Hey Sup Forums, I'm feeling like coding something

Hey Sup Forums, I'm feeling like coding something.

Trips decide what I do.

Pic unrelated.

a dildo

Calculator, reddit bot

Must be a software project, shitlord.

Could you code for me a fully custom Sup Forums?

Yeah sure.

Code us an opensource alternative to Wordfast and Trados, OP. It's something I've been missing for a while.

Add networking support for TempleOS and create a basic text browser.

Can this meme please die? There are so many hobbyist OSes out there much more interesting than TempleOS.

But Linux is already a Sup Forums meme, user.

Meme creator bot that analyses Sup Forums to create posts with enormous meme potential.

Roll from this.

dubs confirms

code me a program that hacks reddit accounts

>dat pic

Are you the guy that chokes women during sex to check if they have adam's apples, OP?

>during sex
Kinda late for that don't you think?

ultra realistic 3d dildo with floppy physics

Ill roll for this


>adam's apples
pick one

An Emojicode interpreter written in lolcode

Or in the other side

Well fuck it cancer roll

A web browser.

Make a Caesar cipher using ASCII table


What's his name /gentoomen/?

AI waifu