Screenfetch threads are still okay, right?

Screenfetch threads are still okay, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

here it is without the fucky window decorations

Yeah, I guess.


brew tap danwsooriginal/guifetch
brew install guifetch

hello here is my screenfetch

Will fuccs with i3 tomorrow


I only participate in these threads because dirty winfags aren't allowed :^)

Couldn't decide between neofetch and guifetch so I posted both

>this setup
Wish I could be bothered to figure out how to accomplish this.

Which part in particular?

All of my configuration is available publicly at

>nigger music

I might make those icons for you, just been busy with work

guifetch just uses the start-here icon from your icon theme and I haven't really chosen one.

If you're talking about the awesome wm bar then you'd only be making them for yourself. They don't look blurry on my screen unless I zoom in on them

Does through a VM count? Testing out which I like more, Fedora 24 or Manjaro. I'm feeling Manjaro because it has a nice package manager but RPM has uses.

>winfags aren't allowed
try and stop me

I haven't changed anything for years.


>Does through a VM count?
not really

Oh shit. Thanks for the link.

I'd be thrilled if I could even set up Gentoo. Tried to 4 years ago but made no head way.

I'd also be incredibly scared to set it as my main distro on first install.

how did you make the taskbar transparent?

lol you got some plaintext passwords in there mate



Explain yourself.

>current year



Was just trying to cause a stir, idk if there are any

Thanks for wasting 30 seconds of my time


m-my waifu button

is this the new screenfetch thread

nice screen fetch thread op :^)

Ignore as I'm a dumb shit and took the title literally.

>having good music taste
You'll appreciate this yarn I'm about to spin

>wanted to download some music to listen to for an overnight shift at work
>figured I'd just pull a few spotify playlists down
>decide I want to listen to some doom metal
>search for doom
>find one called DooM 2016
>think it's gonna have doom metal from this year
>neat, haven't kept up with much maybe I'll find something cool in it
>don't actually look what is in it
>get to work
>begin to play it after a while
>it's all nu-metal and shit
>mfw I guess it was someone's playlist for the video game doom

haha owned

Thanks, user!
Jesus fuck it looks like a playlist I would have made in middle school.

What kinda shit you into, user?

I'm not good at describing so I'll just list some of my favorite bands

Tolmunud Mesipuu
Dragon Green
中学生棺桶 (Chūgakusei Kanoke)
Anything with John Garcia
S:T Erik

That should give a base feel for what I like best!

Unfortunately only recognized these two but Sleep is fucking kick ass. Would definitely recommend checking out "Seer" by Witch or "Strong Reflection" by Mars Red Sky

Installed this shit yesterday.

p. comfy

Mars Red Sky is dope as fuck
I like Witch as well.

I didn't list all the music I like obviously, but didn't want to be the guy that says, "I listen to everything"

Thanks for the username and IP, kid.

Better fire up your firewalls and prepare your anuses.

Based haasn.

>Loading personal and system profiles took 1645ms

>all these ugly desktops
i hope you all kill yourselves

>posts an even uglier desktop

say that to my face not online and see what happens

Right on. If you feel like taking a gander, my stoner playlist is public

You're no better than DooM 2016 guy
stoner is an actual genre and you mixed all kinds of other stuff in there, very little is stoner!

calm down Fedor

There's a difference between stoner metal and music that I play while stoned. Suppose I should've named it something different in hind sight though I'm the only one who uses it so it never really occured to me.

*between stoner and
Forgot that the stoner subgenre can be outside of the metal genre

It's cool and I understand that names have different meanings for different people

Renamed it to be more fitting ;)

openSUSE A E S T H E T I C S


Fuck off with your circlejerk shit.
Fucking cancer.

>mfw my post isn't mentioned

Theme and DE please?

Hey you missed a couple, faggot.

what is your problem. You wanted pee-a-boos? GTFO degenerate

actual retard
i'm still not here

probably a no WM cancerfemboy

Did you only post the terminal window? Didn't include those posts since I assumed he was just targetting images with full desktop

o shit yeah, can't wait till animeshits start using their waifus as terminal wallpapers

You mean like ?

thanks man I just wanted to puke really badly

is this the new desktop thread



little reminder

you know it can fetch your screen using scrot without you typing out a second command

that was just for show anyways. it's an ssh session and scrot doesn't even work there.
I'm not on arch either.

>it's an ssh session and scrot doesn't even work there.
scrot works fine over ssh, I've used it many times

oh looks like you're right, you need to use the -X switch though, or scrot will complain about a missing x-server.

yes, or you can use it to take a scrot of the remote destap if you just set the DISPLAY variable to :0

Meddy a cute

Install exherbo.

I installed Exherbo when it was first announced out of spite for the developers who didn't want people to install it.

I hated paludis and I hated Exherbo in general but I felt leet

I find Paludis way better than Portage, and the whole system is nice.

Only thing I don't like is the packages don't have an option to disable nls.

My Apple //e dumb terminal setup

>inb4 that one guy gets pissed

Any good distro with cinnamon on installer?

antergos installer is shit

lol why u need those huge icons. try using ur right hand instead of jerking off all day

Go with Manjaro. Fedora 23 has more packages than 24.

It's called aesthetics, retard

literally kys namefag

Guys we better not mess with him, I think he's serious.

>default-looking-ass wallpaper
Yeah sure pal

eat poop and die, dude

lol u forgot to disable accessibility tools mane

What do you mean?

the red goes nice with the laptop, would have done it in another color desu

All of your wallpapers look like ass. If you can't exceed the level of aesthetic of Windows XP you should just kys 4 real.

those big ass icons for retarded kids, i think u can toggle them off


hi there

You know, your desktop looks like barf, but I like it. It's good barf, keep it up.

Those icons are just for cool looks dude, they simulate a dock.

I already moved on to no wallpaper tier

i kinda like this one