

What the hell were they thinking?

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Fucking gross. I bet he just washes it off and continues to brush.

typical poor people, holding back the entire industry because muh old tech still works even though the new thing is objectively better

- they look like wired earbuds sans the wires
- it probably wasn't feasible to get all the electronics in the main body.
- making them bulge out would have looked retarded

it's not like you need to be a fucking psychic here, OP. you just need to stop being such a fucking retard.

But tampons aren't wireless, and if they were, I don't think it would improve on the functionality? Oh well, what do I know.

Shiiiet...cheaper than earin's. Plus I like how they aren't the typical ear dildo style. 8/10 would consider purchasing.

>typical ear dildo style
if this is a reference to something, you're assuming we know too much about your life.

It's not at all, newfag.




>multiple adapters required just to listen to music and charge your phone at the same time

Oh, you're probably going to say you only use wireless headphones. It's too bad bluetooth uses lossy compression on audio. How's that better exactly?

show me a test where you can tell the difference
oh wait: you can't

>high quality AAC audio

I had a Samsung flip phone a decade ago with no headphone jack. People hated it then and people still hate this shit now.

>spending all those cycles just to get a tripcode that shows how retarded you are
The fuck is wrong with you






>samsung even more expensive than memepods

Well, at least they don't look like a streak of cum leaking out of your ear.

yeah, bulging out. do you not see that the one on the left extends a bit past the ridge?

maybe i need to change my wording for your particular needs. apple didn't want it to bulge out. they would have thought it would look retarded.

how can this be such a conundrum for you? are there not myriad adequate explanations for you to just shrug and ignore it?

Apple is the industry leader, they're always jump-starting areas of tech. Before you all autistically sperg, I say jump-start, popularize and refine. Nobody cares who made what if the bastard couldn't even implement it properly, that's even more shame on the creator. Nobody credits the Chinese with firearms because they were too busy pissing around making pretty displays.

>Optical media death
>WiFi improvement
>Fully solid-state laptops
>High DPI displays
>Fingerprint sensors
>Force sensing
>Aggressive wireless technology improvement (dropping 3.5mm)

Nobody cares who made what if the bastard couldn't even implement it properly, that's even more shame on the creator. Nobody credits the Chinese for firearms because they were too busy pissing around making pretty displays.

All of you clueless fucks have Apple to thank for everything you enjoy. Remember to thank Apple when in 2 years you're listening to wireless audio quality totally indiscernible from wired analogue with 24 hours battery life on headphones.

A tripcode is not a fucking thing you carry around like some sort of autistic badge, next thing you know you'll be buying Sup Forums gold and have an animu collection a terabyte large.

>I don't think it would improve on the functionality?
Irony at its finest

They have a heartrate monitor and I think the other thing to check your motion and so you can take runs without a phone, and 4gb of memory for music. Haven't checked what the apple ones have, think they both have touch controls.

what's your diagnosis, bro?

this is true, but nobody else on Sup Forums is going to accept it because it would mean acknowledging that apple is one of the primary reasons that smartphones don't suck dicks today. android existed before iOS did, but it was horse shit and so was every other mobile OS platform. PMPs were awful as well until the iPod established some norms.

if nothing else, even a zealot should try and appreciate that the competition apple puts on device manufacturers spurred them into being less dog shit.

/r/ing the photoshopped crackpipe image

the samsung ones probably have better specs.
the apple ones probably have better usability (e.g. transitioning from one device to another)

>don't suck dicks today

Spoken like a true iToddler.

I actually have 2.5tb of anime
don't tell me you're too poor for storage

hahah omg epic lulz such burn!

Not even bait, but that objectively stopped being true when Jobs died.

Still not too sure the phone as a workstation thing was a good idea as a concept to begin with.

>HD Streaming
Don't tell me you are too poor for high bandwidth, are you user?

>has no argument
>can only spew memes

Damage controlled like a true iToddler.

you're absolutely right. maybe jobs was actually this visionary or something, but apple has clearly had no direction since jobs died.

i tend to subscribe to the theory that jobs wasn't a visionary, but that he was an incomprehensibly difficult boss whose threshold for doing difficult tasks was relatively low. so he would use something like a PMP and throw a fucking fit if there were more than 5 buttons on the device because that was obnoxious to him. that doesn't make him a genius or anything (maybe - MAYBE - a savant in the rainman sense), but it did have the effect of apple making better products.

now it's just a mess. they're clearly taking more cues from competitors, when for a long time they were just doing whatever the fuck they wanted and forcing competitors to play defensively. that's not happening anymore.

>Streaming anime

Tablets weaker than current get flagshit phones can literally run Crysis now. They're literally capable of completely replacing office workstations in 99% of businesses.

Jobs was literally an autistic manchild that threw a tantrum any time something was too difficult for his tiny rat brain to comprehend. Literally the only reason for his success is his extremely good luck to be surrounded completely by betamale cucks who cowered at the first sign of confrontation.


Iphone 8 is gonna reintroduce thevaudio jack and watch the sales double

All a ploy so they can trademark classic headphone jack

It would be neat if they beeped after 8 hours or whenever saturated to let you know they need changed. Just standing in line at the post office and BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. "Sorry everyone, pussy's full!"

the question isn't computing power - we put people on the moon with weaker computers than were in your high school calculator - but about finding the right interface design and whatnot.

case in point: touchscreen keyboards are awful to use. it's not about inadequate CPU or RAM resources; it's about being painful for humans to use. we like tactile feedback.

software interface design is exactly the same way (in that you need to think about this stuff and not just be flashy). and that goes all the way from the specific software you're talking about (e.g. evernote) all the way down to the OS. tablet operating systems make any amount of multitasking relatively arduous compared to desktop multitasking. it's understandable given the various constraints (some technical, some not), but the fact remains that it's just a pain.

i know i can do split screen, but if i'm going to be working with spreadsheets and a text editor at the same time, i would *much* prefer to move my work over to a laptop or desktop.

>buying an expensive and useless phone as a fashion accessory
>cracking a custom tripcode
Haha don't reply to me anymore :)

once all nu-males have earrings, the homosexual agenda will be furthered

So having an earbud extend out past the ridge looks retarded but having a big goofy rod dangling down either side of your head is hip?

the core of your argument is basically what i said, except you needed to pepper in a few more childish insults. i guess if that's what you needed, fine. but the point was that his "tiny rat brain" was a good usability test for apple's designers. if he didn't approve of it, they had to go back to the drawing board. and he didn't seem to relent and say "okay, maybe other people will get it, even if i don't".

there's a semi-joking but semi-serious usability guideline that you should assume your user is always drunk. if your drunken user can't use what's in front of them, then you need to make it clearer where various functions are, what functions are available to the user, etc...

i don't know what your rationale was for linking to survivorship bias. your post didn't back that idea up in any meaningful way. maybe you meant to explain it. i don't know. usually people who suddenly link to a wikipedia page on biases are just lazily trying to gesture to some idea they can't be bothered to articulate themselves.

>quads of Stan

Are you the devil himself?

i'm saying apple feels that way.

i'm asking you why you don't get this distinction between me stating what i think vs me inferring what apple likely thinks.

MS and Canonical already solved this problem.

As I recall it's nowhere near fully functional windows so it's not particularly useful, more gimmicky.

Yeah I think he is. I know I am a little bit.

>a tripcode is not a fucking thing you carry around like some sort of autistic badge
but that's exactly what it fucking is, you dumbass.

That's a problem of arm vs x86 and not the concept. Thus

The problem isn't the airpods as similar products have been made before, the (small) problem is the removal of the audio jack for no good reason. But again it's not like they are the first to do it.

that keyboard was absolute garbage

I'd like to see any pair of wireless headphones come close to scratching my DT990's in terms of quality

well that's a toothbrush head my brothowski. Not an earphone.

zealots honestly can't tell the difference.

Doesn't it have mics on it for Siri. If so it's not as bad as it seems.

i thought it was an older apple earbud before clicking on the thumbnail

I hate to be the voice of reason but can't we all wait till the reviews are out and keep an open mind?

They were thinking: motherfuckers gonna lose these like niggers lose jobs. We'll make a fortune.

>entire site is white
>this black hands
Fuck off.

I can hear Sup Forums laughing at you

Apple never said Bluetooth, which has known flaws. Everything about their presentation makes it sound like they have their own proprietary solution that fixes what Bt doesn't. It is clearly consumer unfriendly. The real questions are:
1) Will hardware manufacturers play to Apple's tune?
Right now, the only pods sporting Apple W1 is Apple AirPods.
2) Will consumers pay up?
We can safely assume that whoever here won't jump in until they no longer have a choice or it really is significantly better than traditional wired.

Samsung Gear IconX rip offs

The vision meme is repeated Ad nauseam but the truth is Apple has a vision and keeps pushing forward with it.

For all the complaints I've yet to see any real suggestions as to what vision and progress apple should be making that isn't filling a spec sheet and selling it at a minuscule profit.

>Apple never said Bluetooth
checking websites sure is hard.

>this black hands

literally no one cares what those hipsters think lmao

consumer unfriendly how? continuing to work seamlessly and have features exclusive to Apple's ecosystem?

reminds of me of the cum hanging from the ear in something about mary

>tfw I've never used the 3.5mm jack on my cell phone or tablet


>what if the bastard couldn't even implement it properly,

That is often Apple.

The more important point is that they are the industry leader and they continue to push it at all costs without losing their foothold. That's why their choices gain adoption, rather than any intrinsic quality reason.


That's a pretty impressive trip for a mac user.

pretty impressive digits too

I have seen bt tampons on social fund, normal tampon outside for blood with bt module inside, it checks temperature, humidity and other shit and all this data is available on your phone app or you can send it directly into cloud

>lol xDDD poorfag not having an iphone xDDD
This is why I dont take Iphone fags seriously.

I don't care what some poor Android user thinks of me, thanks

>tripfag even talking to anons

>objectively better

I've been thinking of just filtering anonymous posters lately, not like anything good comes from them
>I'm retarded: the post

Why do they only make them for whites?

Clearly racially demeaning advertising, they didn't even care to make them in colors to match POC's skin tone. It's fucking 2016 already.

>56558948 (You)

who the FUCK do you think you're talking to?
I INVENTED that meme

I need you to do something for me. I need you to find the nearest scrabble set, get all of the pieces with letters on them, and eat them all. Then, find the strongest laxatives that you can and ingest them. Then, when you've shat out a bunch of scrabble letters, inbox me what they say. Because that will probably make more sense than whatever the fuck you just said, you illiterate son of a bitch.

#56559058 (You)

kill yourself

They want to turn their customers into full fledged crossdressers. They're 75% there already and these earrin- I mean AirPods will be just the push they need

@56559058 (You)

What is that man doing with his toothbrush in his ear?

They were thinking about their die hard fan base.

Jesus it makes me cringe every time Apple calls their product "magical".
How fucking retarded are they? How retarded do they think their consumer base is?

Nice quads, but filtered.