Coke = C
Pepsi = Java
Coke = C
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if you need food & drink analogies to better understand the nuanced differences between programming languages, please stop working with programming languages.
So coke is a deprecated product that only autists use?
fuck off OP
Then Cola Zero must be C#. Same taste as Pepsi.
Wtf I hate java now
Only gayboys and fuccbois drink Cock. I mean Coke.
>correcting yourself in the same text box
you sure are a retarded faggot. i mean "cool".
root beer = ruby
Rust == Kumis
nigger cum =
Both have their place and neither will be going away anytime soon despite being pretty old at this point.
haskell = fat neet neckbeard cum
Clojure = Cummies
COBOL still sees use in banking because code has already been written in COBOL. i don't think any language with code in use will ever die. people are too afraid of messing with what already works (by which i mean *functions*; maybe not optimally, but adequately).
Only gayboys and fuccbois drink the sugar carbonated jew.
C = Steak
Java = Burger
And what is fried chicken then?
That would be Python.
hahaha epic! and i appreciate this because i don't understand programming languages without food to make it more familiar :-)
php = double espresso with sugar
HolyC = Dr Pepper because it's literally god tier
can you say it in terms of something i would eat or drink as an american? preferably a carbonated beverage
So, both are cancerous?
C is pretty much outdated these days but ppl still drink a lot of coke. Terrible analogy
According to Stallman, Java is a viable improvement to C.
Pepsi is neither a viable alternative, nor an improvement to anything, let alone God tier Coke.
This thread is the prime reason that I come to Sup Forums. Where else will you see someone comparing programming languages to pop?
Yes, javascript is the only non-cancerous programing language.
What's crystal pepsi, then?
It fixes all of pepsi's problems.
C is still widely used
less and less every day
WTF I hate pepsi now
Dr. Pepper is better than both
>programs and programming languages will become so bloated that you need ridiculously spec'd machines to run software
>as a result, programmers will have to come crawling back to lower level languages and learn to optimize their code
I'm looking forward to the absolute end of scalable CPU performance. It already happened in 2005, but lets see just how far the multicore meme goes before people realize what a joke it is.
You must be agnostic.
They taste almost the same.
Aside from syntax, C is almost nothing like Java in any way.
Show me one OS that can be built from the ground up without using C.
>referring to a Sup Forums post as a "text box"
>Show me one OS that can be built from the ground up without using C.
The guy writing the comment was writing it in a text box. He was correcting himself in the text box. Are you retarded or is this some sort of deliberately "ironic" joke?
In my country, Coke changed the formula a year ago, and since then, Pepsi is the only viable solution.
this is pretty damn good to be honest
i'm a waterfag but damn
they're both shit, therefore they're the same
Coke = AMD
Pepsi = Intel
duh, just look at the colors
Fuck off you stupid sugar filled American. Go die of diabetes. Nobody likes your shitty fucking sugar water.
c = water
java = coffee
Lua = Ice cream
johann sebastian bach = c compiler
wolfgang amadeus mozart = c++
ludwig van beethoven = objective-c
franz liszt = python
> inb4 franz lisp
michael jackson = java
elvis presley = ruby
justin bieber = C#
>when someone post reddit memes
thing i like = language i like
thing i dislike = language i dislike
Chopin = haskell