

I'd love to see your speccy good sir.

Thats what i thought.

I like playing fast-paced shooters (Reflex, TF2, Overwatch, hate CS and never got into UT) and I, along with many other people who also play these games, would definitely say it's worth it, assuming your computer can maintain 120/144 frames per second under heavy load.

That last bit is very important, because if you can only hit 60 frames per second, the extra Hz are worthless. You most likely won't be able to play on max settings in those games at 1080p or above even with an i7 and a GTX 1080, (and most 144Hz monitors are stuck at 60Hz at resolutions less than native), so you have to decide if the smoothness is more important than the pretty graphics.

However, the difference is night and day. You won't turn into a god upon buying one, but shots will be easier to hit. There are plenty of webm's out there that show the difference beween 30 frames per second and 60. The jump from 60 to 120+ is similar.

I don't play much of other types of games (RTS/MOBA) so I can't comment on them, and obviously for any game that's locked at 30/60 fps it isn't worth it.

>Ass blasted after having your fly girl dissed with the truth
>Demand speccy as a last resort to restore honor to penny-less ass
>Waste 5 minutes waiting for the post
>In a fit of rage to save face you act as if no reply prices your point

See you on Monday, I know the corner you like to panhandle at.

I use to cap quake 3 arena at 125ish fps and my old crt was at 120, It was like silky butter strewed upon the grassy knoll.

Nice lappy old chap, Lets see your dick already.

>comfy headphone holder

this the logical conclusion to monitors

I don't really see the point in turbojew resolutions, even 1440p is excessive. 1080p 144hz is the best for gaming, the difference is ENOURMOUS too, like suddenly not being a shitter anymore and being able to take on people you previously looked up to in FPS.

Pretty much this

Not everyone is a gorillianaire.

Is g sync even matters when you are playing at 165hz?

it pretty much doesnt matter above 75fps.

>Doesn't show speccy


Get your shit strait fathead.


Here's a sneak preview

>No sense if chronological order
>Still trying to vindicate self with a speccy screenshot
Screenshots aren't going to get you a refund for your idiotic purchase.

>tfw nvidia gpu
>tfw can't justify gsync premium

What should I do? I'm sitting on a 1060,but will probably sell and go Vega or 1080ti when it comes out.

Will nvidia ever support freesync?

Sorry put the wrong link on this reply Here's the right one

Not in their best interest so no unfortunately.

kekekek, What an edgy faggot.


Frigg off you greasy cheeseburger eating fuck

Fuck off

144hz is great and all but unless you get a constant framerate above 110, you'll have more more pain than pleasure. Not to mention forget playing games locked at 30 or 60 fps, it will destroy your eyes.
I miss generals zero hour.
>but you can use another 60hz monitor
lolno, once you go 144 you can't go back
>60 or 30 fps is not ideal but fine on a 120 and above hz
Holy shit go get your eyes or brain checked asap

i have a 1440p 144hz monitor and honestly the difference between 60fps and 144fps isn't that big. it's noticeable and a nice feature to have, but not game changing.


fuck off randy


No. It is great for when you can't maintain a constant frame rate.

no, feel the meme, confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance! It was money well spent, it was worth it, you didn't fall for a Sup Forums meme.

Damn, this is actually a straight banger.

OP you're too late its 165hz now.

The difference is rather huge in fast paced games if you are adept with a mouse. Using the PG279Q here which is 2560x1440 165 Hz IPS display, G-Sync, super low input lag and response times. Best monitor I've had for games.

How? Is it overclocked? Can any 144hz monitor do it?

no only monitors that enable overclocking.

my screen is 7 years old, and overclocked from 1680x1050 @ 60hz to 2520x1575 @ 72hz
24" can do portrait and landscape, hdmi, vga, dvi, awesome color fidelity and 0 dead pixels.

I think i'll keep it for at least 3 more years

I've been playing online fps games on my Asus VG248QE for a couple of months. I think that I won't be coming back to 60 Hz screens easily.
High refresh rate >>>>>>>>>> high resolution imo

>Neither a multiple of 24 Hz nor of 60 Hz

>poorfag compromises

21:9 > 144hz

Agreed, I use 144hz 1440p IPS freesync. Shit's great.

going from 4k to 1440p makes my eyes bleed

>bought 1060
>forgot i'm poorfag 30hz trash

Cool dude, I wish more people cared about refresh rate back in earlier times so we could get some actual competing technologies, ex

Plazmas (gas discharge) debuted with 360hz and worked up to ~720hz by the late 90s, some Pioneer were even running at 1680hz refresh back in 2008

Unfortunately every retail plazma made were locked to ATSC mode lines because America and copy protections (and eye cant see past 60hz dur dur)

Imagine freesync with whole screen simultaneous phosphor excitation, it would completely blow the pants off the line by line/dot by dot refreshing methods on conventional displays


Unless you're exclusively playing undemanding games like Overwatch and TF2 G-Sync is a godsend.

So why we moving in baby steps from 60 to 72, 120, 144, 165 if the circuitry for these refresh rates was already established decades ago?

It's not if you're trying to play games at FPS rates about 60. Screen tearing is a thing

>assuming your computer can maintain 120/144 frames per second under heavy load.
even if it can't it is worth it, desktop use will be much smoother, no more ghosting and you can read text while scrolling.

wow you are either pretending to be retarded, or you contracted severe autism, hang yourself my good man