Time for a humor/humour thread/threade/teade/dread
Sup Forumsangster humour/humor thread/threade
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Coincidence? Probably.
That was stale copypasta mate, no need to remind us.
Hint: the driver was the monk himself, and that car probably has a front trunk. He took out the gasoline and set himself on fire.
Makes the fact even more ironic about GPU fags.
I'm hungover so not thinking clearly but what's the best solution without using *?
Use for loop up to 'b' and inside it 'a+=a'?
Women only know how to use one.
How would a code resembling this be written in C++?
>c =0
>d =0
>c+ a
>d + 1
>if d = b return c
>else goto marker
int c = b;
for (int i = 0; i < a; ++i)
b += c;
Hey, so.
Sup Forums
only sauce i can provide
>asking sauce of a black monkey
while (d != b)
c + a;
d + 1;
return c;
Are you a homosexual?
No, just generally not into beastiality.
You probably fap to furreshit anyway, you fucking cunt.
Sorry I couldn't get you the source.
>butthurt 10/10
hahah xDDDD u sure got me
>You probably fap to furreshit anyway
At least my furry girls are all white and human :^)
you're not even using that meme correctly
> 2016
> still using image macros
But WHY? Sharing a X16 PCI-E with 4 more slots? Whats the point?
the pci-e is rarely the bottleneck
note, I think this was before all the bitcoin memening, and it was not marketed that you should buy multiple extensions and chain them, just one
Yes, I know, but that's why I'm asking, why expand one slot to 4? 4x4 is 16, even using SLI or CFX would be painful.
That would be one amazing company.
This is actually nice.
Inb4 any sarcasm, it's nice, fuck you
O boi
He's right though, a modern day prophet.
I think the best answer would be recursion
Based Terry
You are a fucking faggot
Depends on the language, some wouldn't handle it well for large numbers.
Do you think he'll return the Falklands to Argentina?
>he never had a white furry girl who liked plugging buttplug tails in her butt and wear cat ears
>implying taste in women has anything to do with Sup Forums's opinions
>multiplying two ints
>the moment you realize Sup Forums doesn't know the oldest trick in the book
for fucks sake
cast a and b to floats and use division:
>referring to people as animals based on the color of their skin apparently has nothing to do with racism
They never belonged to Argentina.
>not calling fat women hambeasts
I'm sure you're free of that guilt also?
Fuck, I love this dude
That is actually clever.
Is this supposed to be the happy merchant? I can't tell.
du hast
du hast misch
du hast
du hast misch
Directly to /r/Sup Forums :--DDDD
I liked it.
Much more than the call me maybe one, anyway