Prove me wrong...

Prove me wrong. I just love reading half witted instructions by nerds who clearly failed English class in order to install even the most basic of software. Do Linux dorks actually believe Linux could compete with OSX or Windows?

Other urls found in this thread: adjust mouse scrolling&gfe_rd=cr


Yes, and win.

No desktop Linux user will admit it, but we all know deep down it's just a hobby.

Linux is slow, uncompatible, unstable, garbage that no sane person would run as their main OS.

But as a hobby? Sure, it's fun to fuck around with.

> I'm too stupid to build software from source
> I want muh executables back

hey tim, trying to push your companie a bit huh?

Half of the instructions are unintelligible. Even for somewhat popular software.

I really don't give a shit what you think. If you don't like Linux, then don't use it.

>steak sucks. Prove me wrong. I just love spending hours preparing it . Do steak dorks actually believe steaks could compete with burgers?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I know this is bait, but 2/10 for making me reply

>Windows shilling


Considering there are distributions that just werk and are as simple as windows I'd say they already are a viable alternative to OS X and Windows, especially since they're free and don't have driver issues like windows does. Installing new software is as simple as clicking "install" or just making a copy-paste into the terminal. Unless you actually want to compile everything from source and then install it, which is an identical process on any other OS really.
>Linux is slow, uncompatible unstable, garbage that no sane person would run as their main OS.
Everything here is false.

Nice baits comrades.

Kill yourself

>that just werk
there isnt a single distribution that "just werks" on any machine with hardware outside of "generic base desktop setup". For many basic things like adjusting your mouse scroll sensitivity or changing mouse acceleration - no gui options for that despite many DEs having a "mouse" tab in settings menu. Got a programmable mouse? - better keep that windows partition. Non-generic sound cards - pita. And on and on it goes

>implying you don't need a shitload of different driver cds to do the dame on windows.

Great argument timmy.

> no gui options
>on Sup Forums
>being a gui babbie

>install windows
>install GPU drivers
>install Internet drivers
>every time you plug in a different device it needs some time to install drivers
>if anything shits itself you have to reinstall drivers
>muh drivers

>install Ubuntu/Mint/other-generic-noob-distro
>everything works

And there are gui options. Even if you don't have them on your distro you can download a 3rd party tool for that. Coming from Windows you should already be used on having to use 3rd party software to make things work.

The whole debate relies on misunderstanding what are you using Linux for.

Linux is relatively terrible for your standard home usage: internet browsing, working with office stuff or specialized software, vidya, etc.

Linux is great when you need to create a system for a specific (usually more technical) purpose, like servers etc.

Using something in a way it was not designed to be used might feel like "hacking", but the point of "hacking" is accomplishing something or increasing the effectiveness, not wasting time. Most of the people who use Linux for personal computer needs are either doing it to learn how Linux works, or just because
>muh gui is bad and i don't understand why

79% market share
20% market share
0.1% market share

If you're having problems with Ubuntu it's probably you or your computer. It's even more "just werks" than Windows, and I say that as someone posting from a Windows desktop right now.

>literally plug in a cable and click "dhcp" and it just werks
>windows throws a massive tantrum and demands that i torturously set static ips for every computer in the house

Save me.

>install windows
>plugin a device and windows downloads and installs the drivers automatically

>install generic distro
>nothing works out of the box because all the FOSS drivers bundled together are absolute garbage
>can't install drivers manually unless you're qualified to write your own drivers

Works on my machine™ . Stop using shit hardware.

Most of the "arguments" people use in this thread are just personal experience, so I'll just share mine.

>install ubuntu
>random mouse acceleration
>go to gui settings
>cant change mouse input
>google how to change this
>edit some config files
>random negative mouse acceleration lol
>try a different approach
>the mouse as an input device doesnt have the correct properties which should be there
>make a shitty workaround of a script that changes mouse settings on startup
>every time before you login it reminds you that your mouse settings are fucked, but 'it just werks' when you log in

>install windows
>it has build in 'raw input' option

>Too stupid to follow simple instructions
>Start shitposting

>do the dame

You first

>>Linux is slow, uncompatible unstable, garbage that no sane person would run as their main OS.
>Everything here is false.

It's actually all 100% true, but like I said, Linux neckbeards will never admit it.

this isn't true. retard.

>being this retarded

Hmm those are some interesting made up stats.

Let's take a look at reality.

Windows: 88%
Mac: 5%
Linux: 2%
Other: 5%

Look at these Linux neckbeards in denial.


Yes, though this argument is slowly fading



>my made up stats are better than yours because I made a graph

Made up?

Those are direct stats from here:

Sorry the truth is so painful for Linux users.

>expecting average joe users to extract and compile tarballs from shady 90's style websites

Sure, it's everyone else who is stupid.

Linux is objectively slow, pic related.


That's not Linux tho

Oh but it is:

This. I don't see how people can even think a more lightweight OS is "slow" or at least slower than windows.
Confirmed for being a retarded underage.
>comparing steamOS
>using video games as a speed benchmark

SteamOS is not a synonym for Linux so it is not Linux.

Uhhh "SteamOS is a Debian-based Linux operating system"

"Linux operating system" is a misnomer. Linux has never been an operating system. Linux doesn't do Steam game.


I switched to ubuntu a while back,
because i was playing a lot of minecraft at the time, and I gained about 5 fps.

I'm not disagreeing with your general point but Minecraft is a very particular case.


> adjust mouse scrolling&gfe_rd=cr

Your OS is a complete joke, dude.

Yes, why shouldn't it?

Linux is already dominant in servers, mobile devices, embedded devices, cars, traffic systems, satellites, drones, rocket launchers, submarines and basically if you randomly grab anything in the Universe that could be considered a computer there is a 99% chance that it will be running Linux.

Windows doesn't even support more than 2TB of RAM, topkek

> Something doesn't work
> Google it
> Answer is some forum post
> First three posts are evangelizing other shitty distros because they're more like windoze and more user friendly
> Ok, run this command
> Asked to copy-paste some terminal outputs
> Ok, now what does ______ command say?
> Well, with the 3.4 kernel series some wireless cards were known to not work.
> Try running ______ command and copy pasting again
> Try to compile these drivers from source and see if it fixes your issue =)


>Linux is slow, uncompatible, unstable, garbage that no sane person would run as their main OS.
You're thinking about Windows. Linux is monolithic so it will always be faster by design.

You tried

These 4 proprietary games for Linux are objectively slow.


Ultra shitty normalfaggot games, oh no



>a handful of windows ports don't run as well therefor linux is slow



These propaganda pictures are meant for consumers. People in Sup Forums aren't stupid enough to fall for them.

lincucks btfo


Exactly that one

The first part of that "the real facts" thing is accurate.

This man uses Lunix
He smells bad and is fat like a slummyslug

>OSX or Windows?
linux already dominates mobiles, servers and hpc. New compelling stuffs like elementary os and steam for linux will now open the road to desktop domination.

I've met a grandpa at a camping whose profession is to engrave family sceals in jewels (mostly rings).
>inb4 Sauron

He was running Ubuntu and I asked him a drivers-related question I don't remember. He didn't understand the question. It just werks.

This is ridiculous.

I had to partition my computer so I went to find help on Microsoft's official (subdomain of forums.
>user, the built-in partition system is not very flexible, install Partition Wizard
>>installs Partition Wizard
>>Gets Blue Screen of the Death
>>installs Archlinux
>>discovers the Unix Manual, Gentoo wiki, etc.

>1754 critical security breaches for Microsoft

>Linux: 32
>>Canonical: 32
>>Gentoo: 32

>the games your customers want (e.g. World of Warcraft)

That tech cringe is why I'm saging this thread since my first comment

I don't think you know much about Information Technology.

Linus doesn't even work with the Cloud and SharePoint. It is a joke in professional fields

I don't think IT people know much about computers, nor would they care about.
>Linux doesn't work with the cloud
>The cloud which runs on Linux

If one makes the presumption that the modern IT is all about the internet, then you have to ask yourself
'Does Linux even have a choice in this matter ?'

A modern computing system is not one that is run from the command line - it is a system that is tied in with the internet Cloud. Just have a look at Windows 10 with Cortana and OneDrive for an example of this done right.

You need the outlook to connect in with the mass of email flowing around us every day. And then there is document collaboration - the sharing of Wordfiles and Excels between users across state boundries ! Voice over IP, cloud enabled 'Surface' computing, and voice command interfaces - all tied together with .NET and the OneDrive.

Can you please try, at least try, to make people believe you're staying on-topic?

I don't ask you to praise "the cloud" or Microsoft, thx.

Perfectly usable.

Your hate has made you powerful. Now go and do something useful.

It's obviously a 10 year old windows propaganda. user dumped all of these a while back. It's meant to be a shitpost and not taken seriously.

you win this

kek your country is a complete joke, dude