Font rendering autism thread

new freetype2 release edition

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Wait what?

How do I install the latest version?

It's already in the Arch repos. If it isn't in yours, either use rolling release or install from tarball, I guess.

I know, right?

>1366 by 768

What's new on it? Might change my keywords to install it.

>no comparison pictures

Even they know it's shit compared to old method.

>we made it look worse to save processor cycles no one was complaining about in the first place


It's like you didn't even look at the article. It's literally the first image.

I don't see the article.


Well, I see it now.
It looks better.
In the past whenever I used a linux workstation I always turned off hinting completely because it looked like trash.
I guess there is hope now.


Tested all 3 versions (using that environment variable) and it all looked the same (compared screenshots zoomed in, no changes between switching images). I didn't fully reboot, just log-out and log-in (starting X again, I assume).

does it make chinese characters on low PPI screens better?
if not I dont care, im happy with the rendering of latin characters, but if it does I'td actually make reading nip studies easier.


or better

and at my default zoom, because my browser makes everything tiny for some reason

I think font rendering threads should use moonrune wiki pages from now on, since there's so much more of a difference.

>default win7
Should I get FreeType?

>dark theme

still the same rendering

os x mavericks master race?

2.7 with infinality patchset

suprisingly your vanilla 2.7 looks better, what fonts do you use, also any custom configuration?

how do I improve windows font rendering

I never understand these threads.
What's the big deal with that font rendering? They all just seem fine to me, and I never bother with these things.

Install Gentoo

there are different schools of thought w/r/t displaying type, and a lot of people dislike the way Windows does it.

whether this is actually justified or is just a meme caused by people wanting to use anything but what everyone else in the world uses is a mystery.

It's interesting to see the small differences with similar setups.

Not sure. Here's my jap fonts.

Infinality is literally 2.7 with more options.

Is this thread only for font rendering autism, or can it be for computer fonts in general?

>there are different schools of thought
It's all about whether you make the font fit the raster grid (Windows) or use algorithms to make it look like the font is independent of the raster (Apple).
The Windows method gives smooth characters that don't quite correspond to the actual font.
The Apple method gives characters which correspond to the actual font (spacing, kerning, leading) but look a little blurry.

the mods aren't going to kill you for being offtopic if it is.

Does it still make sense to install the infinality-patched versions of cairo, fontconfig and freetype2 and jdk8/jre8?

Maybe I am misunderstanding, but if I removed all these patched packages and installed their originals, including the new freetype2 with the v40 defaults, wouldn't the v40 font rendering _not_ be applied to JDK/JRE for example? I was under the impression that these packages would need to be specifically patched to have good font-rendering.

Basically I am asking, do I switch from the patched infinality packages to the regular ones and use the freetype2 v40 font rendering or not?

All I know is, is that mine works across GTK and Qt.

well, in that case, what do other weebs think about M+ fonts?

never seen 'em.

So, I downgraded to the oldest version of freetype that I have (by downgrading to it and then restarting), to compare the font rendering in gummi. The rendering had been terrible at some point in the past, although I had had other fonts used, so I dunno. I can't tell the difference in the slightest. I think there's another factor at play here. I hope this gif plays right.

>blurry edition

The light weights get a rather different effect

the 2c comes across clearer at my DPI.

Theres a package in the AUR for them, ttf-mplus
If youd like to look at them more.

looks blurry af tb͏h

learn how to zoom to exact size.

4k master race means AA is something that has become somehwat less important albeit still necessary


which one of these are ment to look good? the middle one looks best to me... i dunno much about fontography tho

wheres the first 'N'?

that's the one.



Debian user here, I had to build it from source because the distro team is still testing 2.6.3. I only noticed some changes in MS fonts.

>infinality-patched jdk8
I had to patch that patch because it made swing applications render in grayscale.

There is an application in freetype-demos called ftview that lets you test the rendering of all available hinting engines.

font desingers will laugh at you because your shit rendering preferences.

v35 is the old hinting engine, it renders like win98 and i only recommend it when you're using monochrome rendering.
v38 is the infinality engine and it requires heavy tuning to look good, and it's slow. Looks like Cleartype
v40 is a stripped down version of infinality and it tries to look like v38 but its faster and less configurable.

light weight isn't referring to hinting engines, actually, just those other versions of the font.
that sounds neat though, thanks

Bjork is 50?

fuck me that is painful to read

>no subpixel hinting actually produces better results


I thought I was going crazy when I liked it better when I turned hinting off.

>not posting then link to the page
>not using a webpage with either cyrillic or asian characters
bad form OP


Gentoo is the answer.

Holy cow 2.7 is even worser than 2.6.

this is worse than watching taken 3


Nothing you haven't seen before

That is one sexy browser you've got there

been using 2.6.0 for ages as everything newer makes Wine render no/invisible text

jesus fucking christ, fix your font settings.

it's pretty qute, I know

Best lightweight font rendering?I am on xubuntu