/EDC/ Photography edition

Post your EDC and rate each others every day carry.

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't carry my Thinkpad anymore because I started a construction job recently, I don't need it there.

Nice, how useful is the knife?



In this line of work, very very useful. It wasn't a super expensive one, but it's good. I carry it outaide of work always.

>stick of RAM

>doesn't realize it's a keychain

whoops my bad carry on then

He want everybody to know he is such a nerd, hack the world! xDD

i mean i have bunny riven's carrot sword as part of my keychain

but ram is pretty autistic


>being this autistic


These threads are always pure autism

Only drawback is my camera has a quite a loud flash :/

you are a massive faggot.

I always wondered what kind of retard makes these threads, and now I know. Arts students.

kill yourself.

>LED Lenser



I'm not a art student. Kys

Better than the bus riding fags ITT.

Not him btw

Is this the daily autism thread?

yep, that's the autism general thread.


> Being offended


Absolutely disgusting.

not for long.

Good for you user, but that still isn't a proper EDC. I doubt you leave your place without your keys, and while it is possible to cut things and start a fire with a smartphone, you won't be doing that much more than once.

>"You can I'm a hacker becuz I got my RAM on a keychain"

/unemployed/ and walk to uni

sure but... if ingested, it is quite poisonous. i wouldn't keep that near my chicken tendies.

>30 buckaroos for 1 GB data
It's hilarious that americucks unironically think this is a good deal

you brought the yotaphone?
how's it?

I'll include my other stuff in the future but these 2 guys are with me whenever I leave the house.

Most reliable tools I have ever owned.

I'd like to thank the Swiss.

>You can I'm a hacker
what did he mean by this

What exactly does the fact that you walk to your university have to do with you leaving your place without any keys?
> no wallet
Fix it.

>carrying a gun

Microdick detected.

>while it is possible to cut things and start a fire with a smartphone
Why would you want to cut things or start a fire everyday?

Here in Canada, it's $70 for 1gb data. Google, please save us.

or maybe he lives in Oakland where someone will mug you in broad daylight.

opinion discarded

Just give them what they want and they'll go away. Don't have to start a gunfight because you're insecure about your penis.

>you can tell

Here in Denmark I pay 300 DKK (45 USD) for 100GB data, unlimited calls, and unlimited texts.
If I were to step down to the closest plan I can get to what Google Fi has to offer (10GB data, unlimited calls/texts is as close as it gets), I'd be paying the equivalent of 10 USD.

Google won't save you. They'll only jew you slightly less if you barely use any data at all, and likely be even worse if you do use your data.

>gets cucked by every service provider in his country
>n-n-no it's not true... !

>Want to buy leatherman with package opener and bit driver
>It doesn't exist


what I'm saying is that your opinion is of no value to me if you use terms like "americuck" since you're probably a retard anyway with no actual argument

Arts student here

So you genuinely think that 30 dollars for 1 GB of data, and then 10 dollars for every 1 GB you go above this, is a good deal ?
How's Stockholm syndrome treating you, cuck ?

>Just give them what they want
ok, so my phone and wallet? but then how will I be able to post in these EDC threads then?

I swear, any anti-gun posts are only from privileged white males who have never left their basement.

no, I don't

found the gun fag

So you share the opinion that you "discarded," then.
How's hypocrisy working out for you ?



>just give them what they want
>giving niggers trying to rob you anything but a bullet
Litrally a libcuck. I bet you enjoy Jamal and Tyrone taking your wife, too.

whats that game called again

Once you motion for your gun, they have no choice but to kill you if they want to live.

Thats why you never relax around blacks and go training on the shootig range and take self-defence courses.

Ok, but if they don't have a gun? they obviously can't kill you faster than you can shoot a few bullets into them.

having a gun obviously helps self defense - especially if you're a woman. Are you really trying to argue it doesn't?

If you're reaching for your gun, they must clearly have a knife pulled on you.
They can stab you faster than you can pull your gun out, even if they were 10 feet away.

Of course it doesn't guarantee your safety 100% but it brings your chances of surviving a mugging to something like 70% survival from 10%.

>even if they were 10 feet away
I find this extremely hard to believe. Really depends how fat you are. If you were in a wheel chair obviously you wouldn't stand a chance either way.



How often do you get robbed from 21 feet away?

Why not? In my country they have no comissions at all, or account maintenance fees
If you use most of the time the normal display the battery life is mediocre at best, but you can get some days of battery life if you use only the e-ink one, but that is not very practical thing to do. I use it mostly to have allways on dank wallpapers, read notifications at a glance, read ebooks and use it on direct sunlight and when I have low battery.
The concept is very cool but it's not quite there yet.
With that being said I would still buy the yotaphone 3 if they even release it.

that's a nice chinkpad you got there, familia

>Why not? In my country they have no comissions at all, or account maintenance fees

Because it's shitty and has many problems with the app and payment machines.
Also the pin cards are shitty as fuck.

Vostok Amphibia 110 scuba dude with custom bezel and bezel insert and shark mesh bracelet.

Ok, I'll just stand there while you knife me to death.

1. If some is charging at you, run.
2. During this time, maybe try to get your firearm out while running.
3. Shoot.

Can you really say this isn't your best chance for survival if you're not a black belt in Judo?

I agree they don't have many ATMs I can live with that, the rest of the banks where I live are turbo jews, they suck you dry every time they can.

>1. If some is charging at you, run.
I thought you were gonna pull out your gun, mr. hero?

Fact: your chances of survival go DOWN if you make it clear to your attacker that you have a gun, because now they can't leave you alone.
What if they run away and you shoot them?
They have to incapacitate you.

>the rest of the banks where I live are turbo jews
Let me tell you a little secret, but don't tell everybody else about it.


>mr. hero
I think you're making assumptions about my character. If someone is trying to kill me on the street, all I'm concerned about is living.

>They have to incapacitate you
Where are you getting this information? A gun DOES increase your chances of surviving a knifing.

I think you're getting this number from the gun attempted theft, not ones attempted with a knife. Obviously, you shouldn't attempt to draw a gun on someone that is already pointing a gun at you.

orange in bag, red in pockets.
phones are redmi 2 pro and lumia 625.


bueno af

unbreakable is a 20th century buzzword for not breaking when you drop it on the floor because they used to be made of expensive, fragile materials and not plastic

Unbreakable is a 2000 American superhero thriller film written, produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, and stars Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson.

With WIND it's 5GB before throttle for $35.

Bruce Willis has long been bald, so he would have zero use for a comb.

Every single day

Noice I have the same phone user.

I thought KYS was russian

what nokia is that? can you post camera samples from the nokia?

It's the Nokia 530.

The camera it just shit, it has no zoom, no focus, no flash, no anything

damn that's bad

I thought the 530 versions were "Microsoft" did you get the W10 insider preview?

I been using a 928 its got an awesome camera, WP are awesome with their cameras, just wish they had usable software, I've tried every podcast app in the store and none of them work properly, W8.1 though, so I don't know about the W10 store.

I know, but I needed a phone quick after I broke my 820. This was just €80.
I'm using the Note4 for photo's.

>did you get the W10 insider preview?
I'm using 8.1

Yeah, the software is kind of a pain in the ass sometime.

I frequent /lit/, Sup Forums, /k/, and Sup Forums, in that order.

nice gun

what laptop is that?

It's a neat conversation starter you autist.

man ive been looking for a hatsune miku wallet everywhere
wish they sold those online

why do you have two phones?

have you tried ebay "hatsune miku wallet"?

>about 14 percent have made the switch to Windows 10 Mobile, Microsoft’s new, reworked operating system that marries the mobile and desktop experiences. This means that a majority of Windows Phone users are still stuck on version 8.1.
>Taking a look at the numbers, things don’t look great for Microsoft. The overall Windows Phone market is at 0.7 percent worldwide, and Windows 10 Mobile is an even smaller percentage of that.

Holy shit dude, we're fucked, I'm going to get me a Wileyfox Swift.

>can't see whitish part of a logo on the center
obv a mac

Ah, no I hadn't noticed it. Thanks.

just looked
most of those seem really autistic, the art isnt good at all

literally half of them are coin purses (who the fuck needs a coin purse?)

And what part of a "hatsune miku wallet" doesn't seem autistic to you?

One for the plug and one for the hoes.