Is this thing a meme or is it actually worth 40USD

is this thing a meme or is it actually worth 40USD

Everything is a meme & nothing is worth the cost have fun with the rest of ur life

gee thanks

what is that?

might want to tell us what it fucking is m80

A pen drive

rubber ducky usb, it pretends to be a keyboard when plugged in but actually sends shit tons of commands

If you dont know what it is, im not asking you

if you don't already know the answer yourself, you're a fucking idiot. Why would you consider spending $40 on something if you haven't assessed it as suiting your needs?

tlrd: use your fucking brain retard

You're fucking clueless.

It's well worth it IFF you don't want to spend the time to locate a drive and burner ROM which are compatible. I happened to get lucky, the USB 3.0 flash drives from Microcenter can do the same thing once reprogrammed, but they require a bit more effort. Since I had the right drives, it only took me a few hours and messing with finding the burner roms from the Chinese / Taiwan sites.

That being said, if you DIY you have the chance that your drive eventually just burns out. Out of my DIY rubber ducky drives, I've already had one fail after about a month of just pranks with it. If this one is more reliable then that's not too shabby. Especially if this one comes with easy to use programming software. Mine was heavily CLI-based to program because I did it myself.

OP knows what it is, clearly you don't. If you don't know what it is, why would your opinion be desired? Shut the fuck up nigger.

And protip: it's not a flash drive you fucking monkey.

9/11 close enough to accurate.

Theres speculation that these are backdoored.

Also why not just configure one yourself with a teensy and metasploit instead of wasting 40 bucks?

>it's not a flash drive
It's a usb stick

thanks for the advice

i looked at diy'ing it but it seemed like a bigger hassle than its worth, so ill just end up buying one if its useful

Do you call a WiFi dongle a USB stick? Just because it's a stick that has a USB on the end?

Kill yourself, user. Try again next life.

I know full well what it is you mongloid, why would you ask if it's worth the money if you didn't have a use for it, and assessed it's usability compared to cost?
Do your own fucking homework you lazy faggot

That's a wifi pen drive

If you're bored and have an extra flash drive, go full memes and try to DIY. It's not super hard if you've worked a bit with Linux and the CLI. Bonus points if you can navigate a Chinese vendor's website.

>Basically Arduno with microSD

Im pretty sure this is meme of huge proportions.

Listen up you fucking troglodyte. What are you contributing here? The OP asked whether it's worth it to buy a premade chipset made for doing this instead of hacking one together him or her self. It's not known to us whether it's for business or pleasure. But we can assume that if it was for business he/she would just buy the damn thing. This is likely for fun or research, something where OP is trying to figure out whether he/she is getting ripped off compared to doing it himself. Now that OP has been informed of the tradeoff and difficulty of doing one yourself, as well as the lifespan of a DIY device, OP can make an informed decision despite having to wade through waves of niggers like you being a stick in the mud trying to feel elite by putting down somebody who's trying to learn more about computers and firmware.

And remember while you're slitting your wrists:
It's across the street for attention, down the road for results.

Are you new to the internet or just on speed?


You can the same with an Arduino Micro Pro, 8$ in China

>is this thing a meme
According to the fagots here, everything is a meme.

You can do the same with a Chinese Digispark clone for less than 2$

>$1 microcontroller
>worth $40