I was bored so I made a FTP server for you guys.
You can upload any shit you want (no censor!), but you can't remove any file.
This server is going to keep online while I want to.
I was bored so I made a FTP server for you guys
is there cp yet?
refusing connections
mfw this is a honeypot and op only wants our ips so he can hack us
Timed Out
FTP through TOR.
nice try, fbi
Not yet
I'm a noob, how do I upload shit?
U need a FTP client, such as Filezilla
use a ftp client
You can ftp using a file explorer and Internet explorer
Why is it so slow?
You can ftp using the fucking command line (both wincucks and loonix) by using the literal ftp command.
does windows come with ftp by default?
It does, but it's pure shit.
Doesn't have autocomplete or the * wildcard
STFU that's not a server that's a potato
time to upgrade your fucking 56k gramps
How the fuck do I connect without any pageet software?
You can connect for non-file uploading copying and pasting this in your navigator: ftp://publicserver:[email protected]:21
change your fucking color scheme you blind cunt
Closed, thank you all guys
I think I've just about heard every bastardization of 'Pajeet' in existence.
well OP?
What could go wrong
here are some more
Fucking hell how can you even look at that shit?
just in time births of pajeets so that you can enrich your enterprise
>Hosting an open FTP server on your residential connection