Why are steering wheels so expensive?

this one costs more than the minimum wage in my country. why the hell? I remember gaming peripherals cost no more than 50euros now it's a fucking debt contract

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Stop being a poorfag. I can get almost three of these for my pay - and I'm working half-time...

>scandinavianfag here

it's still a shit ton of money either way

Got mine for ~50€. Was pretty good. Ofc if you need more you have to pay a little bit more.

Yes, I agree. But G29/G920 is shit, so I doesn't matter.

When I was living in Poland I've got almost new G27 for ~140 euros, now I'm aiming for T500RS, but it's even more expensive.

I need to practise my drifting skills before buying real driftcar, for now I've been training for 2 years with G27.

I think the high price comes from having to sell to such a small market. I know two people in my life who would get one and only use it once in a blue moon. If there was as big of a market as say 360 controllers you would see the price drop by a fair sum.

there's ones for 100-200

>Stop being a poorfag
>scandinavianfag here

How about him heeding your advice by coming to your country and taking your job? Because one does not simply "stop being a poorfag" while staying in a country where the minimum wage is a couple hundred euros.


it's a risk buying used ones

my smug face when I'll come to work in scandinavia after I finish uni :^)

>How about him heeding your advice by coming to your country and taking your job?

Toilet cleaner, construction worker, dishwasher, trashman - there are endless possibilities.

I'm joking - I'm from Poland and there I was also getting something like 400-500 euros. Now I'm working I'm Denmark and it's a lot better in here.

leave those to rapefugees *:^)

That's why they are there

What are Sup Forums approved wheels

I don't want one unless it's an accurate driving experience and make me good at racing IRL

it's sad that they'll cause a race war though

Yep, but leftists are just asking for it with their "tolerance"

I can't wait to rape all of them

Just get one secondhand

and risk it breaking in a few days

Why would it? Just check the state of the wheel before buying it.

broken motors and shit, people usually fix em up so they work for a little more

That's why you only buy from sellers with a good reputation

>eastern europe
>sellers with good reputation, low prices
wish me good luck

Here in the netherlands we have secondhand websites where sellers and buyers have ratings

You don't need a steering wheel game controller.

I don't actually, I use my phone. But it would be way better to have an actual hshifter and pedals

damn you advanced countries

The Thrustmaster T300 Alcantara edition has the best wheel and pedals in one set.

Its 400€, and its belt driven instead of gears like the logitech one. Belt drive is much smoother, no gear notches and better force feedback. Its an ecosystem, can add other pedals and a gear stick.

Dont buy logitech wheels

thanks for the info, I'd definitely buy it if it wasn't SO GODDAMN EXPENSIVE

The T300 is newer and better, also cheaper. Trust me, I do an autistic amount of research. I havent even bought one

Id buy one with all accessories if it didnt become a dust collector after a week

>mfw i bought a logitech dfgt 2 years ago from ebay for 60$ plus 25$ shipping

>mfw it still works and i abuse that shit all day

>anyone who buys it has never thrust in their life or ever will


holy shit that webm

Thrustmaster pedal sets are awful. I can't stand mine, I think I'll go with a custom made one; Fanatec's are expensive and they tend to break down, that's what happened to the people I know. I have a T500, I don't know how it compares to a T300 but I know the 500 is stronger and that's what I like, I'd like to try a direct drive wheel.

Looks like there is a direct drive Thrustmaster coming out


Fanatec stuff is stepping into the serious hobbyist territory. Replacing sensors and stuff, having your own racing corner.

>implying rapefugess do any actual work or ever plan to

They came to Yurop for gibsmedats, ficki-ficki, and to conquer it for islam. Anyone still believing otherwise is a hopeless fool.

Yea I just bought one for €40, great deal. It may not have a clutch pedal but i'm having fun anyways

>my smug face when I'll come to work in scandinavia after I finish uni :^)
That's funny because im living in Scandinavia and i was thinking about moving to Poland to work for the game companies when i have finished uni. Living expenses are so fucking high here and everyone has a degree

The price is a lot higher than the cost of the materials and assembly, especially with Logitech wheels. I've disassembled most of wheels, I think Logitech uses the cheapest plastic. I wouldn't value them more than 200€ for a new one, it's internals are a lot "easy" and cheap. Fanatec and Thrustmaster use some better plastic but they still are cheap toys. Maybe licenses for compatibility with consoles and Windows make the price go high, too?

Just look for a seller that looks like an avrage dude that is juts trying to get rid of his wheel. They probably wont try to do something like that

>cheap toys.
What controllers would you recommend which are not "cheap toys" as you say?

The best ones are not commercial products. These are the most famous ones: pedals of h-engineering.net/ and wheels of simxperience.com/ . They're not the best, but they are the entry level for professional gear.

well glad to know you're a poorfag too

Maybe I wasn't clear, I don't mean cheap as in low price (it's not) but as in low cost controllers. I don't know if you got your hands on them, but as soon as you open them, you'll be thinking "I can't believe they sell this for 500€".

Sort of, 4000€ doesn't get you that far in Scandinavia while i would probably live like a king in Poland with that money ;^)

>prices range from 700 eur to 26000 euro
no thanks

4k euro fuckin hell mate


Thustmaster is good value for money.

1k GoodBoyPoints for a wheel dude you can buy a fucking car for that

>>prices range from 700 eur to 26000 euro
>no thanks
Yep, good stuff has a high price. But I'm saying that commercial wheels are not good stuff but their price is still high for what they are, even though it's a lot more accessible. I don't mean that everybody should buy a Bodnar wheel, but that 414€ for a Logitech are a lot.

Ive seen the logitech ones for 250€ on occasion. Its an alright price.

Yep, but that should be its base price, not its discounted price.

Buy a used one

>dat room full of pajeets

What accomplishments make you eligible for a desk, like the two in the back?

1. There's several ones that sell new for like 50$. Go to amazon or whatever and sort by price
2. Most people who buy these are Sim-racers, who are pretty dedicated and willing to pay for better quality
3. see

pooing in designated loo instead of anywhere

What part of Africa are you from?

eastern yuropoor checkemland

>this one
Get a cheaper one then or find an alternative. I've been using some chink "ovann" headphones for 6.5 years before they broke. That's 6 and a half years of quality sound for only 10€. I wasn't even careful with it and would drop it on the floor almost daily. Don't overpay for something if you can get a cheaper and near identical product. Manage your economy, that's how you avoid poverty in the first place.

And why isnt the op using geizhals.at and just getting stuff from germany

got steelseries 5hv2, dropped on the ground and smashed countless times for about 4 years now, still works like new :3

because I don't speak german and I don't want a free refugee shipped to me

but that's half the price holy shit

Smug? Why do you assume its a bad thing to "take" his job? Just dont be a cheap fuck, ask for the money your job is worth and not less, and if you take his job it'll be because you're smarter, nothing wrong with that