/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

No useful information allowed, edition.
Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup (horribly outdated and no one wants to update it):
pastebin.com/dD3cqWKc (embed)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd

Other urls found in this thread:


finally a new thread

Do the people uploading to you get upload credit when you /ghostleech/?

they look like cheaters

Where can I learn about how trackers work as in the backend that tracks what is happening?

ocelot, xbt

I was thinking more of information rather than random source code in languages I don't use

then fuck off and just google it

Go on github, they're all open source.

>No useful information allowed, edition.

If I get in WCD from an invite forum will I still be pure?

only if it's official, not users

If it's from an official recruiter, yes.
If a regular user invites you, no.

no, and you may end up losing every account if you are found out

Thanks. They are official so all good.

Enjoy your interviews autists

my my, the edge

Do honeypot trackers exist?

What are some ethical reasons to support piracy?

FLOSS life

It saved Star Wars from George Lucas.

I think that's pretty much it, though. Works of less cultural significance can't really be said to belong to the people. If the owner wants to destroy them, that's their right. Humans create new works every minute of every day, and we get by just fine on it without saving much of it for very long.


That's why we avoid oppaitime, spaghetti just came on the scene out of no where knowing too much and asking too much.
Piracy can be a form of protest where you don't go without anything. At least that's what I told my social justice sponsors who pay for my seedbox.
There's also the question of whether or not you own the media you're pirating, and just want it to be presented in another way, whether it's a movie with a better quality, or a game you own/have owned but don't have a working system for.

i love you

I voted for it instead of shit like Hangover. Be grateful.

What do you mean?

i don't even care for it, just letting /ptg/ know

Is TTG or Mteam more epeen?

probably TTG

>knowing too much and asking too much.
He just likes fixing broken code user

Does Bib lead to AOM?
Do tbz's lead to AOM?

Nothing leads to AoM except performing magic tricks on camera and it won't be of interest to you either unless you're a professional illusionist.

Meant to respond to


How big does your epeen have to be for you to be accepted into TPS? Like, which trackers do I need to be in?

m8 ,
I just wanna know where the pigeons came from

Well ok then you need to either learn cool tricks and show them or find someone you know who can perform cool tricks.

What's the best (most content) private tracker for porn?

If you can't get into TPS, then you cant get into IPT.


Do you need to have anything to offer to the community?


can i get in from pornbay?

What is TPS? What type of website is it?

Is that supposed to mean something? Getting into IPT is pretty easy.

I need to download some (relatively) obscure music. I don't use private trackers, but I could get into it if it's worth it for the sort of music I listen to.

What do?

Examples of artists:
Ed Rush & Optical
Invisible Man
Roni Size (Not mega obscure, but you get the idea)

Thanks lads.

Search for it on rutracker, if it's not there, join WCD.


I'll take a look.

>implying joining wcd and the like was a priority, and not going for something more low hanging first

TPS is a tracker community. You can get into WCD, PTP and so on just by joining the site and gaining reputation. No need to spend money or anything.

rutracker looks great for my needs. I'd always seen the name about but never gave it a go.

Thanks man.

Are you gonna get banned for it?

>paying to pirate
he he

Its a tracker community. You gain useranks by gaining rep, which is extremly hard. However, if you are known on TPS, then you can get into any tracker by just telling them your tps name.

How is this "rep" rewarded?

>more excuses


do you take the EMP memebait /ptg/?

i mean, even a small "curry" tracker like pornbay with only 1 developer is now full https

I'm not on emp but are you seriously fucking saying emp uses http in the year 2016?



i don't know why joining is now a big fucking deal like joining ptp

I heard it's closed and there are no invites, so how would I even get in?


Obviously Asa

i zoomed in for le epic memery

>he thinks he's on a first name basis with the almighty Asa Akira

>he thinks he's being edgy by pretending Japanese customs apply to autists and Sup Forums

ask pic related

or use pornolab

>muh lots of uploads per day

EMP is just the same video in 6 different resolutions

That's not just a Japanese thing, nerd. Do you refer to Tom Cruise as Tom? Do you consider Christian Bale your good buddy Chris?

There are many famous Toms and many famous Chris.


I used to use pornolab but the one time I had it seeding (got some nice leeches), I got a DMCA email to my landlord (lol) and I don't want to risk it ever again since I'm at a new place now. What I want to know is, do you get exposed only when you stay connected in the swarm? If I hit and run immediately after finishing the torrent, is it extremely unlikely to get caught? I did this 99% of the time and never got a DMCA, until that one time I decided to seed.

>drum & bass head
I personally use rutracker's lossless DnB subforum plus daily checks of
where I just stuck the links into JDownloader. Anything else I google the artist and album name plus "lossless flac" or any of the combination.

>hitting and running

What do TPS need to know about you when you apply?

WCD is great for DnB, and it's easy to get ratio if you have a reliable source for new FLAC's.

end game is DB9 but because of the reputation it's mostly just collectors i think. dunno how many people are actually dnb heads on it.

HnR is quite common on porn trackers user

does anyone have advice to get to Elite on PTP? 50 uploads on WCD was easy but seems like much harder work on a movie tracker.

Why would I reveal my secrets to a normie :^)

Upload stuff from AB or KG.

You could also grab stuff from MVGroup.

I have 19 in 2 months and I'm not even trying. I have 6 or 7 more sitting on my hard drive I could up.

Is MVGroup ratioless?

it's an open tracker, man.

I'm not sure I can handle the autism of private trackers.

You go through all of the bullshit to get in which could take years and then you can't download what you want unless you download a ton of pointless shit first.

Then you finally get to the files you want and they aren't seeded anyway or they are available everywhere so it was all a waste of time.

It takes maybe a year tops to get into PTP. Building a ratio is easy as fuck, you just need to dedicate like the first month to building ratio and you'll have 1TB in no time.

Files remain seeded senpai, don't pretend that they aren't. It's only on public trackers that shit isn't seeded.

That's not true though, I find plenty of things that aren't seeded. One time the last guy stopped just hours before I wanted to download and then never came back.

>One time the last guy stopped just hours before I wanted to download and then never came back.
>One time
One time. You're saying private trackers aren't worth it because ONCE a torrent you wanted to download didn't have seeders.

No I'm saying that one time they just stopped but I find plenty of things that aren't seeded and it's annoying because I want the entire collection and I just have one thing missing.

Then just wait for the fucker to come back and message him about it

to add onto that upload something ASAP cos then you can setup autosnatch on GP/FL with autodl-irssi which is ez ratio.

i mean once youre PU but the limiting factor is getting your upload verified not getting upload credit.

How is this relevant to a porn tracker? Does the Justin Trudeau one have videos of him getting cucked?
Also can you take a screenshot of the flat earth one about forests?

You couldn't find it on public trackers then? [smiley with caret nose]
Also, just request that shit. Requests get filled.

I had my server setup to autosnatch tv episodes from rarbg and immediately delete the torrent upon completion. Worked well for 2 years but in the past month I got 5 DMCA letters. None of them seeded for a second.

They were episodes of The Night Of and Steven Universe.

What'd they think was going to happen if they have freeleech on complete collections of most pro/semi-pro productions? It really doesn't matter given how fast porn trackers move.

I'm not surprised about the night of, but I wouldn't have thought steven universe'd get you one.

current EMP admins open that forum to please a few retards

Time for me to beg for an invite to epornium

I've managed to survive in the game by only snatching things I actually enjoy and intend to consume.

Do ADC recruit anywhere? Heard invites were disabled

Normies aren't allowed in this thread

What is the best way to get into a decent movie tracker? Do I just keep seeding on my WCD account and hope someone messages me about recruitment?