High tech





broadcast source














to understand recursion you have to understand recursion








i am not a row boat

most useful link ever




This one is why your doing it right? Give and take.






>not posting a 9/11 image

You had ONE job.


Nice, howdya do it?
Hackaday.io page?
Just curious how you'd hook up those things to a computer.


it's like you're stuck in an early 90s music video

You can use an rca to coaxal cable in reverse with a coaxial to antenna adapter and put the tv on channel 3, or use a vcr.

no cables; cccamp2015 radio badge + antenna

This would be my trivial solution, it would have been cool to progress to the point where I would have had access to that type of equipment.

Looks real nice. What's the setup? post some code on those screens